The Psalter of the Prophet David (in Russian translation by P. Yungerov)

Kathisma is the firstten

77. In teaching. Asaph.

Hearken, O my people, to my law, incline your ear to the words of my mouth. I will open my mouth in parables, I will proclaim the original divination. What we have heard and learned, and our fathers have told us, has not been hidden from their children to the next generation, I will declare the praise of the Lord, and His power, and His wonders that He has wrought. He gave the revelation in Jacob, and the law laid down in Israel, saying, Whatsoever he commanded our fathers, they shall pass on to their sons, that they may know the other generation, that the sons who are to be born shall arise and tell these things to their sons, that they may put their hope in God, and that they may not forget the works of God, and seek his commandments, that they may not be as their fathers; a wicked and grieving generation, a generation that did not keep the righteousness of the heart, and was not faithful before God in its spirit. The sons of Ephraim, drawing their bows and shooting, turned back to the day of battle. They did not keep the covenant of God, and would not walk in his law, and forgot his good deeds and his wonders which he showed them: the wonders which he did before their fathers in the land of Egypt in the field of Taneos. He divided the sea and led them: he stopped the waters as in a bellows. And he led them with a cloud of day, and with the light of fire all night. He tore apart a stone in the wilderness and gave them to drink as if from a great abyss. And he brought forth water out of the stone, and brought forth the waters like rivers. And they continued to sin against Him: they grieved the Most High in the waterless one. And they tempted God in their hearts, asking for food according to their souls. And they slandered God, and said, Can God prepare a table in the wilderness? Though He struck a stone, and waters flowed, and streams flowed, but will He be able to give bread? Or shall I prepare a table for His people?" God heard and looked, and a fire was kindled in Jacob, and wrath rose up over Israel, for they did not believe God, nor trusted in His salvation. He commanded the clouds from above and opened the doors of heaven. And he sent them manna for food, and gave them the bread of heaven: The bread of the angels was eaten by man. He sent them food until they were satiated: He raised the south wind from heaven, and brought the southwest wind with its power, And sent upon them flesh like dust, and birds of feathers like the sand of the sea, And they attacked in the midst of their camp, around their tents. And they ate, and were satisfied, and gave them what they desired, and they were not deprived of what they desired. But there was still food in their mouths, when the wrath of God came upon them, and slew very many of them, and cast down the elect of Israel. In spite of all this, they still sinned and did not believe in His miracles. And their days passed in vanity, and their years in haste. When He slew them, they sought Him, and soon turned to God, and remembered that God was their helper, and God the Most High was their deliverer. And they expressed their love for Him with their lips, and lied to Him with their tongues. But their hearts were not upright before him, neither were they faithful to his covenant. But He was generous, and forgave their sins, and did not destroy, and many times turned away His wrath, and did not kindle all His wrath. And He remembered that they were flesh, a spirit going out and not returning. How many times did they grieve Him in the wilderness, angered Him in a land without water! Now they turned (to Him), then they tempted God, and they provoked the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember His hand in the day that He delivered them from the oppressor: How He manifested His signs in Egypt, and His wonders in the field of Taneos, and turned their rivers and streams into blood, that they could not drink! He sent flies against them, and they stung them, and frogs, (which) destroyed them. And he gave their fruit to the dew, and the plants of their locusts. He smote their vineyards with hail, and their fig trees with ice. And he gave up their cattle to the city, and their goods to the fire. He sent His fierce wrath upon them: wrath and wrath and tribulation, brought down by the angels (sending) disasters. He made way for His wrath, and did not spare their souls from death, and gave up their cattle to plagues. And he smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, the firstfruits of all their labor in the villages of Ham. And he lifted up his people like sheep, and led them like a flock into the wilderness. And he led them safely, and they were not afraid, but the sea covered their enemies. And He brought them into the mountain of His holiness, into this mountain, which His right hand had gained. And he drove out the nations from before them, and divided to them by lot the boundary line, and settled in their dwellings the tribe of Israel. But they tempted and grieved the Most High God, and did not keep His statutes. And they turned away and retreated, like their fathers, turned into an unfaithful bow. And they provoked Him to anger with their high places, and provoked Him to anger with their idols. God heard, and looked, and despised Israel greatly, and rejected the tabernacle of Shiloh, the dwelling place in which he dwelt among men, and gave their strength and their beauty into captivity into the hands of their enemies. And He put His people to the sword, and despised His inheritance. Their young men were eaten by fire, and their virgins were not mourned, their priests fell by the sword, and their widows will not be mourned. But the Lord arose as if from sleep, as strong and rustling with wine. And He smote His enemies in the rear, and delivered them up to eternal shame. And he rejected the village of Joseph, and did not choose the tribe of Ephraim. But he chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion, which he loved. And He built His sanctuary as the habitation of the unicorn, and founded it on the earth for ever. And he chose David his servant, and took him from the flock of sheep. From the milkers he took him to feed Jacob his servant, and Israel his inheritance. And he shepherded them in the gentleness of his heart, and guided them wisely with his hands.


78. Psalm of Asaph.

Gosh! The Gentiles have come into Thy inheritance, they have defiled Thy holy temple, They have turned Jerusalem into a storehouse of vegetables, they have cast the carcasses of Thy servants into food for the birds of the air, the bodies of Thy saints for the beasts of the earth. They shed their blood like water around Jerusalem, and there was no one to bury them. We have become a reproach to our neighbors, a mockery and a reproach to those around us. How long, O Lord, wilt thou be angry to the end? How long shall Thy jealousy burn like fire? Pour out Thy wrath upon the nations that do not know Thee, and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon Thy name. For they have eaten Jacob and laid waste his place. Do not remember our former iniquities, for Thy mercies may soon be revealed to us, O Lord, for we are greatly impoverished. Help us, O God our Saviour, for the glory of Thy name. God! Deliver us and cleanse our sins for Thy name's sake. Let the Gentiles never say, Where is their God? And let vengeance be known among the Gentiles before our eyes for the shed blood of Thy servants. Let the groan of the prisoners reach Thee: by the power of Thy arm preserve the sons of the slain. Repay our neighbors seven times in their bosom (for) their reproach, with which they reproached Thee, O Lord! But we, Thy people and the sheep of Thy pasture, will confess Thee, O God, for ever, for generations and generations, to proclaim Thy praise.

79. In the end. About those who have to change. Revelation. Asaph. Psalm.

Shepherd of Israel, hearken, leading Joseph like a sheep, sitting on the cherubim, appear! In the presence of Ephraim, and Benjamin, and Manasseh, shew Thy power, and come to save us. O God, turn us and enlighten Thy face, and we shall be saved. O Lord God Almighty! How long wilt thou be angry at the prayer of thy servants? Will you feed us with bread of tears, and give us tears to drink in moderation? He has made us an object of contention for our neighbors, and our enemies mock us. O Lord, God of hosts! Turn us, enlighten Thy face, and we shall be saved. Thou hast brought the grapes out of Egypt, and hast driven out the nations, and planted them. Thou hast prepared a way for him, and hast planted his roots, and he has filled the earth. His shadow covered the mountains, and his branches (covered) the cedars of God. He stretched out his branches to the sea, and his vines to the rivers. Wherefore hast thou removed his hedge, so that all who pass by the way cut him off? A forest boar damaged him, and a lonely wild beast ate him. God be strong! Turn and look down from heaven, and see, and visit this vineyard, and do what Thy right hand has planted. (Look) at the Son of man, Whom Thou hast strengthened for Thyself. It was burned by fire and dug up. At the wrath of Thy face (all) shall perish. Thy hand be over the man of thy right hand, and over the Son of man, whom thou hast strengthened unto thyself. And we will not depart from Thee: revive us, and we will call upon Thy name! O Lord, God of hosts! Convert us, and enlighten Thy face, and we shall be saved.

80. In the end. About winepresses. Psalm of Asaph.

Rejoice in God, our helper, shout out to the God of Jacob! Take a psalm and give it a tympanum, a sweet-sounding psalter with a harp. Blow the trumpet on the new moon: on the solemn day of your feast. For this is the command to Israel, and the decree of the God of Jacob. He made it a law to Joseph when he came out of the land of Egypt, (where) he heard a language that he did not know. He freed his back from the burdens: his hands worked with a basket. In tribulation thou hast called upon me, and I have delivered thee, I have heard thee in a hidden stormy place, I have tried thee in the waters of contention. "Hear, my people, and I will testify unto thee, O Israel, if thou wouldst hearken unto me! Thou shalt not have a new god, and thou shalt not worship a strange god. For I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth, and I will fill it." But My people have not listened to My voice, and Israel has not hearkened to Me. And I have left them to the designs of their hearts: let them go after their designs. If My people had listened to Me, if Israel had walked in My ways, I would have humbled their enemies easily, and I would have laid My hand on their oppressors. The enemies of the Lord have lied to him, and their afflictions shall be for ever: but he fed them with fat wheat, and filled them with honey from the stone.


81. Psalm of Asaph.

God stood in the assembly of the gods, in order to execute judgment among the gods: How long will you judge unrighteously, and have partiality with sinners? Let the (right) judgment be given to the fatherless and the poor, and to justify the humble and the poor. Take the poor and needy out of the hand of the sinner and deliver him. They did not know. They did not understand. They walk in the dark. Let all the foundations of the earth be shaken! I said, You are gods, and all are sons of the Most High. But you, as men, die, and, like every ruler, fall. Arise, O God, judge the earth, for you will have an inheritance in all nations.

82. Song-Psalm. Asaph.