20 И сказал Господь [Моисею]: прощаю по слову твоему;

21 но жив Я, [и всегда живет имя Мое,] и славы Господней полна вся земля:

22 все, которые видели славу Мою и знамения Мои, сделанные Мною в Египте и в пустыне, и искушали Меня уже десять раз, и не слушали гласа Моего,

23 не увидят земли, которую Я с клятвою обещал отцам их; [только детям их, которые здесь со Мною, которые не знают, что добро, что зло, всем малолетним, ничего не смыслящим, им дам землю, а] все, раздражавшие Меня, не увидят ее;

24 но раба Моего, Халева, за то, что в нем был иной дух, и он совершенно повиновался Мне, введу в землю, в которую он ходил, и семя его наследует ее;

25 Амаликитяне и Хананеи живут в долине; завтра обратитесь и идите в пустыню к Чермному морю.

26 И сказал Господь Моисею и Аарону, говоря:

27 How long shall this wicked company murmur against me? I hear the murmuring of the children of Israel, wherewith they murmur against me.

28 Say to them, 'I live,' says the Lord, 'As you have spoken to me, so will I do to you;

29 In this wilderness your bodies shall fall, and all of you, numbered as many as you are, from twenty years old and upward, who murmured against me,

30 Ye shall not enter into the land in which I lifted up my hand, and swore to settle you, except Caleb the son of Jephunnine, and Joshua the son of Nun.

And I will bring in your 31 children, of whom you have said that they should be a prey to your enemies, and they shall know the land which you have despised;

32 but your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness;

33 And your sons shall wander in the wilderness forty years, and shall pay the penalty for your fornication, until all your bodies perish in the wilderness.

34 According to the number of the forty days in which you have searched the land, you will pay the penalty for your sins for forty years, year by day, that you may know what it is to be forsaken by me.

35 I, the Lord, say, and so will I do with all this wicked company that has rebelled against me: in this wilderness they shall all perish and die.

36 And those whom Moses sent to inspect the land, and who, having returned, stirred up all this congregation against him, spreading evil fame about the land,

37 And these who spread evil fame concerning the land, died, being smitten before the Lord;

38 Only Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, remained alive of those men who went out to inspect the land.

39 And Moses spake these words before all the children of Israel, and the people were greatly grieved.

40 And having risen up early in the morning, they went to the top of the mountain, saying, 'Behold, we will go to the place of which the Lord spoke, for we have sinned.'