19 And the earth shall bear its fruit, and ye shall eat to thy heart's content, and ye shall dwell in peace therein.

20 If you say, 'What then shall we eat in the seventh year, when we shall neither sow nor gather in our produce?'

21 I will send my blessing upon you in the sixth year, and it will bring forth works for three years;

22 And ye shall sow in the eighth year, but ye shall eat the old produce until the ninth year; until his works are ripe, you will eat the old things.

23 The land shall not be sold forever, for the land is mine: you are strangers and sojourners with me;

24 Throughout all the land of your possessions, you shall allow the redemption of the land.

25 If your brother becomes poor and sells of his possessions, his near relative will come and redeem what his brother has sold.

26 But if there is no one to redeem him, but he himself shall have wealth, and shall find as much as is necessary for the ransom,

27 then he shall count the years of his sale, and return the rest to him to whom he sold, and shall regain his possession.

28 But if his hand does not find how much is to be restored to him, what he has sold shall remain in the hands of the buyer until the year of jubilee, and in the year of jubilee it shall go away, and he shall again take possession of himself.

29 If a man sells a house in a walled city, he may redeem it before the end of the year from the sale of it: during the year he may redeem it;

30 But if he is not redeemed before the end of the whole year, the house that is in the city that has the wall shall remain forever with him who bought it for his generations, and shall not depart from him in the jubilee.

31 And the houses in the villages, around which there is no wall, are to be reckoned with the field of land: they may be redeemed, and on the jubilee they depart.

32 And the cities of the Levites, the houses in the cities of their possessions, the Levites may always redeem;