Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) in verse


(1) I love it when God hears the voice of my supplications. (2) When an ear is bent upon me, every day when I cry out. (3) Death torments have come upon me, hellish sufferings have come upon me, and I have found trouble and sorrow. (4) In the name of God I cried out, "Have mercy, O God, deliver my soul!" (5) God is merciful and just, our Almighty is merciful. (6) God preserves the simple-minded. I am impoverished - He helps me too. (7) Return, my soul, to your rest, for God has done you good. (8) You have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from stumbling. (9) I will walk before God in the land of the living. (10) I believed, when I spoke, I was greatly depressed. (11) In my rashness I said: "Every man is a liar!" (12) With what shall I repay God for all his good deeds to me? (13) I will lift up the cup of salvation, I will call on in the name of God. (14) I will make my vows to God before all his people. (15) Hard in the sight of God is the death of his godly! (16) Have mercy, O God, for I am your servant! I am Thy servant, the son of Thy handmaid – Thou hast broken my fetters! (17) To you I will offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving, crying out in the name of God. (18) I will make my vows to God before all his people, (19) in the courts of the House of God, in the midst of you, O Jerusalem! Praise God!


(1) Praise God, all nations, praise him, all nations! (2) For great is his mercy toward us, the truth of God endures for ever. Praise God!


(1) Give thanks to God, for he is good, for his mercy endures for ever. (2) Let Israel now say, for his mercy endures for ever. (3) Let the house of Aharon say now, for his mercy endures forever. (4) Let those who now fear God say, for his mercy endures forever. (5) Out of the strait I cried out to God, and God answered me in vastness. (6) God is for me, I will not be afraid: what will man do to me? (7) God help me, for I will see the defeat of my enemies. (8) It is better to be in the shadow of God than to trust in man. (9) It is better to be in the shadows of God than to trust in benefactors. (10) All the nations have surrounded me, and in the name of God I will crush them. (11) They have surrounded me, surrounded me, but in the name of God I will crush them. (12) They have surrounded me like bees, [but] they have been extinguished like fire in thorns, and in the name of God I will crush them. (13) You pushed me, pushed me to knock me down, but God supported me. (14) My power and glory are God, who has become my salvation. (15) The voice of singing and salvation in the tents of the righteous: The right hand of God is doing good! (16) The right hand of God is lifted up, the right hand of God does good! (17) I will not die, but I will live and proclaim the deeds of God. (18) God punished me, punished me, but He did not put me to death. (19) Open to me the gates of righteousness, and I will enter into them, and I will give thanks to God. (20) This is the gate of God, and the righteous will enter it. (21) I praise you, for you have answered me, you have become my salvation. (22) The stone, rejected by the builders, became the head of the corner. (23) This is all from God, and it is wondrous in our eyes. (24) This day was created by God, so let us rejoice and be glad. (25) O God, save me! Oh God, send luck! (26) Blessed is he who comes in the name of God! "We bless you from the House of God. (27) Almighty God – He has given us light. Bind the sacrifice, [lead] to the horns of the altar. (28) You are the Almighty, my (God), and I will praise you. Almighty [God] is my – I will praise You. (29) Praise God, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever.


"Aleph". (1) Happy are those whose way is blameless, those who follow the doctrine of God. Happy are those who keep His testimonies,279 who seek Him with all their hearts. (3) Nor do they make a deceit, but walk in his ways. (4) Thou hast commanded that Thy commandments be strictly observed. (5) I pray that my ways may be directed, to keep your statutes. (6) Then I will not be ashamed, contemplating all your commandments. (7) I will praise you with an honest heart, studying the laws of your righteousness. (8) I will keep your statutes very much—do not forsake me! "Beit." (9) How will a young man ennoble his path? Keeping [everything] according to Thy word. (10) With all my heart I have sought you, do not let me make a mistake, do not let me depart from your commandments. (11) In my heart I have hidden your word, so that I may not sin against you. (12) Blessed be you, O God, teach me your statutes! (13) With my mouth I have declared all the justice of your mouth. (14) In the way of your testimony I rejoiced as I rejoiced in all riches. (15) I will discuss your commandments in the contemplation of your ways. (16) I am carried away by Thy statutes, and I will not forget Thy word. Gimel. (17) Show mercy to your servant, and I will live and keep your word. (18) Open my eyes, and I will behold the wonders in your teaching. (19) I am a stranger on earth, do not hide your commandments from me. (20) My soul is crushed because of the desire for your laws at all times. (21) You have threatened the evildoers, the accursed, who depart from your commandments. (22) Take away my shame and reproach, for I have kept your testimonies. (23) And the princes sat down talking about me, but your servant was discussing your statutes. (24) And your testimonies are my passion, my counselors. "Dalet". (25) My soul is clinging to the dust, revive me according to your word! (26) I have told about my ways, and you have answered me. Teach me Thy statutes. (27) Let me understand the way of your commandments, and I will tell you about your miracles. (28) My soul is faint with sorrow, so strengthen me according to your word. (29) Remove the way of falsehood from me, and give me your teaching. (30) I have chosen the path of faith, and I have set your laws before me. (31) I have clung to your testimonies, O God, and do not disgrace me. (32) In the way of your commandments, I will hasten when you give space to my heart. "Gay." (33) Show me, O God, the way of your statutes, and I will keep it to the end. (34) Enlighten me, and I will keep your teaching and keep it with all my heart. (35) Lead me along the path of your commandments, for it is what I have longed for. (36) Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to gain. (37) Turn away my eyes from the contemplation of vanity, and give me vitality in the contemplation of Your path. (38) Confirm your word to your servant for the sake of reverence for you. (39) Turn away my reproach, which I fear, for your justice is noble. (40) Behold, I have desired Thy commandments, and by Thy righteousness give me vitality! "Vav". (41) And may your mercy come to me, O God, salvation from you, according to your word. (42) And I will give an answer to him who reproaches me, for I trust in your word. (43) Do not take the word of truth completely out of my mouth, for I trust in your justice. (44) And I will keep your teaching forever, forever and ever. (45) And I will walk in the open space, for I have sought your commandments. (46) And I will speak of your testimony before kings, and I will not be ashamed. (47) And I will be carried away by your commandments, which I love. (48) And I will lift up my hands to your commandments, which I love, and I will reason about your statutes. "Zayin". (49) Remember your word to your servant, with which you gave me hope. (50) This is my consolation in my affliction, for your word has given me vitality. (51) Evildoers have mocked me to the extreme, [but] I have not deviated from your teaching. (52) I remember your righteousness from old, O God, and I am comforted. (53) I am terrified because of the wicked who abandon your teaching. (54) Thy statutes in my house of pilgrimage were hymns to me. (55) At night I remembered Thy name, O God, and kept Thy teaching. (56) This has happened to me because I have kept your teaching. "Het." (57) "My lot, O God," I said, "is to keep your words. (58) I beseech You with all my heart – have mercy on me according to Your word. (59) As I pondered my ways, I turned my feet to your testimonies. (60) I was in a hurry, and I did not hesitate, in order to keep your commandments. (61) Bands of wicked men have surrounded me, but I have not forgotten your teaching. (62) At midnight I rise to thank you for your just justice. (63) I am a friend to all who revere you and keep your commands. (64) The earth is filled with Your mercy, O God, and teach me Your statutes. "Tet". (65) You have dealt well with your servant, O God, according to your word. (66) Teach me good understanding and knowledge, for I believe in your commandments. (67) Before I suffered, I was in error, but now I keep your word. (68) You are good and do good, teach me your statutes. (69) Those who plot evil against me are weaving lies, but I will keep your commandments with all my heart. (70) Their hearts have grown fat like a fat, but I am comforted by your teaching. (71) It is good for me that I have suffered in order to learn your statutes. (72) The teaching of your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver. "Iodine". (73) Your hands have created me and perfected me, so make me understand and I will learn your commandments. (74) Those who revere you will see me and rejoice that I trust in your word. (75) I know, O God, that your justice is just, and that you have rightly punished me. (76) May your mercy be my comfort, according to your word to your servant. (77) May Your mercy come to me, and I will live, for Your teaching is my passion. (78) Let the evildoers be ashamed, for they falsely accuse me, but I will speak of your commandments. (79) May those who fear you and know your testimonies return to me. (80) Let my heart be blameless in your statutes, so that I may not be put to shame. "Kaf". (81) My soul faints for Your salvation, I trust in Your word. (82) My eyes are fainting at your word, I say, when will you comfort me? (83) I have become like a bellows in smoke,[280] (but) I have not forgotten your statutes. (84) How many days are your servant? When wilt thou execute judgment upon my persecutors? (85) The malefactors dug holes for me, contrary to Your teaching. (86) All Your commandments are true, they persecute me unjustly, help me. (87) They almost destroyed me on earth, but I did not forsake your commandments. (88) In Your mercy, give me vitality, and I will keep the testimony of Your mouth. "Lamed". (89) Forever, O God, Your word is set in heaven. (90) Your faith is from generation to generation. Thou hast made the earth, and it standeth. (91) According to Your laws, all things stand to this day, for all serve You. (92) If it were not for your teaching that was my passion, I would have perished in my misery. (93) I will never forget your commandments, for by them you give me vitality. (94) I am Thine, save me, for I have asked Thy commandments. (95) The evildoers hoped to destroy me, [but] I meditate on your testimonies. (96) I have seen the limit of all perfection, (but) your commandment is vast beyond measure.

 "Meme". (97) How I love Your teaching! All day long I converse about it. (98) Thy commandment has made me wiser than my enemies, for it is with me forever. (99) From all my teachers I have gained understanding, for your testimonies are the subject of my discourse. (100) I have been admonished by the elders, for I keep your commandments. (101) I keep my feet from every evil way, so that I may keep your word. (102) I do not deviate from Your laws, for You have taught me. (103) How sweet are your words to my palate! They are better than honey to my lips. (104) By your commandments I have been enlightened, therefore I hate every way of lying. "Nun." (105) Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (106) I have sworn to keep the laws of your righteousness, and I will do it. (107) I am greatly oppressed, O God, give me vitality according to your word. (108) Be pleased then, O God, to accept the voluntary offering of my mouth, and teach me your laws. (109) My soul is always in the palm of my hand, but I do not forget Your teaching. (110) The evildoers have set a trap for me, but I have not deviated from Your commandments. (111) I have accepted your testimony as an inheritance for ever, for they are the joy of my heart. (112) I have inclined my heart to fulfill Your statutes forever, to the end. "Samekh". (113) I hate those who plot falsehood, I love your teaching. (114) You are my refuge and my bulwark, in your word I trust. (115) Depart from me, evildoers, and I will keep the commandments of my Almighty. (116) Sustain me, according to your word, and I will live, and do not shame me in my hope. (117) Strengthen me, and I will be saved, and I will be constantly engaged in Your statutes. (118) All those who depart from Your statutes You depose, for their subterfuge is a lie. (119) (Like) dross, You sweep away all the evildoers of the earth, therefore I have loved Your testimony. (120) My flesh trembles with Thy fear, and I fear Thy laws. "Ayin." (121) I have done justice and righteousness, do not deliver me up to my oppressors. (122) Intercede for your servant for [his] good, lest malefactors oppress me. (123) My eyes are faint, waiting for your salvation and the word of your righteousness. (124) Do to your servant according to your mercy, teach me your statutes. (125) I am Thy servant, give me understanding, and I will know Thy testimonies. (126) It is time to act in the name of God—your teaching has been violated. (127) Therefore I love Your commandments more than gold and pure gold. (128) Therefore all the commands are (Yours) I know that they are all just, and I hate every way of lying. "Drink." (129) Wondrous are your testimonies, therefore my soul preserves them. (130) The beginning of Your words enlightens and enlightens simpletons. (131) I open my mouth and sigh, for I thirst for your commandments. (132) Turn to me and have mercy on me, as you do to those who love your name. (133) Strengthen my feet in your word, and do not let any unrighteousness take possession of me. (134) Deliver me from the oppression of men, and I will keep your commandments. (135) Shine upon Thy servant with the light of Thy countenance, and teach me Thy statutes. (136) Streams of water flow from my eyes because we have not kept your teachings. "Tsadi". (137) Righteous art Thou, O God, just are Thy laws. (138) Your testimonies, which you have commanded, are righteousness and perfect faith. (139) My jealousy is eating me up, because my enemies have forgotten your words. (140) Your word is very pure, and your servant has loved it. (141) I am small and contemptible, (but) I do not forget Your commandments. (142) Your righteousness is eternal righteousness, but your teaching is truth. (143) Misfortune and sorrow have befallen me, and Your commandments are my comfort. (144) The righteousness of Thy testimony endureth for ever: enlighten me, and I shall live. "Kof". (145) I cry out with all my heart, "Answer me, O God! I will keep Thy statutes. (146) I call upon you: save me, and I will keep your testimonies! (147) I precede [to rise] at night and cry out, I trust in your word. (148) My eyes anticipate the watch, so that I may delve into Your word. (149) Hear my voice according to Your mercy, O God! In Thy justice give me vitality. (150) Those who are plotting deceit are near, they are far from your teaching. (151) You are near, O God, and all your commandments are truth. (152) Long ago I have known of your testimonies, for you have confirmed them forever. "Reish". (153) Look upon my affliction and deliver me, for I do not forget your teaching. (154) Conduct my litigation and deliver me, and give me vitality according to Your word. (155) Salvation is far from evildoers, for they do not seek Your statutes. (156) Many of Thy mercies, O God, according to Thy justice, give me vitality. (157) I have many persecutors and enemies, [but] I do not shrink from your testimonies. (158) When I saw the apostates, I was indignant, because they do not keep your word. (159) See how much I love Your commandments, according to Your mercy, O God, give me vitality. (160) The beginning of your word is true, and every law of your righteousness is eternal. "Shin". (161) The princes persecute me innocently, but my heart fears Thy word. (162) I rejoice in your word as one who has found great prey. (163) I hate falsehood and abhor it, but I love Thy teaching. (164) Seven times a day I praise Thee for the laws of Thy righteousness. (165) Great is the peace of those who love Thy teaching, and there is no stumbling block for them (166) I have trusted in Thy salvation, O God, and I have fulfilled Thy commandments. (167) My soul keeps Thy testimonies, and I love them dearly. (168) I keep your commandments and your testimonies, for all my ways are before you. "Tav" (169) Let my hymn draw near to Thee, O God, according to Thy word enlighten me. (170) Let my supplication come before you, and save me according to your word. (171) My mouth will pronounce praise when you teach me your statutes. (172) My tongue will speak out your word, for all your commandments are righteous. (173) May your hand help me, for I have chosen your commandments. (174) I have longed for your salvation, O God, and your teaching is my delight. (175) May my soul live and praise you, and may your justice help me. (176) I have gone astray like a lost sheep: seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commandments.
