The Pentateuch of Moses

10When you have not yet eaten your old food supplies, you will get rid of them for the sake of new ones.

11But I will set my tabernacle among you, and I will not cast you away from me. 12I will dwell among you, and I will be your God, and you will be my people. 13I am the LORD your God, the one who brought you out of Egypt so that you would not be slaves there, who set you free from your yoke and let you walk with your head up.

Curses as a consequence of disobedience

14 But if ye disobey me, and do not do all these commandments; 15If you disregard my decrees and reject my commandments, so that you do not fulfill my commandments and my covenant, you break your covenant, 16then this is what I will do to you: I will send terror upon you, consumption with fever. Then your eyes will grow dull, you will faint in the sufferings of your soul. You will sow in vain: your harvest will fall into the hands of the enemy. 17I will execute my judgment on you,[956] and your enemies will crush you; Those who hate you will rule over you, and fear will take possession of you so much that you will flee when no one is chasing you.

18And if you do not listen to me even after that, a punishment more terrible than all for your sins awaits you. 19I will break the stubbornness of your pride. I will make the heaven above you iron, so that you will not wait for rain, and the ground dry and hard will be like brass, 20so that your strength will be wasted: the earth will not give you a harvest, and the trees on it will cease to bear fruit.

21 If you resist me, and will not listen, I will add to you all kinds of trouble for your sins: 22wild beasts will be sent against you, and they will deprive you of your children, and they will destroy all your cattle, and they will make you so few in number that even your roads will be desolate.

23And if this does not correct you, and you still go against me in your enmity, 24 then I will do the same: I will go and add to you all kinds of troubles. 25I will send the sword of vengeance upon you, the vengeance of my covenant which you have broken. If you try to take refuge in the cities, I will strike you there with a deadly disease – you will be helpless before the strength of the enemy. 26When I have exhausted your bread supplies,[958]a ten women will bake bread for you in just one oven, and give it to you in small portions,[959]b so that you will eat it, but you will not be full.

27And if, in spite of this, you do not listen to me and continue to reject me, 28I will reject you in the wrath caused by your sins, and I myself will not cease to punish you to the fullest for your sins. 29To satisfy your hunger, you will eat your sons and daughters. 30All your hills, where you worship idols, I will tear down; I will break down the altars of incense to false gods; but I will cast your corpses on the fragments of idols, so abhorrent in your sins will you be to Me. 31I will turn your cities into ruins and your sanctuaries,[961] and I will lay waste it: I will turn away, and I will no longer breathe the sweet fragrances[962] of your sacrifices. 32I will so devastate this land that even your enemies will be terrified when they come here. 33I will scatter you among the nations, driving you in the back with the edge of the sword, until your land is turned into a desert and your cities into ruins. 34 And then the earth will take advantage of its sabbaths, while you are exiles in the land of your enemies, your land will rest and enjoy the sabbath rest. 35In all the days of her desolation, she will be given the Sabbath rest, which she did not have while you lived on her. 36And those of you who survive in the land of your enemies, I will throw you into such timidity that they will flee from the rustle of a leaf driven by the wind, as if they flee from a sword. and they will fall when no one is chasing them. 37They will bump into each other as if they were fleeing from the sword, although there will be no one to pursue them. You will not have the strength to resist your enemies. 38So you will perish among the nations, and the land of your enemies will devour you. 39But those of you who survive will languish for their iniquities in the land of your enemies, and for the iniquities of their fathers.

40But when they realize their iniquity and their fathers' transgressions—their treachery and enmity toward me, 41 which led me to become their adversary and to drive them into the land of their enemies—if it should happen that their uncircumcised hearts should become humble, and they should desire to restore what was lost[963] in their lives because of their grievous sins, 42 then will I show them, that I remember My covenant with Jacob, and the covenant with Isaac, and with Abraham, I will remember the land.

43For the earth will be abandoned by them to enjoy its Sabbath rest, being left empty after they have departed. But they will have to make up for what they have lost because of their iniquities, because they have despised My precepts and rejected My statutes.

44But even when they dwell in the land of their enemies, I will not despise them, nor will I reject them completely, nor will I destroy them. I will not break my covenant with them, for I am the Lord their God. 45For their sake I will remember my covenant with their ancestors, whom I brought out of Egypt in the sight of other nations, to become God to them. I am the Lord."

46Such are the ordinances, precepts, and indications which the Lord gave through Moses on Mount Sinai, establishing the covenant, the covenant, between himself and the children of Israel.

On the ransom of a person consecrated to the Lord

27 The Lord gave Moses 2 the following instructions for the children of Israel: "When someone dedicates himself or a person close to him to the Lord according to his vow, according to your assessment, let him do it. [964] 3 If he is a man between twenty and sixty years of age, he is to be valued at fifty shekels of silver[965] (in the shekels that are in circulation in the Sanctuary). 4 If it is a woman, it is to be valued at thirty shekels[966].