The Psalter of the Prophet David (in Russian translation by P. Yungerov)

How long, O Lord, wilt thou forget me to the end? How long wilt thou hide thy face from me? How long shall I lay thoughts in my soul, (a) sorrows in my heart day and night? How long will my enemy be exalted above me? Look, hear me, O Lord my God, enlighten my eyes, that I may not sleep mortally. Let not my enemy say, 'I have overcome him!' Those who oppress me will rejoice if I waver. But I have trusted in Thy mercy: my heart shall rejoice in Thy salvation, I will sing to the Lord who does good to me, and I will sing the name of the Lord Most High.

13. In the end. Psalm of David.

The fool said in his heart, "There is no God." They have become depraved and abominable in their deeds: there is none that doeth good. The Lord looked down from Heaven upon the sons of men, that He might see whether there was one who understood or sought God. All have deviated, all have become utterly worthless, there is no one who does good, there is not one. Will not all those who do iniquity, who devour My people, come to their senses, as they eat bread? They did not call upon the Lord, (therefore) there they trembled with fear, where there was no fear, for the Lord is in the generation of the righteous. You have put to shame the counsel of the poor, but the Lord is his hope. Who will give salvation to Israel from Zion? When the Lord brings His people back from captivity, Jacob will rejoice, and Israel will rejoice.


14. In the end. Psalm of David. 

God! Who will dwell in Thy tabernacle? Or who will dwell on Thy holy mountain? He who walks blamelessly, and does righteousness, speaks the truth from his heart, who has not flattered his tongue, nor done evil to his neighbor, nor received reproach on his neighbors, he in whose eyes the evil one is despised, who glorifies those who fear the Lord; He swears to his neighbor, and does not break his oath. Who did not lend his money on interest, and did not accept gifts against the innocent. He who does these things will never be shaken.

15. Pillar painting of David.

Keep me, O Lord, for in Thee have I trusted. I said to the Lord, You are my Lord, and have no need of my goods. To the saints who are in His land, He miraculously manifested all His desires among them. Their infirmities multiplied, but then soon (they passed). But I will not call their assemblies for (shedding) blood, neither will I remember their names with my mouth. The Lord is a part of my inheritance and my cup, Thou hast built for me my inheritance. The boundary lines are laid for me in my best (places), for my property is the best for me. I will bless the Lord, Who hath taught me, even by night my inward part taught me. I have always seen the Lord before me, for He is at my right hand, that I may not be shaken. Therefore my heart rejoiced, and my tongue rejoiced, and my flesh also dwelt in the hope that Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, nor suffer Thy saint to see corruption. Thou hast shown me the ways of life, Thou hast filled me with gladness before Thy face, bliss is in Thy right hand for ever.

16. Молитва Давида.

Услышь, Господи, правду мою, вонми молению моему, выслушай молитву мою не из льстивых уст. От лица Твоего суд мне да изыдет, очи мои да видят правоту. Ты испытал сердце мое, посетил ночью, испытал (огнем) меня, и не нашлось во мне неправды. Чтобы уста мои не говорили о делах человеческих, я хранил жестокие пути, по словам уст Твоих. Утверди стопы мои на стезях Твоих, чтобы не поколебались стопы мои. Я воззвал, ибо Ты, Боже, слушал меня, приклони ухо Твое ко мне и услышь слова мои. Яви дивно милости Твои, спасая уповающих на Тебя от противников десницы Твоей. Сохрани меня, Господи, как зеницу ока, под кровом крыльев Твоих укрой меня От нечестивых, обижающих меня: враги мои стеснили душу мою. Они заключились в туке своем: уста их говорили высокомерное. Гонители мои ныне окружили меня, глаза свои устремили, чтобы низринуть на землю: Подстерегли меня, подобно льву, бросающемуся на добычу, и подобно львенку, живущему в тайных местах. Восстань, Господи, предупреди их и задержи их, избавь душу мою от нечестивого, оружие Твое – от врагов руки Твоей. Господи! От малых на земле отдели их при жизни их: хотя сокровищами Твоими наполнилось сердце их, из хранилищ Твоих пресыщены они сыновьями и оставили остаток потомкам своим, Но я в правде явлюсь пред лице Твое, насыщусь, когда явится мне слава Твоя.


По 2-й кафисме, Трисвятое.