The Psalter of the Prophet David (in Russian translation by P. Yungerov)

Shepherd of Israel, hearken, leading Joseph like a sheep, sitting on the cherubim, appear! In the presence of Ephraim, and Benjamin, and Manasseh, shew Thy power, and come to save us. O God, turn us and enlighten Thy face, and we shall be saved. O Lord God Almighty! How long wilt thou be angry at the prayer of thy servants? Will you feed us with bread of tears, and give us tears to drink in moderation? He has made us an object of contention for our neighbors, and our enemies mock us. O Lord, God of hosts! Turn us, enlighten Thy face, and we shall be saved. Thou hast brought the grapes out of Egypt, and hast driven out the nations, and planted them. Thou hast prepared a way for him, and hast planted his roots, and he has filled the earth. His shadow covered the mountains, and his branches (covered) the cedars of God. He stretched out his branches to the sea, and his vines to the rivers. Wherefore hast thou removed his hedge, so that all who pass by the way cut him off? A forest boar damaged him, and a lonely wild beast ate him. God be strong! Turn and look down from heaven, and see, and visit this vineyard, and do what Thy right hand has planted. (Look) at the Son of man, Whom Thou hast strengthened for Thyself. It was burned by fire and dug up. At the wrath of Thy face (all) shall perish. Thy hand be over the man of thy right hand, and over the Son of man, whom thou hast strengthened unto thyself. And we will not depart from Thee: revive us, and we will call upon Thy name! O Lord, God of hosts! Convert us, and enlighten Thy face, and we shall be saved.

80. In the end. About winepresses. Psalm of Asaph.

Rejoice in God, our helper, shout out to the God of Jacob! Take a psalm and give it a tympanum, a sweet-sounding psalter with a harp. Blow the trumpet on the new moon: on the solemn day of your feast. For this is the command to Israel, and the decree of the God of Jacob. He made it a law to Joseph when he came out of the land of Egypt, (where) he heard a language that he did not know. He freed his back from the burdens: his hands worked with a basket. In tribulation thou hast called upon me, and I have delivered thee, I have heard thee in a hidden stormy place, I have tried thee in the waters of contention. "Hear, my people, and I will testify unto thee, O Israel, if thou wouldst hearken unto me! Thou shalt not have a new god, and thou shalt not worship a strange god. For I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth, and I will fill it." But My people have not listened to My voice, and Israel has not hearkened to Me. And I have left them to the designs of their hearts: let them go after their designs. If My people had listened to Me, if Israel had walked in My ways, I would have humbled their enemies easily, and I would have laid My hand on their oppressors. The enemies of the Lord have lied to him, and their afflictions shall be for ever: but he fed them with fat wheat, and filled them with honey from the stone.


81. Psalm of Asaph.

God stood in the assembly of the gods, in order to execute judgment among the gods: How long will you judge unrighteously, and have partiality with sinners? Let the (right) judgment be given to the fatherless and the poor, and to justify the humble and the poor. Take the poor and needy out of the hand of the sinner and deliver him. They did not know. They did not understand. They walk in the dark. Let all the foundations of the earth be shaken! I said, You are gods, and all are sons of the Most High. But you, as men, die, and, like every ruler, fall. Arise, O God, judge the earth, for you will have an inheritance in all nations.

82. Song-Psalm. Asaph.

Gosh! Who will be like Thee? Do not be silent and do not be meek, O God! For behold, Thy enemies have made a noise, and they that hate Thee have lifted up their heads. Against Thy people they willingly devised a deceitful design, and consulted against Thy saints. They said, "Come, and let us destroy them from among the nations, so that the name of Israel may no longer be remembered." For they have consulted with one accord together, and have made an alliance against thee: the villages of Edom, and the Ishmaelites, Moab, and Hagarites, and Ebal, and Ammon, and Amalek, and the foreigners, together with the inhabitants of Tyre, and Assyria hath joined them: they have become an intercession for the children of Lot. Deal with them as you did with Midian and Sisera, as you did with Jabim at the brook of Kishon, who were cut off in Aendor, and became like dung on the earth. Put down their princes, like Oreb and Zeeb, and Zebah and Zalmun, all their princes, who said, Let us take possession of the sanctuary of God. My god! Lay them down like a wheel, like straw before the wind. As fire burneth up the oak groves, as the flame scorcheth the mountains, so drive them away with Thy storm, and by Thy wrath bring them into confusion. Cover their faces with dishonor, that they may seek Thy name, O Lord! Let them be ashamed and troubled for ever and ever, and be ashamed and perish. And let them know that Thy name is the Lord: Thou art the only Most High over all the earth.

83. In the end. About winepresses. To the sons of Korah. Psalm.

Как возлюбленны жилища Твои, Господи сил! Всемерно желает душа моя (войти) во дворы Господни, сердце мое и плоть моя возрадовались о Боге живом. Ибо и птица находит себе жилище, и горлица – гнездо себе, в котором положит птенцов своих: (таковы) для меня алтари Твои, Господи сил, Царю мой и Боже мой! Блаженны живущие в доме Твоем: во веки веков они восхвалят Тебя. Блажен муж, для которого есть защита у Тебя, который в сердце своем положил восхождение В долину плача, в назначенное (Богом) место, ибо Законоположитель дарует (за сие) благословение. Будут они восходить от силы в силу, явится (для них) Бог богов в Сионе. Господи, Боже сил! Услышь молитву мою, внемли, Боже Иакова! Защитник наш, узри, Боже, и призри на помазанника Твоего! Ибо один день во дворах Твоих лучше тысяч: предпочел я лучше повергаться у дома Бога моего, нежели жить в домах грешников. Ибо милость и истину любит Господь, Бог благодать и славу даст. Господь не лишит благ ходящих незлобиво. Господи, Боже сил, блажен человек, уповающий на Тебя!

84. В конец. Сынам Кореевым. Псалом.

Господи! Ты явил благоволение земле Твоей, возвратил пленных Иакова, Отпустил беззакония народа Твоего, покрыл все грехи их. Прекратил весь гнев Твой, удержался от гневной ярости Твоей. Возврати нас, Боже спасения нашего, и отврати ярость Твою от нас. Ужели на веки будешь гневаться на нас? Или прострешь гнев Твой из рода в род? Боже! Ты снова оживишь нас, и народ Твой возвеселится о Тебе. Яви нам, Господи, милость Твою и спасение Твое даруй нам. Услышу, что скажет во мне Господь Бог: как изречет Он мир на народ Свой, и на преподобных Своих, и на обращающихся сердцем к Нему. Так, близко к боящимся Его спасение Его, чтобы вселить славу в землю нашу. Милость и истина встретились, правда и мир облобызались! Истина от земли воссияла и правда с небес приникла. Ибо Господь дарует благо, и земля наша даст плод свой. Правда пойдет пред Ним и поставит на путь стопы свои.

Слава: По 11-й кафисме, Трисвятое. Таже тропари, глас 7: 

Имущи, душе моя, врачевство покаяния, приступи слезящи, воздыханием вопиющи: Врачу душ и телес, свободи мя, Человеколюбче, от многих согрешений, сопричти мя блуднице, и разбойнику, и мытарю, и даруй ми, Боже, беззаконий моих прощение, и спаси мя.