3 да хвалят имя Его с ликами, на тимпане и гуслях да поют Ему,
4 ибо благоволит Господь к народу Своему, прославляет смиренных спасением.
5 Да торжествуют святые во славе, да радуются на ложах своих.
6 Да будут славословия Богу в устах их, и меч обоюдоострый в руке их,
7 для того, чтобы совершать мщение над народами, наказание над племенами,
8 заключать царей их в узы и вельмож их в оковы железные,
9 производить над ними суд писанный. Честь сия — всем святым Его. Аллилуия.
Псалом 150
1 Хвалите Бога во святыне Его, хвалите Его на тверди силы Его.
2 Хвалите Его по могуществу Его, хвалите Его по множеству величия Его.
3 Хвалите Его со звуком трубным, хвалите Его на псалтири и гуслях.
4 Хвалите Его с тимпаном и ликами, хвалите Его на струнах и органе.
5 Хвалите Его на звучных кимвалах, хвалите Его на кимвалах громогласных.
6 Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Alleluia.
[David's Psalm on Single Martial Arts with Goliath
1 I was the least among my brethren, and the youngest of my father's house; I have tended my father's sheep.
2 My hands made an organ, my fingers tuned the psalter.
3 And who would declare to my Lord? "The Lord Himself, Himself heard me.
4 And he sent his messenger, and took me from my father's sheep, and anointed me with the oil of his anointing.
5 My brethren are beautiful and great, but the Lord did not deign to choose from among them.
6 I went out to meet a stranger, and he cursed me with his idols.
7 But I snatched the sword from him, and beheaded him, and delivered the children of Israel from reproach.]
The Book of Proverbs
Chapter 1
1 Proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel,
2 to know wisdom and instruction, to understand the utterances of understanding;
3 to learn the rules of prudence, justice, judgment and righteousness;
4 to give wisdom to the simple, knowledge and prudence to the youth;
5 The wise shall hear, and shall increase knowledge, and the prudent shall find wise counsel;
6 To understand the parable, and the intricate speech, the words of the wise men, and their riddles.
7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; [good understanding in all who are led by it; and reverence for God is the beginning of understanding;] fools only despise wisdom and instruction.
8 Hearken, my son, to the instruction of thy father, and do not reject the covenant of thy mother,
9 for it is a beautiful crown for thy head, and an ornament for thy neck.