17 In the eyes of all the birds a snare is set in vain,

18 And they lay in wait for their blood, and lie in wait for their souls.

19 Such are the ways of everyone who covets the goods of others: they take away the life of him who possesses them.

20 Wisdom cries out in the streets, lifts up her voice in the squares,

21 In the chief places of assembly he preacheth, at the entrances of the city gates he speaketh his speech:

22 "How long, you ignorant, will you love ignorance? How long will the violent delight in rioting? How long will fools hate knowledge?

23 Turn to my chastisement: behold, I will pour out my spirit upon you, I will declare my words to you.

24 I called, and ye did not obey; She stretched out my hand, and there was no one to hear;

25 And ye have rejected all my counsels, and have received not my reproofs.

26 Therefore I also will laugh at your destruction; I will rejoice when terror comes upon you;

27 When terror comes upon you like a storm, and calamity comes upon you like a whirlwind; when sorrow and distress come upon you.

28 Then they will call me, and I will not hear; In the morning they will seek me, and they will not find me.

29 Because they hated knowledge, and chose not the fear of the Lord,

30 They have not received my counsel, they have despised all my reproofs.

31 Therefore they shall eat of the fruit of their ways, and be satisfied with their thoughts.

32 For the obstinacy of the ignorant shall kill them, and the carelessness of fools shall destroy them,

33 but he who hears me will live in safety and peace, fearing no evil."

Chapter 2

1 My son! If thou wilt receive my words, and keep my commandments to thee,

2 so that thou shalt make thy ear attentive to wisdom, and incline thy heart to meditation;

3 if thou shalt call upon knowledge, and call upon understanding;