Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) in verse

(1) Bless God, O my soul! O God, my Almighty! Thou hast exalted Thyself infinitely, Thou hast clothed Thyself in majesty and beauty. (2) Clothed with light as with a cloak, he stretched out the heavens like a tent. (3) He has made his palaces on high in the waters, he makes the clouds his chariot, he walks on the wings of the wind. (4) He makes storms his messengers, his servants a blazing fire. (5) He founded the earth upon its foundations, that it should not be shaken forever and ever. (6) You covered it with an abyss as with a garment, and there were waters on the mountains. (7) At your cry they fled, at the voice of your thunder they quickly departed,249 (8) the mountains ascended, the valleys descended, to the place which you founded for them. (9) Thou hast set a limit that they should not transgress the earth, that they should not return to cover the earth. (10) You send springs into the valley rivers, and they flow between the mountains, (11) they give water to all the beasts of the field; wild asses quench their thirst. (12) Above them dwell the birds of the air, and from among the branches they give their voices. (13) Thou shalt water the mountains from Thy palaces on high, and the earth is filled with the fruits of Thy creations. (14) You cultivate grass for cattle, plants for man's work, in order to produce bread from the earth, (15) and wine, which makes man's heart gladden, and oil, which makes his face shine, and bread, which strengthens man's heart. (16) The trees of God, the cedars of Lebanon, which he planted, are satisfied. (17) Birds nest on them, cypresses are the abode of storks, (18) high mountains are the abode of chamois, and rocks are the refuge of hyraxes[250]. (19) He created the moon to determine the times,251 and the sun knows its setting.252 (20) You have established darkness, and there is night,253 during which all the beasts of the forest roam. (21) Young lions roar for their prey and ask the Almighty for food. (22) When the sun shines, they gather and lie down in their lairs. (23) A man goes out to his work, to his work until evening. (24) How numerous are your creatures, O God! Thou hast created all things with wisdom, and the earth is full of Thy works. (25) Behold, the sea is great and vast, there are creeping things, and there are no number, small animals with great ones. (26) There are ships sailing, this leviathan whom you created to frolic in it. (27) They all expect you to give them food in due time. (28) You give to them, and they receive, and when you open your hand, they are filled with goodness. (29) If you hide your countenance, confusion will envelop them, if you take away their spirit, they will die, they will return to their dust. (30) If you send your spirit, they will be reborn, and you will renew the face of the earth. (31) May God's words be forever and ever, may God rejoice in His creatures! (32) If he looks at the earth, it trembles, and if he touches the mountains, they smoke. (33) I will sing to God during my lifetime, I will sing to my Almighty as long as I exist. (34) May my prayer be pleasing to Him, and I may rejoice in God. (35) Sinners will disappear from the earth, and there will be no more evildoers. Bless God, O my soul! Praise God!


(1) Give thanks to God, call on his name, proclaim his deeds among the nations. (2) Sing to Him, play with Him, tell of all His miracles. (3) Praise yourselves in his holy name, let the hearts of those who seek God rejoice. (4) Inquire of God and His might, seek His face continually. (5) Remember his miracles that he has done, his signs and the justice of his mouth, (6) [you] the descendants of Avraham his servant, the sons of Jacob, his chosen ones. (7) He is God, our Almighty, and his justice is in all the earth. (8) He remembers forever His covenant, a word bequeathed for a thousand generations, (9) which He made with Avraham, His oath to Yitzchak, (10) He established it for Yaakov as a law, and for Israel as an eternal covenant, (11) saying, "To you I will give the Land of Canaan, the inheritance of your inheritance." (12) When they were still few in number, barely sojourners in (that country), (13) and passed from nation to nation, from kingdom to tribe, (14) he did not allow anyone to oppress them, he punished kings for them:254 (15) "Do not touch my anointed, do not harm my prophets!" (16) He called famine to the earth, and crushed every support of bread[255]. (17) He sent a man before them: Joseph was sold into slavery. (18) His feet were bound with chains, his soul entered into iron, (19) until his word was fulfilled, the speech of God tested him. (20) The king sent, he was unchained, and the ruler of the nations removed his fetters. (21) He made him lord over his house, ruler over all his possessions, (22) so that his nobles might be attached to his soul,256 and his elders might learn wisdom from him. (23) Then Israel came to Egypt, and Jacob was a stranger in the land of Ham. (24) And he multiplied his people greatly, making them stronger than their enemies. (25) He turned their hearts to hate his people, to plot against his servants. (26) He sent Moses his servant, Aharon, whom he had chosen. (27) They presented to them the words of his signs, the wonders in the land of Ham. (28) He sent darkness and it became dark, and they did not oppose (the execution) of His word. (29) He turned their waters into blood, and killed their fish. (30) The land was infested with their frogs, which had entered the chambers of their kings. (31) He commanded, and there was confusion,258 and gnats all over their country. (32) Instead of rain, he sent hail upon them, and a kindling fire on their land. (33) He slew the grapes and their fig trees, and broke the trees in their edges. (34) He commanded, and locusts swept in, and the locusts were innumerable. (35) They have devoured all the grass in their country, they have devoured the fruits of their land. (36) And he smote every firstborn in their country, the firstfruits of all their strength. (37) And he brought out [the children of Israel] with silver and gold, and there was no fallen one among their tribes. (38) Egypt rejoiced at their departure, for fear of them had seized it. (39) He stretched out the cloud with a veil, and the fire to shine in the night. (40) He begged [Israel] – He brought quails and fed them with bread from heaven. (41) When he opened the rock, the waters flowed, flowed like a river through the dry places, (42) for he remembered his holy word to Avraham his servant. (43) And He brought out His people in rejoicing and singing, His chosen ones. (44) He gave them the lands of the nations, they inherited the goods of the nations, (45) so that they would keep his statutes and keep his teachings. Praise God!


(1) Praise God! Give thanks to God, for He is good, for His mercy endures for ever. (2) Who will tell of the power of God, and declare all his praises? (3) Happy are those who observe justice, who do justice at all times! (4) Remember me, O God, in favor with your people, visit me with your salvation, (5) that I may see the prosperity of your chosen ones, that I may rejoice in the joy of your people, that I may be glorified with your inheritance. 6 We have committed transgressions, like our fathers, we have sinned and done evil. Our fathers in Egypt did not understand your miracles, they did not remember the abundance of your mercy, they disobeyed by the sea, in the Red Sea. (8) But he saved them for his name's sake, to make his power known. (9) He shouted menacingly at the Red Sea, for it had dried up, and He led them through the abysses as through the desert. (10) He saved them from the hand of the enemy, delivered them from the hand of the enemy. 11 The waters covered their enemies, and not one of them remained. (12) And they believed his words and sang his praises. (13) But they soon forgot his deeds without waiting for his counsel.260 (14) They were carried away by a whim in the wilderness, testing the Almighty in an uninhabited country. (15) But he gave them what they asked for, but he sent exhaustion into their souls. (16) They angered Moses in the camp, Aharon, the holy [servant] of God. (17) The earth opened up and swallowed up Datan, and covered the crowd of Aviram. (18) And a fire was kindled in their crowd, and the flames burned up the wicked. (19) They created a calf in Horeb,261 and worshipped the image. (20) They exchanged their glory for the image of a bull eating grass. (21) They have forgotten the Almighty, their savior, who did great things in Egypt, (22) miracles in the land of Ham, terrible miracles near the Red Sea. (23) He would have destroyed them, if it had not been for Moshe, his chosen one, who stood before him in a breach [of the wall] in order to turn away his wrath so that it would not destroy them. (24) They despised the land they desired, and did not believe his word. (25) They murmured in their tents, not obeying the voice of God. (26) And he lifted up his hand[262] against them, to cast them down in the wilderness (27) and to cast down their descendants among the nations, to scatter them to different countries. (28) They clung to Baal-Peor and ate from sacrifices to the dead. (29) They were annoying [God] with their deeds, and a pestilence broke out among them. (30) And Pinchas arose, pronounced judgment, and the pestilence ceased. (31) This was credited to him for generations and generations, forever. (32) And they angered [God] at the waters of Meribah, and Moses suffered for them, (33) for they had grieved his spirit, and he spoke with his mouth.263 (34) They did not destroy the nations of which God had spoken to them. (35) They mingled with the nations and learned their works. (36) They served their idols, which were a snare for them. (37) They sacrificed their sons and daughters to demons. (38) They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, who were sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was defiled with blood. (39) They have defiled themselves by their deeds, they have committed fornication by their deeds. (40) And God's wrath was kindled against his people, and he abhorred his inheritance. (41) He delivered them into the hands of the nations, and their enemies began to rule over them. [42] Their enemies oppressed them, and they were subdued under their rule. (43) Many times he delivered them, but they were disobedient in their decision and became poor because of their sin. (44) But he saw their grief when he heard their prayers. (45) And he remembered his covenant with them, and in his great mercy he changed [anger to mercy]. (46) He aroused mercy towards them in all those who had taken them captive. (47) Save us, O God our Almighty, and gather us from among the nations to give thanks to your holy name, to glory in your glory. (48) Blessed be God, the Almighty [God] of Israel, from the world to the world (to come). And let all the people say, Amen! Praise God!


(1) Praise God,264 for he is good, for his mercy endures for ever! (2) Let those who have been delivered by God say, whom he will deliver from the hand of the enemy (3) and gather from the countries, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the sea. 4 They wandered in the wilderness, on an uninhabited road, and found no inhabited city. (5) Hungry and thirsty, their souls are despondent. (6) But they cried out to God in their trouble, and he delivered them from their calamities. 7 He led them on a straight path to go to the inhabited city. (8) Let them praise God for his mercy, for his miracles to the sons of men. (9) For he has satisfied the thirsty soul, and filled the hungry soul with good. (10) Those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, bound with oppressive (fetters) and iron, (11) because they resisted the words of the Almighty, because they rejected the advice of the Most High, (12) He humbled their hearts with labor; They stumbled, and there is no one to help. (13) But they cried out to God in their distress, and he saved them from their calamities. (14) He brought them out of darkness, out of the shadow of death, and broke their bonds. (15) Let them praise God for his mercy, for his miracles to the sons of men. (16) For he has broken the bars of brass, and he has broken the bars of iron. (17) Those who are foolish suffer for the ways of their wickedness and for their sins[265]. (18) Their souls abhor all food, and they have reached the gates of death. (19) But they cried out to God in their distress, and he saved them from their calamities. (20) He sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their graves. (21) Let them praise God for his mercy, for his miracles to the sons of men. (22) Let them offer him a sacrifice of thanksgiving, let them proclaim his deeds with song! (23) Those who go out to sea in ships and work in great waters (24) see God's creations, His miracles in the depths: (25) He spoke, and a stormy wind arose, lifting up its waves. (26) They ascended to the heavens, they descended to the abyss, their souls were shrinking in distress. (27) They whirled and staggered like drunken men, and all their wisdom vanished. (28) But they cried out to God in their troubles, and he brought them out of their troubles. (29) He stopped the storm, it subsided, and the waves calmed down. (30) They rejoiced that it had calmed down, that he had led them to the desired harbor. (31) Let them praise God for his mercy, for his miracles to the sons of men. (32) Let them exalt Him in the assembly of the people, let them praise Him in the assembly of the elders! [266]. (33) He turns rivers into a desert, the springs of waters into a place without water, (34) fertile soil into salt marshes, because of the evil deeds of those who dwell on it. (35) He turns the desert into a lake of waters, and the parched earth into the fountains of waters. (36) He settles the starving there, they found a city to live in, (37) they sow fields, they plant vineyards, which bring them fruit and harvests. (38) He blesses them, they multiply greatly, and does not diminish their cattle[267]. (39) They were small and humiliated by oppression, misfortune and sorrow. (40) He pours out shame on the princes, leaving them to wander in hopeless confusion. (41) But He raises the poor out of poverty, and multiplies his generation like sheep. (42) The honest ones see this and rejoice, but every unrighteousness will shut their mouths. (43) Whoever is wise will keep this, and they will meditate on God's mercy.


(1) The Song of David[268]. (2) My heart is ready, O Almighty, I will sing and play, and my glory is also ready. (3) Wake up, lyre and harp! I will wake up the morning dawn. (4) I will give thanks to Thee among the nations, O God, to sing among the nations, (5) for Thy mercy is higher than the heavens, Thy truth is to the heights of heaven. (6) Be exalted above the heavens, O Almighty, above all the earth, may Your glory be so! (7) In order that your beloved may be delivered, save me with your right hand and answer me. (8) The Almighty said in His holiness, [that] I will triumph, I will divide Shechem, I will measure the valley of Sukkot. (9) Gilad is mine, Menashe is mine, Ephraim is the fortress of my head, Judah is my lawgiver, (10) Moab is my washbasin, I will put my lock on Edom, I will blow the trumpet over the Pleshet. (11) Who will lead me into the fortified city? Who led me to Edom? (12) For it is you, the Almighty, who rejected us, and the Almighty did not come out at the head of our armies. (13) Give us help in trouble, for human protection is in vain. (14) With the Almighty we will create power, and He will trample down our enemies.