The Psalter of the Prophet David (in Russian translation by P. Yungerov)

The Lord reigned: let the nations tremble! He who sits on the cherubim (reigns): Let the earth move! The Lord in Zion is great and high above all people. Let them confess Thy great name, for it is fearful and holy. And the honor of the Tsar loves judgment. Thou hast prepared righteousness, judgment, and righteousness in Jacob Thou hast accomplished. Exalt the Lord our God, and worship his footstool, for it is holy. Moses and Aaron are his priests, and Samuel are those who call on his name: they called on the Lord, and he listened to them. In the pillar of cloud he spake unto them, for they kept his commandments and his commandments which he had given them. You listened to them. Gosh! Thou hast been merciful to them, and hast recompensed them for all their deeds. Exalt the Lord our God, and worship Him on His holy mountain: for the Lord our God is holy.

99. Psalm of David. Laudatory.

Cry out to God, all the earth! Work for the Lord with gladness, enter before Him with joy. Know that the Lord is our God, He created us, and not we, but we are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with confession, into His courts with hymns, confess to Him, praise His name. For the Lord is good, His mercy endures for ever, and His truth endures for generations and generations.

100. Psalm of David.

I will sing mercy and judgment to Thee, O Lord! I sing and understand about the blameless path: when will you come to me? I walked in the innocence of my heart in the midst of my house, I did not put before my eyes the deeds of transgression, I hated those who commit transgression. The obstinate heart was not close to me, I did not know the evil one who deviated from me. He who secretly slanders his neighbor – this I have cast out; With the one who looks proudly and with an insatiable heart – with this I have not eaten. My eyes are on the faithful of the earth, that they may sit with me; He who walks in the blameless way – this one has served me. He who acts proudly did not live inside my house; He who spoke falsehood was not right in my eyes. In the morning I slew all the sinners of the earth, that I might destroy from the city of the Lord all those who do iniquity.

Glory: According to the 13th kathisma, the Trisagion. The same troparia, tone 8: 

With a gracious eye, O Lord, see my humility, for little by little my life is dependent, and from my works there is no salvation. For this reason I pray: with a gracious eye, O Lord, see my humility and save me.

Glory: As I stand before the Judge, take care of my soul, and think of the hour of the dreadful day, for the judgment is unmerciful to those who have not done mercy. Cry out to Christ God: O Knower of the Heart, O Knower of the Heart, Thou shalt not even condemn me first, have mercy on me. And now: Thy dreadful and terrible, and unwashed judgment, O Christ, in my mind I receive day and hour, trembling, like a villain, having these fierce deeds and deeds, which alone I have done diligently. With the same fear I fall down before Thee, crying out painfully: By the prayers of Thou Who didst give birth to Thee, O Most Merciful, save me.

Lord, have mercy (40) and the prayer:

O Holy Lord, Who is alive in the highest, and with Thy all-seeing eye Look upon all creation. To Thee we bow down our souls and bodies, and to Thee we pray, O Holy of Holies: stretch out Thy invisible hand from Thy holy tabernacle, and bless us all: and if we have sinned against Thee willingly and unwillingly, forgive God, as the Good and Lover of mankind, grant us Thy good peace. For Thine is Thine, O our God, and to Thee we send up glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages, Amen.

Fourth kathisma for ten

101. The prayer of the poor when he is discouraged and pours out his supplication before the Lord.

God! Hear my prayer, and let my cry come to Thee. Turn not Thy face away from me: when I am grieved, incline Thy ear to me; when I call upon Thee, hear me quickly. For my days have vanished like smoke, and my bones have dried up like dry wood. I am cut like grass, and my heart is parched, so that I have forgotten to eat my bread. With my loud groan, my flesh cleaved to my bones. I became like a desert bird, like a night raven in the ruins of a house. I did not sleep and was like a lonely bird on the roof. My enemies reproached me every day, and those who praised me swore by me. For I have eaten ashes as bread, and my drink I have dissolved with tears, because of thy wrath and thy wrath: for thou hast lifted me up, and hast cast me down. My days have departed like a shadow, and I am dried up like hay. But thou, O Lord, abide for ever, and the remembrance of thee endureth to generations and generations. Thou art rising, and shalt be merciful to Zion, for the time is ripe for her, for the time has come. For Thy servants have loved his stones, and have pity for his dust. And the nations shall fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth of thy glory. For the Lord builds Zion, and will appear in his glory. He looked upon the prayer of the humble and did not reject their prayers. Let it be written of this generation to come, and the people to come shall praise the Lord. For the Lord hath come down from His holy height, the Lord hath looked down from heaven upon the earth, To hear the groans of the prisoners, To loose the sons of the slain, That they may proclaim in Zion the name of the Lord, and His praise in Jerusalem, when nations and kings shall be gathered together to serve the Lord. He said to Him, when he was in his (full) strength, "Tell me the shortening of my days. Thou shalt not steal me in half my days." In the generation of Thy years: In the beginning, O Lord, Thou didst found the earth, and the works of Thy hands the heavens. They shall perish, but Thou remainest, and all shall be worn out like garments, and Thou shalt weave them together like garments, and they shall be changed, but Thou art the same, and Thy years shall not fail. The sons of thy servants shall dwell, and their descendants shall be reformed for ever.

102. Psalm of David.