28 For they are a people that has lost their minds, and there is no sense in them.

29 Oh, that they would consider, think of these things, understand what would happen to them!

30 How could one pursue a thousand, and two drive away the darkness, if their Advocate had not delivered them up, and the Lord had not given them up!

31 For their Advocate is not like our Advocate; Our enemies themselves are judges.

32 For their grapes are of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah; their berries are poisonous, their clusters are bitter;

33 Their wine is the venom of dragons, and the pernicious poison of adders.

E-34 Isn't it hidden with Me? is it not sealed in my storehouses?

35 I have vengeance and recompense, when their foot is shaken; for the day of their destruction is near, and the things prepared for them will soon come.

36 But the Lord will judge his people, and will have compassion on his servants, when he sees that their hand is weak, and there are no prisoners left, nor are they left out.

37 Then [the Lord] will say, 'Where are their gods, the stronghold in which they trusted,

38 Who have eaten the fat of their offerings, have drunk the wine of their drink offerings? let them rise up and help you, let them be a cover for you!

39 See now, that it is I, I, and there is no God besides me: I kill and revive, I smite and I heal, and no one can deliver out of my hand.

40 I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live forever.

41 When I have sharpened my shining sword, and my hand has received judgment, I will take vengeance on my enemies, and I will repay them that hate me;

42 I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall be filled with flesh, with the blood of the slain and the captives, with the heads of the leaders of the enemy.

43 Rejoice, O heavens, with him, and worship him, all you angels of God.] Rejoice, O Gentiles, with his people. for he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will avenge his enemies, and will make atonement for his land and his people.

44 And Moses wrote this song that day, and taught it to the children of Israel.] And Moses came and spoke all the words of this song in the ears of the people, he and Joshua the son of Nun.

45 When Moses had spoken all these words to all Israel,

46 Then he said unto them, Put upon your hearts all the words which I have declared unto you this day, and enjoin them unto your children, that they may endeavour to do all the words of this law.

47 for this is not vain for you, but it is your life, and by this you will remain a long time in the land into which you are going by the Jordan, to possess it.

48 And the Lord spoke to Moses that same day, saying,