Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) in verse


(1) The Song of Ascent. Those who trust in God, like Mount Zion, which shall not be shaken, shall endure for ever. (2) The mountains are round about Jerusalem, and God is round about his people, now and forever. (3) For there shall be no scourge of wickedness over the lot of the righteous, lest the righteous stretch out their hands to iniquity. (4) Do good, O God, to the good and honest in your hearts. (5) But God will leave those who fall into their crooked ways to walk with those who do wrong. Peace be upon Israel.


(1) The Song of Ascent. When God brought back the captives of Zion, we were as if dreaming in a dream. (2) Then our lips were filled with joy, and our tongue with singing. Then the nations will say: "God has done great things with us!" (3) God has done great things with us, and we have rejoiced. (4) Bring back our captives, O God, as streams of water to a parched land. (5) Those who sow in tears will reap with joy. (6) He who walks weeping, carrying seed, will return with a song, carrying his sheaves.


(1) The Song of Ascent composed by Shlomo. If God does not build a house, those who build it labor in vain; if God does not protect the city, the watchman watches in vain. (2) It is in vain that you rise early, sit up late, and eat the bread of sorrow, while he gives to his beloved when he sleeps. (3) This is God's inheritance, children, and his reward is the fruit of the womb. (4) As arrows are in the hand of a hero, so are young sons. (5) Happy is the man who has filled his quiver with them! They will not remain ashamed when they talk to opponents in goal.


(1) The Song of Ascent. Happy is everyone who fears God, walks in His ways! (2) If you eat of the labor of your hands, you will be happy and well with you! (H) Your wife is like a fruitful vine in your house; Your sons are like olive seedlings around your table. (4) This is how the man who fears God will be blessed! (5) God will bless you from Zion, and you will see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life. (6) You will see sons among your sons. Peace be upon Israel!


(1) The Song of Ascent. "They have oppressed me many times since my youth, let Israel say. 2 They have oppressed me much since my youth, but they have not prevailed against me. (3) On my ridge the ploughmen ploughed and made their long furrows. (4) But God is righteous: he has broken the bands of evildoers. (5) Let all those who hate Zion be ashamed and turn back. (6) Let them be like the grass on the housetops, which dries up before it is uprooted, (7) with which the reaper will not fill his hand, nor the one who binds the sheaves will fill his handfuls. (8) And those who pass by will not say, "God's blessing be upon you! We bless you in the name of God!'" [284].