2 And it came to pass, while king Ahasuerus sat on his throne which is in Shushan the throne city,

3 And in the third year of his reign he made a feast for all his princes, and for those who were with him, for the chief captains of the army of Persia and of Media, and for the governors of his provinces,

4 showing the great riches of his kingdom, and the excellent splendor of his majesty, for many days, a hundred and eighty days.

5 And at the end of these days the king made a feast seven days for his people, which were in the throne city of Shushan, from great to small, in the garden court of the king's house.

6 White, paper, and jahont-colored woollen cloths, fastened with linen and purple cords, hung on silver rings and marble pillars.

7 And the couches of gold and silver were on the platform, which was covered with green stones, and marble, and mother-of-pearl, and black stones.

8 And the drinks were served in vessels of gold, and vessels of divers, at the price of thirty thousand talents; and the king's wine was plentiful, according to the king's wealth. Drinking was carried out in order, no one forced it, because the king gave such an order to all the stewards in his house, that they should do according to the will of each.

9 And Vashti the queen also made a feast for the women in the royal house of king Ahasuerus.

10 And on the seventh day, when the king's heart was rejoiced with wine, he said to Mehuman, and to Biztha, and to Harbon, and to Bigtha, and to Abagtha, and to Zephar and Carcass, the seven eunuchs who ministered before king Ahasuerus,

11 that they should bring Vashti the queen before the king, wearing a royal crown, that they might shew the nations and princes her beauty; Because she was very beautiful.

12 But Vashti the queen would not come, according to the king's command, which had been announced by the eunuchs.

13 And the king was very angry, and his wrath was kindled in him: and the king said to the wise men who knew the old times, for the king's deeds were done before all those who knew the law and the right,

14 And those who were close to him at that time were: Karshenah, Shephar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, Memuhan, the seven princes of Persia and Medes, who could see the king's face, and were the first in the kingdom:

15 What shall the law be done to Vashti the queen, because she did not do according to the word of king Ahasuerus, which was made known by the eunuchs?