31 Therefore they shall eat of the fruit of their ways, and be satisfied with their thoughts.

32 For the obstinacy of the ignorant shall kill them, and the carelessness of fools shall destroy them,

33 but he who hears me will live in safety and peace, fearing no evil."

Chapter 2

1 My son! If thou wilt receive my words, and keep my commandments to thee,

2 so that thou shalt make thy ear attentive to wisdom, and incline thy heart to meditation;

3 if thou shalt call upon knowledge, and call upon understanding;

4 If thou seekest it as silver, and seek it as treasure,

5 then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and you will find the knowledge of God.

6 For the Lord giveth wisdom; out of His mouth is knowledge and understanding;

7 He preserves salvation for the righteous; He is a shield for those who walk blamelessly;

8 He guards the ways of righteousness, and guards the path of his saints.

9 Then shall thou understand righteousness, and justice, and uprightness, every good path.

10 When wisdom shall enter into thy heart, and knowledge shall be pleasing to thy soul,

11 then prudence shall guard thee, understanding shall guard thee,

12 To save thee from the way of evil, from the man that speaketh lies,

13 of those who leave the straight paths to walk in the ways of darkness;

14 From those who rejoice in doing evil, and delight in evil debauchery,

15 Whose paths are crooked, and who wander in their paths;

16 To save thee from another's wife, from a stranger, who softeneth her speech,

17 who forsook the ruler of her youth, and forgot the covenant of her God.