10 I eat ashes as bread, and I dissolve my drink with tears,

11 because of thy wrath and thy indignation, for thou hast lifted me up, and hast cast me down.

12 My days are like a departing shadow, and I am withered like grass.

13 But thou, O Lord, abide for ever, and thy remembrance endureth to generations and generations.

14 Thou shalt arise, thou shalt have compassion on Zion, for the time is ripe for her to have mercy on her, for the time has come;

15 For thy servants have loved his stones, and they have pity on his dust.

16 And the nations shall fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth shall fear thy glory.

17 For the LORD shall build up Zion, and shall appear in his glory;

18 He will look upon the prayer of the helpless, and will not despise their supplication.

19 And these things shall be written for the generation to come, and the generation to come shall praise the Lord,

20 for he hath come down from his holy height, and the LORD hath looked down upon the earth from heaven,

21 to hear the groan of the prisoners, to loose the sons of death,

22 that they may proclaim in Zion the name of the Lord, and his praise in Jerusalem,

23 when the nations shall be gathered together, and the kingdoms, to serve the Lord.

24 He hath worn out my strength in the way, hath shortened my days.

E-25 I said, "My God! Do not rapture me in the half of my days. Thy years in the birth of childbirth.

26 In the beginning Thou didst founded the earth, and the heavens are the work of Thy hands;

27 they shall perish, but Thou shalt remain; and they shall all be worn out like a garment, and as a garment Thou shalt change them, and they shall be changed;

28 but thou art the same, and thy years shall not end.

29 The sons of thy servants shall live, and their seed shall be established before thee.

Psalm 102