9 In addition to being wise, Ecclesiastes also taught the people knowledge. He tested everything, examined everything, and composed many parables.

10 Ecclesiastes tried to find elegant sayings, and the words of truth were written by him correctly.

11 The words of the wise are like needles, and like nails, and the compilers of them are from one shepherd.

12 And what is above all this, my son, beware of this: to compile many books there will be no end, and to read much is weary to the body.

13 Let us hear the essence of all things: Fear God, and keep his commandments, for this is all for man.

14 For God will bring every work into judgment, and every secret thing, whether it be good or bad.

The Book of the Song of Solomon

Chapter 1

1 Let him kiss me with the kiss of his mouth! For your caresses are better than wine.

2 From the fragrance of thy oils thy name is like poured ointment; therefore the maidens love you.

3 Draw me, we will run after you; "The king has brought me into his palaces, "let us admire and rejoice in you, we will exalt your caresses more than wine; They love you worthily!

4 Daughters of Jerusalem! I am black, but beautiful as the tents of Kedar, as the veils of Solomon.

5 Look not at me, that I am dark, for the sun has scorched me: my mother's sons are angry with me, they have made me watch over the vineyards: I have not guarded my own vineyard.

6 Tell me, thou whom my soul loves, where dost thou feed? Where do you rest at noon? Why should I be a wanderer among the flocks of thy fellows?

7 If thou knowest not this, O most beautiful of women, then follow thy footsteps of the sheep, and feed thy goats beside the tents of the shepherds.

8 Unto my mare in Pharaoh's chariot have I likened thee, my beloved.

9 Beautiful are thy cheeks under the pendants, thy neck in necklaces;

10 gold pendants we will make for you with silver sequins.

11 As long as the king was at his table, my spikenard gave forth his incense.

12 A bundle of myrrh is my beloved, abiding by my breasts.

13 Like a keeper's brush, my beloved is with me in the vineyards of Enged.