12 возьмите и другое серебро в руки ваши; а серебро, обратно положенное в отверстие мешков ваших, возвратите руками вашими: может быть, это недосмотр;

13 и брата вашего возьмите и, встав, пойдите опять к человеку тому;

14 Бог же Всемогущий да даст вам найти милость у человека того, чтобы он отпустил вам и другого брата вашего и Вениамина, а мне если уже быть бездетным, то пусть буду бездетным.

15 И взяли те люди дары эти, и серебра вдвое взяли в руки свои, и Вениамина, и встали, пошли в Египет и предстали пред лице Иосифа.

16 Иосиф, увидев между ними Вениамина [брата своего, сына матери своей], сказал начальнику дома своего: введи сих людей в дом и заколи что-нибудь из скота, и приготовь, потому что со мною будут есть эти люди в полдень.

17 И сделал человек тот, как сказал Иосиф, и ввел человек тот людей сих в дом Иосифов.

18 И испугались люди эти, что ввели их в дом Иосифов, и сказали: это за серебро, возвращенное прежде в мешки наши, ввели нас, чтобы придраться к нам и напасть на нас, и взять нас в рабство, и ослов наших.

19 And they came to the ruler of Joseph's house, and spoke to him at the door of the house,

20 And they said, 'Hear, our lord, we have come before to buy food,

21 And it came to pass, that when we came to our lodging for the night, and opened our sacks, behold, the money of every one in the opening of his bag, our silver according to his weight, and we bring him back with our hands.

22 but for the purchase of food we have brought other money in our hands, we do not know who put our money in our sacks.

23 He said, "Be calm, do not be afraid; Your God and the God of your father have given you treasure in your sacks; Your silver has reached me. And he brought Simeon to them.

24 And the man brought these people into the house of Joseph, and gave them water, and they washed their feet; and he gave food to their asses.

25 And they prepared the gifts for the coming of Joseph at noon, for they had heard that there they would eat bread.

26 And Joseph came home; And they brought to him into the house the gifts that were in their hands, and bowed down to him to the ground.

27 He asked them about his health, and said, 'Is your father, the old man of whom you spoke, well?' Is he still alive?

28 And they said, 'Thy servant is well, O our father; still alive. [He said, Blessed is this man from God.] And they bowed down and bowed down.

29 And [Joseph] lifted up his eyes, and saw Benjamin his brother, his mother's son, and said, 'Is this your younger brother, of whom you have told me?' And he said, May the mercy of God be with you, my son!

30 And Joseph departed in haste, because his love for his brother was boiling, and he was about to weep, and he went into the inner chamber and wept there.

31 And when he had washed his face, he went out, and was braced, and said, 'Serve me the food.'

32 And they gave it to him separately, and to them separately, and to the Egyptians who dined with him, especially, for the Egyptians cannot eat with the Hebrews, because it is an abomination to the Egyptians.