2 And thou shalt make horns at the four corners thereof, that the horns may come out of it; and you shall overlay it with brass.

3 And thou shalt make pots for them to pour ashes into them, and spatulas, and bowls, and forks, and coals; Make all the utensils of brass.

4 And thou shalt make for it a lattice, a kind of net, of brass, and thou shalt make on the net, at the four corners thereof, four rings of brass.

5 And thou shalt put it on the edge of the altar below, so that the net is half the altar.

6 And thou shalt make staves for the altar, staves of shittim wood, and overlay them with brass;

7 And thou shalt put his staves in the rings, so that the staves shall be on the two sides of the altar, when they carry it.

8 Make it empty within, planked: as it is shown to you on the mountain, so let them make it.

9 And thou shalt make the court of the tabernacle: on the noonday side toward the south, the curtains of the court shall be of fine linen, a hundred cubits long on one side;

10 pillars for them are twenty, and their sockets are twenty of brass; the hooks at the pillars and the ties on them are made of silver.

11 And also along the north side are curtains a hundred cubits long; Their pillars are twenty, and their sockets are twenty of brass; the hooks of the pillars and the ties thereon are of silver.

12 And in the breadth of the court on the west side are curtains fifty cubits; there are ten pillars for them, and ten sockets for them.

13 And the breadth of the court on the front side to the east was fifty cubits; [there are ten pillars for them, and ten sockets for them].

14 On the one side are curtains fifteen cubits, three pillars thereof, and three sockets thereof.

15 And on the other side are curtains fifteen [cubits high], and there are three pillars for them, and three sockets for them.