3 incline thy ear unto me, hasten to deliver me. Be thou my stronghold of stone, a house of refuge, to save me;

4 For thou art my mountain of stone, and my hedge; For Thy name's sake, lead me and govern me.

5 Bring me out of the snare which they have secretly set for me, for you are my strength.

6 Into thy hand I commend my spirit; Thou hast delivered me, O Lord, God of truth.

7 I hate those who worship vain idols, but in the Lord I trust.

8 I will rejoice and be glad in thy mercy, because thou hast looked upon my affliction, and hast known the sorrow of my soul

9 and delivered me not into the hands of the enemy; He set my feet in a wide place.

10 Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am cramped; My eye is dried up with sorrow, my soul, and my womb.

11 My life is exhausted in sorrow, and my years in groaning; My strength is faint because of my sins, and my bones are withered.

12 From all my enemies I have become a reproach even to my neighbours, and a terror to my acquaintances; Those who see me in the street flee from me.

13 I am forgotten in hearts as dead; I am like a broken vessel,

14 For I hear the evil of many; everywhere there is terror, when they conspire against me, plotting to pluck out my soul.

15 But I trust in thee, O Lord; I say: You are my God.

16 In thy hand are my days; deliver me out of the hand of my enemies, and out of my persecutors.

17 Show Thy bright face to Thy servant; save me by Thy mercy.

18 Lord! let me not be ashamed that I call upon Thee; but let the wicked be ashamed, let them be silent in hell.

19 Let the lying lips be dumb, who speak evil against the righteous with pride and contempt.

20 How many good things hast thou had, which thou hast reserved for them that fear thee, and which thou hast prepared for them that trust in thee before the children of men!

21 Thou hist them under the veil of thy face from the rebellions of men, thou hast hidden them under the shadow from the strife of tongues.

22 Blessed be the Lord, that He hath shown me His wondrous mercy in the fortified city.

23 In my confusion I thought, I am cast out of thy sight; but Thou hast heard the voice of my prayer when I have cried unto Thee.