The Psalter of the Prophet David (in Russian translation by P. Yungerov)

My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready: I will sing and sing in my glory. Arise, my glory, arise, psalter and harp, I will rise early. I will confess to Thee, O Lord, among the nations, I will sing to Thee among the nations. For great is Thy mercy, above the heavens, and Thy truth is unto the clouds. Ascend into heaven, O God, and Thy glory be upon all the earth. May Thy beloved be delivered, save me with Thy right hand and hear me. God said in His sanctuary, "I will be exalted, and I will divide Shechem, and I will measure the valley of dwellings: Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine, Ephraim is the protection of my head, Judah is my king, Moab is the vessel of my hope, I will set my boot on Idumea. The foreigners have submitted to me." Who will bring me into the fortified city? Or who will bring me to Idumea? Are you not, O God, who rejected us, and are you not God, (who) do not proceed with our strength? Give us help in sorrow, for human salvation is in vain. With God's help let us show power, and He will humble our enemies.

108. In the end. Psalm of David.

Gosh! Do not be silent to my praise. For the mouth of the sinner and the mouth of the flatterer were opened against me, they spoke against me with a flattering tongue, And with words of hatred they surrounded me, and armed themselves against me without my guilt: Instead of loving me, they lied against me, and I prayed, And they repaid me with evil for good, and with hatred for my love. Set a sinner over him, and let the devil stand at his right hand. When he is judged, let him come out condemned, and let his prayer be a sin. Let his days be short, and let his dignity be assumed by another. Let his sons be fatherless, and his wife a widow. Wandering, let his sons move away and ask that they be driven out of their homes. Let the lender demand all that he has, and let strangers plunder what he has acquired by his labors. Let him have no intercessor, and let him not be generous to his fatherless. Let his children be destroyed, let his name be blotted out with one generation. Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord, and let not the sin of his mother be cleansed. May they always be before the Lord, and may their memory be cut off from the earth, because he did not think to show mercy, but persecuted a poor man, and a needy, and a brokenhearted man, in order to put him to death. And he loved the curse, and it would come upon him, and he did not desire the blessing, and it would depart from him. And he clothed himself with a curse as a garment, and it entered into his womb like water, and into his bones like oil. Let it be to him like the garment in which he is clothed, and like the girdle with which he always girds himself. Such is the fate of those who slander me before the Lord, and speak evil against my soul. But thou, O Lord, Lord, do unto me according to thy name, for thy mercy is good: deliver me, for I am poor and wretched, and my heart is troubled within me. Like a shadow, when it evades, I have vanished, I have been driven out like locusts. My knees are faint from fasting, and my body is changed from (deprivation) of oil. And I became a laughing stock to them: when they saw me, they nodded their heads. Help me, O Lord my God, and save me according to Thy mercy. And let them understand that such is Thy hand, and that Thou, O Lord, hast done it. They will curse, but Thou shalt bless, let them that rise up against me be ashamed, but Thy servant shall rejoice. Let those who slander me be clothed with shame, and be covered with their shame as with a garment. But I will loudly confess the Lord with my mouth, and in the midst of the multitude I will praise Him, for He has stood at the right hand of the poor, to save my soul from the persecutors.

Glory: According to the 15th kathisma, the Trisagion. The same troparia, tone 1: 

For the abyss of many of my sins, O Saviour, and thou hast been plunged into my sins: give me thy hand as Peter's, and save me, O God, and have mercy on me.

Glory: For evil thoughts and deeds have been condemned, O Saviour, grant me conversion, O God, that I may call: save me, O Good Benefactor, and have mercy on me. And now: O God-blessed Virgin and Most Immaculate Maiden, I am filthy and defiled by my unbearable deeds and filthy thoughts, cleanse me, accursed, Undefiled and Pure, All-Holy Virgin Mother.

Lord, have mercy (40) and the prayer:

O Lord Jesus Christ, Thou art my Helper, I am in Thy hands, help me, forsake me not to sin against Thee, for I am in error, forsake me not to follow the will of my flesh, despise me not, O Lord, for I am weak. Thou dost weigh what is useful to me, forsake me not, my sins perish, forsake me not, O Lord, depart not from me, for I have fled to Thee, teach me to do Thy will, for Thou art my God. Heal my soul, for Thou hast sinned, save me for the sake of Thy mercy, for before Thee are all those who are in cold to me, and there is no other refuge for me but Thou, O Lord. Let all those who rise up against me and seek my soul be ashamed, for Thou art the only Mighty One, O Lord, in all, and Thine is the glory for ever and ever, Amen.

Kathisma sixtenten

109. Psalm of David.

The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool. The Lord will send you a rod of power from Zion, and rule among your enemies. Power is with Thee in the day of Thy power in the splendor of Thy saints. "Out of the womb before Lucifer I begat Thee." The Lord swore and will not repent: Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek. The Lord at Thy right hand shall smite kings in the day of His wrath. He will execute judgment on the nations, he will fill (the earth) with carcasses, he will break the heads of many on the earth, he will drink from the stream on the way, therefore he will lift up his head.

110. Alleluia.

I will confess to Thee, O Lord, with all my heart in the assembly and assembly of the righteous. Great are the works of the Lord; His desires are exquisite in everything! Praise and splendor are His work, and His righteousness endures for ever and ever. He made His miracles memorable. The Lord is merciful and bountiful: He has given food to those who fear Him, He will remember His covenant forever. He hath made known the power of his works unto his people, that he might give them the inheritance of the Gentiles. The works of His hands are truth and righteousness, all His commandments are true, They are established for ever and ever, inscribed in truth and righteousness. He hath sent deliverance unto his people, hath commanded his covenant for ever. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the understanding is good in all who are guided by it.

111. Alleluia. Psalm.