The Psalter of the Prophet David (in Russian translation by P. Yungerov)

Look upon me and have mercy on me, as you do to those who love Your name. Direct my steps according to Thy word, and let not all iniquity possess me. Deliver me from the slander of men, and I will keep Thy commandments. Shine Thy face upon Thy servant, and teach me Thy justifications. Fountains of water have brought forth my eyes, for I have not kept Thy law. Righteous art Thou, O Lord, and Thy judgments are just. In Thy revelations Thou hast commanded righteousness and perfect truth. My zeal for Thee has faded away, for my enemies have forgotten Thy words. Thy word is very fervent, and Thy servant has loved it. I am young and despised, (but) I have not forgotten Thy justifications. Thy righteousness is righteousness for ever, and thy law is truth. Sorrows and needs have come upon me, Thy commandments are my consolation. Thy testimonies are righteousness for ever: give me understanding, and I shall live. I cried out with all my heart, Hear me, O Lord! I will seek Thy justifications. I cried out to Thee, Save me! And I will keep thy testimonies. I have gone before in time and cried out, for I have trusted in thy words. My eyes have gone before the morning, to learn Thy words. Hear my voice, O Lord, according to Thy mercy, revive me according to Thy judgment. Those who persecute me lawlessly have drawn nigh, but they have departed from Thy law. Thou art near, O Lord, and all Thy ways are truth. From the beginning I learned from Thy revelations that Thou hast established them for ever. Look upon my humiliation, and deliver me, for I have not forgotten Thy law. Judge my case and deliver me, for the sake of Thy word revive me. Salvation is far from sinners, for they have not sought Thy justifications. Great are Thy mercies, O Lord: according to Thy judgment revive me. I have many persecutors and oppressors, but I have not deviated from Thy revelations. I have seen foolish men, and I have lamented that they have not kept thy words. Behold, how I have come to love Thy commandments. God! By Thy mercy revive me. The beginning of Thy words is truth, and all the judgments of Thy righteousness endure for ever. Princes persecuted me without fault, but my heart feared Thy words. I will rejoice in Thy words, as one who has found great prey. I have hated unrighteousness and abhorred it, but I have loved Thy law. Seven times in the day I have praised thee for thy righteous judgments. Peace is great with those who love Thy law, and there is no offense to them. I have longed for Thy salvation, O Lord, and I have loved Thy commandments. My soul has kept Thy testimonies, and has loved them greatly. I have kept Thy commandments and Thy revelations: for all my ways are before Thee, O Lord. May my prayer draw near to Thee, O Lord, according to Thy word, enlighten me. Let my petition come to Thee, O Lord, according to Thy word, deliver me. My lips shall pour out a song, when Thou hast taught me Thy justifications. My tongue shall declare thy words: for all thy commandments are righteousness. Thy hand be for my salvation, for I have loved Thy commandments. I have desired Thy salvation, O Lord, and Thy law my teaching. My soul shall live, and praise thee, and thy judgments shall help me. I am lost as a lost sheep: seek thy servant, for I have not forgotten thy commandments.

Slava: According to the 17th kathisma. The Trisagion. The same troparia, tone 2: 

I have sinned against Thee, O Saviour, as the prodigal son: receive me, O Father, who repent, and have mercy on me, O God.

Glory: I call unto Thee, O Christ the Saviour, with the voice of the publican: cleanse me as thou didst and have mercy on me, O God. And now: O Theotokos, do not despise me, demanding Thy intercession: for in Thee my soul trusts, and have mercy on me.

Lord, have mercy (40) and the prayer:

Hear, O Lord, hearken, O Lover of mankind, cleanse me, O Gracious Mother, and free my accursed soul from the torment of the reigning passions in me. And let not sin contain me, let the demon be able to fight against me, let him lead me to his own will, but by Thy sovereign hand, His dominion, Thou hast conquered me, Thou reign in me, O Good and Loving Lord, and all Thy being, and live for me the rest according to Thy good will. And grant me with the ineffable goodness of my heart purification, the guarding of my lips, the righteousness of my deeds, humble wisdom, peace of thoughts, the silence of my spiritual powers, spiritual joy, true love, longsuffering, kindness, meekness, faith without hypocrisy, self-control, and fill me with all good fruits, by the gift of Thy Holy Spirit. And do not bring me up to the mid-night of my days, and take away my soul uncorrected and unprepared, but complete me with Thy perfection, and thus lead me to the present life, so that I may pass through the beginnings and powers of darkness without hindrance, and by Thy grace I may see the unapproachable goodness of Thy glory, with all Thy saints, in whom I may be sanctified, and glorify Thy all-honorable and glorious name, The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages, Amen.

Kathisma osmayanaten

119. Song of degrees.

I cried to the Lord in my affliction, and he heard me. O Lord, deliver my soul from the mouth of the unrighteous, and from the tongue of the flatterer. What will be given to you, or what will be added to you with a flattering tongue? Sophisticated arrows of the Strong with devastating coals. Woe is me, that my life in exile is long: I have settled in the tents of Kidar. Long did my soul dwell in the land of exile: with those who hated the world I was at peace. When I spoke to them, they were innocently hostile to me.

120. Песнь степеней.

Возвел я очи мои в горы, откуда придет помощь моя. Помощь моя от Господа, сотворившего небо и землю. Не давай споткнуться ноге твоей: не воздремлет Хранящий тебя. Вот, не воздремлет и не заснет Хранящий Израиля. Господь сохранит тебя, Господь – покров твой по правую руку твою: Днем солнце не обожжет тебя и луна ночью (не повредит). Господь сохранит тебя от всякого зла, сохранит душу твою Господь. Господь сохранит вход твой и исход твой, от ныне и до века.

121. Песнь степеней.

Я возвеселился, когда сказали мне: “пойдем в дом Господень!” Стояли ноги наши во дворах твоих, Иерусалим. Строящийся Иерусалим подобен городу, которого здания соединены вместе. Ибо туда вошли колена, колена Господни, по откровению Израилю, прославлять имя Господне. Ибо там поставлены престолы для суда, престолы в дому Давида. Молите же о мире Иерусалиму, и (да будет) обилие у любящих тебя! Да будет мир в силе твоей и обилие в крепостных башнях твоих! Ради братьев моих и ближних моих я говорил о тебе: “(да будет) мир!” Ради дома Господа Бога нашего я искал тебе блага.

122. Песнь степеней.