Chapter 27

1 And it came to pass, when the morning came, that all the chief priests, and the elders of the people, took counsel concerning Jesus, that they might put him to death;

2 And having bound him, they led him away, and delivered him up to Pontius Pilate, the governor.

3 Then Judas, who had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented, returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,

4 saying, 'I have sinned in betraying innocent blood.' And they said to him, What have we to do with this? See for yourself.

5 And having cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, he went out, and went, and hanged himself.

6 And the chief priests took the pieces of silver, and said, It is not lawful to put them into the treasury of the church, for it is the price of blood.

7 And having taken counsel, they bought with them the potter's land for the burial of strangers;

8 Wherefore that land is called "the land of blood" to this day.

9 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying, And they took thirty pieces of silver, the price of Him who was valued, whom the children of Israel had valued,

10 And they gave them for the potter's land, as the Lord had told me.

11 And Jesus stood before the governor. And the governor asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?" Jesus said to him, "You speak."

12 And when the chief priests and the elders accused him, he answered nothing.

13 Then Pilate said to him, 'Do you not hear how many testify against you?'

14 And he answered him not one word, so that the governor was greatly astonished.

15 And on the feast of the Passover, it was the custom of the governor to release to the people one prisoner whom they wanted.

16 Был тогда у них известный узник, называемый Варавва;

17 итак, когда собрались они, сказал им Пилат: кого хотите, чтобы я отпустил вам: Варавву, или Иисуса, называемого Христом?

18 ибо знал, что предали Его из зависти.

19 Между тем, как сидел он на судейском месте, жена его послала ему сказать: не делай ничего Праведнику Тому, потому что я ныне во сне много пострадала за Него.

20 Но первосвященники и старейшины возбудили народ просить Варавву, а Иисуса погубить.