Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) in verse

(1) Псалом Асафа. Истинно, добр Б-г к Йисраэйлю, к чистым сердцем. (2) А я – едва не подломились ноги мои, чуть не поскользнулись стопы мои, (3) Ибо позавидовал я беспутным, увидев благоденствие нечестивых, (4) Потому что нет им страданий при смерти и крепки силы их. (5) В труде человеческом не (участвуют) они и как (другие) люди не мучаются. (6) Поэтому окружили они себя высокомерием, как ожерельем, в одежды насилия облеклись они. (7) Вылезли от тучности глаза их, имеют они больше, чем желало сердце их. (8) Глумятся и злобно говорят о притеснении, свысока говорят. (9) Обратили против неба уста свои и языком своим по земле ходят. (10) Поэтому обращается народ Его туда же, и пьют воду полной (чашей), (11) И говорят: откуда знает Б-г? И есть ли ведение у Всевышнего? (12) Вот эти – нечестивые, а вечно спокойны, и богатства много у них. (13) Действительно, напрасно очищал я сердце свое и омывал в невинности руки свои. (14) И поражаем был я каждый день, и бедствия мои (возобновляются) всякое утро. (15) Если бы сказал я: буду рассуждать так же, то поколению сыновей Твоих изменил бы я. (16) И думал я: как понять это, трудно было это в глазах моих, (17) Пока не пришел я в святилище Б-жье; (лишь тогда) понял я конец их. (18) Истинно, на скользком месте ставишь Ты их, (чтобы) низринуть их в развалины. (19) Как мгновенно они опустошены были, сгинули, погибли от ужасов. (20) Как сновидение при пробуждении, Г-споди, образ их в городе (в Йерушалаиме) унижаешь Ты. (21) Ибо наполнилось горечью сердце мое и почки мои как острием пронзены были, (22) И я невеждой (был) и не понял, скотом был я пред Тобой. (23) А я всегда с Тобой, Ты держишь меня за правую руку мою. (24) Советом Своим Ты наставляешь меня и потом к славе поведешь меня. (25) Кто (еще) для меня в небесах? А с Тобой не хочу (ничего) на земле! (26) Изнемогает плоть моя и сердце мое; твердыня сердца моего и доля моя – Б-г, вовеки. (27) Ибо вот погибнут удалившиеся от Тебя, уничтожаешь Ты всякого отвращающегося от Тебя. (28) А я... близость Б-га – благо для меня, сделал я Г-спода Б-га убежищем своим, чтобы рассказать о всех деяниях Твоих.

(1) Маскил Асафа. Зачем, Б-же, Ты оставил навсегда, воздымился гнев Твой на паству Твою! (2) Вспомни общину Свою, (которую) издревле приобрел Ты, спас Ты колено наследия Своего, эту гору Цийон, на которой обитаешь Ты. (3) Подними стопы Свои на развалины вечные, на все, что разрушил враг в святилище. (4) Рыкали враги Твои в (местах) собраний Твоих, (в храме) символами сделали знаки свои. (5) Подобен был он тем, что поднимают топор на заросли древесные. (6) И ныне все украшения его молотом и топором разбивают. (7) Предали огню храм Твой, до земли (унизили), осквернили обитель имени Твоего. (8) Сказали они в сердце своем: уничтожим их (всех) вместе; сожгли они все (места) собраний Б-жьих в стране. (9) Знаков наших не увидели мы, нет больше пророка, и не с нами знающий – доколе? (10) Доколе, Б-же, хулить будет притеснитель? Вечно ли презирать будет враг имя Твое? (11) Почему отвращаешь Ты руку Свою и десницу Свою? Из недр Своих порази! (12) А (ведь Ты), Б-же, издревле Царь мой, творящий спасение среди страны. (13) Раздробил Ты море мощью Своей, разбил головы змей на воде. (14) Размозжил Ты головы ливйатана, отдал его на съедение народу, обитателям пустыни. (15) Иссек Ты источник и поток, иссушил Ты реки сильные. (16) Твой день и Твоя ночь, упрочил Ты светило (луну) и солнце. (17) Ты установил все пределы земли, лето и зиму – Ты их создал. (18) Помни это! Враг поносил Г-спода, и народ подлый презирал имя Твое. (19) Не отдавай зверю душу голубки Твоей, общину бедных Твоих не забудь вовек. (20) Воззри на завет, ибо полны мрачные места земли жилищами злодейства. (21) Да не возвратится угнетенный пристыженным, бедный и нищий восхвалять будут имя Твое. (22) Встань, Б-же, выступи в защиту дела Своего, вспомни, как весь день поносил Тебя негодяй. (23) Не забудь голоса врагов Твоих, шума восстающих на Тебя, подъемлемого беспрестанно.

(1) Руководителю: (по) "Ал-ташхэйт". Псалом Асафа. Песнь. (2) Славим Тебя, Б-же, славим, и близко имя Твое. Рассказывают о чудесах Твоих. (3) Когда изберу время, произведу Я суд праведный. (4) Истаивает земля и все населяющие ее, утвердил Я столпы ее. Сэла! (5) Сказал я беспутным: "Не бесчинствуйте!" и нечестивым: "Не поднимайте рога!" (6) Не поднимайте вверх рога вашего, (не) говорите, надменно (вытянув) шею, (7) Ибо не с востока, и не с запада, и не от пустыни возвышение, (8) Ибо (только) Б-г – судья; этого унижает, а того возвышает; (9) Потому что чаша в руке Г-сподней, и вино пенистое, полное приправ (горьких в ней), и наливает Он из нее, даже дрожжи (осадок) выпьют до дна, напьются все нечестивые земли. (10) А я возвещать буду вечно, воспою Б-гу Йаакова. (11) И все рога нечестивых срублю, поднимутся рога праведника.

(1) Руководителю: на негинот. Псалом Асафа. Песнь. (2) Известен Б-г в Йеуде, в Йисраэйле велико имя Его. (3) И была в Шалэйме куща Его, и в Цийоне – обитель Его. (4) Там сокрушил Он (стрелы) лука молниеносные, щит, и меч, и войну. Сэла! (5) Блистательней Ты, сильнее гор хищнических. (6) Охватила одурь храбрых сердцем, заснули сном своим, и не нашли рук своих все воины. (7) От окрика Твоего, Б-г Йаакова, заснули и колесницы и конь. (8) Ты – страшен Ты; и кто устоит пред Тобой во время гнева Твоего? (9) С небес дал услышать Ты суд, ужаснулась земля и притихла, (10) Когда встал на суд Б-г, чтобы спасти всех смиренных земли, сэла! (11) Ибо гнев человека восславит Тебя, остаток гнева укротишь Ты. (12) Давайте обеты и платите Г-споду Б-гу вашему, все окружающие Его (пусть) принесут дар Страшному. (13) Укрощающий дух властелинов, страшен Он для царей земли.


(1) To the leader, Yedutun. Psalm of Asaph. (2) My voice is to G-d, and I will cry out, my voice is to G-d, and (You) give ear to me. (3) In the day of my affliction I seek the L-rd, my hand oozes out in the night, and my soul does not cease, it refuses comfort. (4) I remember, O G-d, and I groan, I meditate, and my spirit faints. Sal! (5) You hold the eyelids of my eyes, and I am stunned and cannot speak. (6) I meditate on the days of old, on the years of old. (7) I remember my singing at night, I converse with my heart, and my spirit seeks an answer. (8) Will the LORD depart forever and no longer be well pleased? (9) Has his mercy dried up forever, he has ordained (the calamity) for ever? (10) Has G-d forgotten to have mercy, and has He shut up His mercy in anger? Sal! (11) And I said, "My pain is a change in the right hand of the Most High." (12) I remember the deeds of the L-rd, I remember Thy ancient miracle. (13) And I meditate on all your deeds and speak of your deeds. (14) G-d, your way is holy. Who is G-d, great as G-d? (15) You, G-d, the worker of miracles, have manifested your power among the nations. (16) You have delivered your people with your arm, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. Sal! (17) The waters have seen you, O G-d, and the waters have seen you, and they are terrified, and the depths tremble. (18) The clouds poured out streams of water, the heavens gave a voice, and your arrows parted. (19) The voice of your thunder in the heavens, the lightning illuminated the universe, and the earth shook and shook. (20) In the sea is your way, and your path is in great waters, and your footprints are unknown. (21) You led your people like sheep through the hand of Moshe and Aaron.


(1) Maskil Asaph. Hearken, my people, to my teaching, incline your ear to the words of my mouth. (2) I will open my mouth with parables, I will pronounce riddles from ancient times, (3) Which we have heard, and we know, and our fathers have told us. (4) Let us not hide from their sons, telling the generation to come of the glory of the LORD, and of his might, and of his miracles which he has wrought. (5) And he established the law in Jacob and set up the Torah in Yisrael, which he commanded our fathers to declare to their sons, (6) so that they, the generation to come, would know the sons who would be born, (so that) they might rise up and tell their sons, (7) and put their hope in G-d, and would not forget the deeds of G-d, but keep his commandments. (8) And so that they may not be like their fathers, a generation that is turbulent and stubborn, a generation that has not strengthened its heart, whose spirit is not faithful to G-d. (9) The sons of Ephraim, armed, archers, who turned (back) on the day of the battle. (10) They did not keep G-d's covenant and did not follow His Torah. (11) And they forgot his works and the miracles he had shown them. (12) In the presence of their fathers he performed a miracle in the land of Egypt, in the field of Tzran. (13) He cut the sea, and led them, and set up the waters as a wall. (14) And he led them in a cloud by day, and all night in the light of fire. (15) He cut the rocks in the wilderness and gave them to drink as from a great abyss. (16) He poured streams out of the rock and brought down the waters like rivers. (17) And they sinned against him even more, disobeying the Most High in the wilderness. (18) And they tried G-d in their hearts, asking for the food they desired. (19) And they murmured against G-d, saying, "Can G-d prepare a table in the wilderness? (20) Verily, he struck the rock, and the waters flowed and streams flowed. Can He also give bread? Will he prepare meat for his people?" (21) When the LORD heard this, he became angry, and a fire was kindled in Jacob, and anger rose up against Yisrael, (22) Because they did not believe in G-d and did not trust in His help. (23) And he commanded the clouds above, and opened the doors of the heavens. (24) And he rained down May for them to eat, and he gave them the bread of heaven. (25) Man ate the bread of heaven, and he sent them plenty of food. (26) He moved the east wind in the heavens, and with his power he brought the south wind. (27) And he rained down on them flesh like dust, and like the sand of the sea, winged birds. (28) And he cast them down in the midst of his camp, around his dwellings. (29) And they ate and were satisfied, and He gave them what they desired. (30) They did not turn away from their lust, but there was still food in their mouths, (31) But the wrath of G-d rose up against them and killed the fat among them, and overthrew the young men of Yisrael. (32) And yet they sinned again and did not believe in his miracles. (33) And he ended their days in vanity, and their years in terror. (34) If He killed them, they asked Him, and they returned and sought G-d. (35) And they remembered that G-d is their fortress, and G-d the Most High is their deliverer. (36) And they persuaded him with their mouths, and with their tongues they lied to him. (37) But their hearts were not true to him, and they were not faithful to his covenant. (38) But he, the merciful, forgives sin and does not destroy, and many times he turned away his wrath and did not arouse all his wrath. (39) And He remembered that they were flesh, and the spirit did not return. (40) How many times have they disobeyed him in the wilderness and grieved him in the uninhabited land! (41) Again they tried G-d, and asked Saint Yisrael for signs. (42) They did not remember his hand, the day when he delivered them from the oppressor, (43) when he gave his signs and wonders in Egypt, in the field of Zoan. (44) And he turned their streams into blood, and their water was not drinkable. (45) He sent aras (a mass of wild beasts or insects) against them, and they devoured them, and frogs, and they destroyed them. (46) And he gave the caterpillars their harvest and their labor to the locusts. (47) He smote their vines with hail, and their fig trees with hail of stone. (48) And he gave up their cattle to the city, and their flocks to the flames. (49) He sent upon them the fervor of his wrath, wrath, indignation, and calamity, the invasion of evil messengers. (50) He has paved the way for His wrath, He has not preserved their souls from death, and He has given up their lives to pestilence. (51) And he struck down every firstborn in Egypt, the power he had begun in the tents of Ham. (52) And he moved his people like sheep and led them like a flock through the wilderness, (53) and led them in safety, and they were not afraid, and the sea covered their enemies. (54) And he led them to his holy border, to this mountain, which his right hand had gained. (55) And he drove the nations out before them, and gave them their inheritance, and settled the tribes of Yisraelite in their tents. (56) But they tried and did not obey G-d, the Most High, and did not keep His laws. (57) And they turned away and changed like their fathers, and turned into a deceitful bow, (58) And they provoked Him with their high places and their idols, (and) angered Him. (59) G-d heard and became angry and hated Israel very much. (60) And he left the tabernacle in Shiloh, the tent in which he dwelt among men, (61) and gave his power and glory into the hand of the oppressor, (62) and put his people to the sword, and was angry with his inheritance. (63) His young men were consumed by fire, and no song was sung to his maidens, (64) His priests fell by the sword, and his widows did not weep. (65) And the L-rd awoke as from a dream, like a hero, with rejoicing (sobered up) from wine. (66) And he smote his enemies from behind, and gave them over to everlasting shame. (67) And he hated the tent of Joseif, and he did not choose the tribe of Ephraim, (68) but he chose the tribe of Yehudah, Mount Tzion, which he loved. (69) And he built his sanctuary like the heavens, like the earth, and founded it forever. (70) And he chose David his servant and took him out of the sheepfolds, (71) From the milling places he brought his people Jacob and Yisrael, his inheritance, to feed him. (72) And he shepherded them in the purity of his heart, and led them with the wisdom of his hands.


(1) The Psalm of Asaph. G-d, the nations have come to Thy inheritance, they have defiled Thy holy temple, they have turned Yerushalayim into ruins; (2) You have given the carcasses of your servants to be devoured by the birds of the air, the flesh of your godly servants to the beasts of the earth; (3) They shed their blood like water around Yerushalayim, and there is no one to bury them. (4) We were disgraced (in the eyes of) our neighbors, mocked and shamed by those around us. (5) How long, O L-rd, will you be angry, forever? How long shall Thy wrath burn like fire? (6) Pour out your wrath on the nations that do not know you and on the kingdoms that do not call on your name, (7) For he (the enemy) devoured Jacob and they laid waste his dwelling. (8) Do not remind us of the sins of our ancestors, but let your mercy hasten to meet us, for we are greatly humbled. (9) Help us, G-d of our salvation, for the glory of your name, and deliver us and forgive our sins for your name's sake. (10) Why should the nations say, "Where is their G-d?" Let the vengeance for the shed blood of your servants be known among the nations before our eyes! (11) Let the lamentation of the prisoner reach you, and by the majesty of your power set free those who are doomed to death! (12) And seven times return to our neighbors, into their bosom, the insults with which they have insulted you, O LORD! (13) But we, your people and your flock, will always thank you, we will tell you forever of your glory.