13 And I did not listen to the voice of my teachers, nor did I incline my ear to my teachers.

14 I have almost fallen into all evil in the midst of the congregation and the congregation!"

15 Drink the water from your cistern and the water flowing from your well.

16 Thy springs shall not be poured out in the streets, and streams of waters in the squares;

17 Let them belong to thee alone, and not to strangers with thee.

18 Blessed be thy fountain; and be comforted by the wife of thy youth;

19 With the lovely doe and the beautiful chamois: let her bosom delight thee at all times, delight in her love continually.

20 And why should you, my son, be carried away by a stranger, and embrace the bosom of a stranger?

21 For in the eyes of the Lord are the ways of man, and he measures all his paths.

22 The wicked are caught by his own iniquities, and in the bonds of his sin he is held:

23 He dieth without instruction, and is lost by the multitude of his folly.

Chapter 6

1 My son! If you have pledged for your neighbor, and have given your hand for another,

2 Thou hast entangled thyself with the words of thy mouth, thou hast been caught by the words of thy mouth.

3 Do this, my son, and deliver yourself, for you have fallen into the hands of your neighbor: go, fall at your feet, and beseech your neighbor;

4 Give not sleep to thy eyes, nor slumber to thy eyelids;

5 спасайся, как серна из руки и как птица из руки птицелова.

6 Пойди к муравью, ленивец, посмотри на действия его, и будь мудрым.

7 Нет у него ни начальника, ни приставника, ни повелителя;

8 но он заготовляет летом хлеб свой, собирает во время жатвы пищу свою. [Или пойди к пчеле и познай, как она трудолюбива, какую почтенную работу она производит; ее труды употребляют во здравие и цари и простолюдины; любима же она всеми и славна; хотя силою она слаба, но мудростью почтена.]

9 Доколе ты, ленивец, будешь спать? когда ты встанешь от сна твоего?