Chapter 18

1 A wayward man seeks whim, rebels against all that is intelligent.

2 A fool does not love knowledge, but only to show his understanding.

3 With the coming of the wicked cometh contempt, and with disgrace reproach.

4 The words of the mouth of men are deep waters; The source of wisdom is a flowing stream.

5 It is not good to be partial to the wicked, that he may overthrow the righteous in judgment.

6 The mouth of a fool goes into strife, and his words cause scourges.

7 The tongue of a fool is his ruin, and his mouth is a snare for his soul.

8 [Fear overthrows the sluggard, but effeminate souls will starve.]

9 The words of the earpiece are like dainties, and they enter into the inside of the womb.

10 He who is slothful in his work is the brother of the spendthrift.

11 The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous flee into it, and he is safe.

12 A rich man's possessions are his strong city, and like a high hedge in his imagination.

13 Before the fall the heart of man is lifted up, and humility precedes glory.

14 Whoever gives an answer without hearing is a fool, and shame on him.

15 The spirit of man endures his infirmities; and a stricken spirit, who can sustain it?

16 The heart of the wise acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge.

17 A man's gift gives him space, and will bring him to the nobles.

18 The first is right in his lawsuit, but his adversary cometh and examines him.

19 The lot puts an end to the disputes, and decides among the strong.

20 An embittered brother is more impregnable than a strong city, and quarrels are like the locks of a castle.