36 But if thy body be all light, and hath not one part of it, all things shall be light, as if a lamp were shining upon thee.

E-37 As He was saying these things, a certain Pharisee asked Him to dine with him. He came and sat down.

38 And the Pharisee was amazed to see that he had not washed his hands before dinner.

39 But the Lord said to him, 'Now you, Pharisees, cleanse the outside of the cup and the dish, but your inside is full of theft and deceit.

40 Foolish! Is it not the same Who created the outward created the inward?

41 Rather give alms from what you have, then everything will be clean with you.

42 But woe to you, Pharisees, for you tithes of mint, rue, and all kinds of vegetables, and neglect the judgment and the love of God: these things ought to have been done, and not to be forsaken.

43 Woe to you, Pharisees, for you love to preside in the synagogues, and to salute in the assemblies of the people.

44 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for you are like hidden tombs, over which men walk and do not know it.

45 На это некто из законников сказал Ему: Учитель! говоря это, Ты и нас обижаешь.

46 Но Он сказал: и вам, законникам, горе, что налагаете на людей бремена неудобоносимые, а сами и одним перстом своим не дотрагиваетесь до них.

47 Горе вам, что строите гробницы пророкам, которых избили отцы ваши:

48 сим вы свидетельствуете о делах отцов ваших и соглашаетесь с ними, ибо они избили пророков, а вы строите им гробницы.

49 Потому и премудрость Божия сказала: пошлю к ним пророков и Апостолов, и из них одних убьют, а других изгонят,