How to Read the Bible


1 The fool said in his heart, [There is no God]. They have become depraved, they have committed abominable deeds; there is no one who does good. 2 The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, that he might see if there was one who understood and sought God. 3 All have deviated, have become equally useless; there is no one who does good, there is none. 4 Shall not all those who do iniquity, who devour my people as they eat bread, and who do not call upon the Lord, be brought to their senses? 5 There they will fear fear, for God is in the generation of the righteous. 6 Ye have laughed at the thought of the poor man, that the Lord is his hope. 7 When the Lord shall restore the captivity of his people, then shall Jacob rejoice, and Israel shall rejoice.


1 Lord! who can dwell in Thy tabernacle? who can dwell on Thy holy mountain? 2 He that walketh blamelessly, and doeth righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart; 3 He who does not slander with his tongue, nor do evil to his sincere, nor receive reproach against his neighbor4 4 4 He in whose eyes the outcast is despised, but who glorifies those who fear the Lord. who swears, even to an evil one, does not betray him; 5 Whosoever giveth not his money on interest, nor receiveth gifts against the innocent. He who does this will never be shaken.


1 Judge me, O Lord, for I have walked in my integrity, and trusting in the Lord, I will not be shaken. 2 Tempt me, O Lord, and try me; melt my inward parts and my heart, 3 for Thy mercy is before my eyes, and I have walked in Thy truth, 4 I have not sat with deceitful men, neither will I go with deceitful ones. 5 I have hated the assembly of the wicked, and I will not sit with the wicked; 6 I will wash my hands in innocence, and go round about thy altar, O Lord, 7 to proclaim with a voice of praise, and to tell all thy wonders. 8 Lord! I have loved the abode of Thy house, and the dwelling place of Thy glory. 9 Destroy not my soul with sinners, nor my life with the bloodthirsty, 10 who have wickedness in their hands, and whose right hand is full of bribery. 11 But I walk in my integrity; deliver me, and have mercy on me. 12 My foot stands on a straight path; I will bless the Lord in the congregations.


1 The Psalm of David, when he pretended to be mad before Abimelech, and was cast out from him, and departed. 2 I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise is continually in my mouth. 3 My soul shall glory in the Lord; the meek will hear and rejoice. 4 Magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. 5 I have sought the Lord, and he has heard me, and has delivered me from all my dangers. 6 And they that have looked unto him have been enlightened, and their countenances shall not be ashamed. 7 This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard, and saved him from all his troubles. 8 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. 9 Taste, and see how good the Lord is! Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! 10 Fear the Lord, ye His saints, for there is no lack among them that fear Him. 11 The Skimns are in distress and are hungry, but they that seek the Lord have need of no good thing. 12 Come, little children, hear me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord. 13 Does a man desire to live, and does he love longevity, that he may see good? 14 Restrain thy tongue from evil, and thy mouth from deceitful words. 15 Turn away from evil, and do good; seek peace and follow it. 16 The eyes of the Lord are turned on the righteous, and his ears are on their cry. 17 But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to destroy from the earth the remembrance of them. 18 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their afflictions. 19 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and will save the lowly in spirit. 20 The righteous have many afflictions, and the Lord will deliver him out of them all. 21 He keepeth all his bones; none of them will be crushed. 22 Evil shall kill the sinner, and they that hate the righteous shall perish. 23 The Lord will deliver the souls of his servants, and none of them that trust in him will perish.


Psalm of David. 1 Enter into contention, O Lord, with those who contend with me, overcome those who fight against me; 2 Take shield and armor, and rise to my aid; 3 draw your sword, and bar the way of those who pursue me; Say to my soul, I am your salvation. 4 Let them be ashamed and put to shame that seek my life; let those who devise evil against me turn back and be covered with disgrace; 5 Let them be as dust before the wind, and let the angel of the Lord drive them away. 6 Let their way be dark and slippery, and let the angel of the Lord pursue them, 7 for they have hidden their snare for me without guilt, they have dug it for my soul without guilt. 8 Let sudden destruction come upon him, and let his snare which he hid for me catch him; let him fall into it to perdition. 9 But my soul will rejoice in the Lord, will rejoice in salvation from him. 10 All my bones will say, 'Lord! Who is like Thee, who delivereth the weak from the strong, and the poor and needy from his robber?" 11 Unrighteous witnesses have risen up against me: what I do not know, they are questioning me; 12 They repay me evil for good, orphanhood to my soul. 13 In the time of their sickness I clothed myself in sackcloth, and weary my soul with fasting, and my prayer returned to my bosom. 14 I have walked as if it were my friend, my brother; I walked mournful, with my head bowed, as if mourning my mother. 15 And when I stumbled, they rejoiced, and gathered together; scoffers gathered against me, I don't know why, they reviled me and did not cease; 16 With hypocritical mockers they gnashed their teeth at me. 17 Lord! How long will you look at this? Take away my soul from their wickedness, from the lions my lonely. 18 I will glorify you in a great assembly, I will praise you in the midst of a multitude of people, 19 so that those who are enemies against me unrighteously may not triumph over me, and those who hate me innocently will not wink their eyes. 20 For they do not speak of peace, but against the peaceful of the earth they devise evil designs; 21 They open their mouths against me; They say: "Good! Ok! our eye has seen." 22 Thou hast seen, O Lord, be not silent; God! Do not depart from me. 23 Move, awake to my judgment, to my litigation, O my God and my Lord! 24 Judge me according to thy righteousness, O Lord my God, and let them not triumph over me; 25 Let them not say in their hearts, 'Well done! [good!] according to our soul!" 26 Let all be ashamed and ashamed who rejoice in my misfortune; let them be clothed with shame and disgrace who boast over me. 27 Let them rejoice and rejoice that desire my righteousness, and say continually, 'Let the Lord be magnified, who desires peace for his servant!' 28 And my tongue shall preach thy righteousness and thy praise all the day.


1 To the head of the choir. The servant of the Lord David. 2 The wickedness of the wicked man says in my heart, There is no fear of God in his eyes, 3 for he flatters himself in his own eyes, as if he were seeking out his iniquity to hate him; 4 The words of his mouth are unrighteousness and deceit; he does not want to come to his senses in order to do good; 5 On his bed he plots iniquity, he takes the way of evil, he does not abhor evil. 6 Lord! Thy mercy unto heaven, Thy truth unto the clouds! 7 Thy righteousness is like the mountains of God, and Thy destinies are a great deep. Thou hast preserved men and beasts, O Lord! 8 How precious is thy mercy, O God! The sons of men are at rest in the shadow of Thy wings: 9 they are satisfied with the fat of Thy house, and out of the stream of Thy sweetness Thou shalt give them to drink, 10 for with Thee is the fountain of life; in Thy light we see light. 11 Extend thy mercy to them that know thee, and thy righteousness to those who are upright in heart, 12 let not the foot of pride set upon me, and let not the hand of a sinner cast me out: 13 there are fallen those who do iniquity, cast down, and cannot rise.


1 To the head of the choir. Psalm of David. 2 Blessed is he who thinketh of the poor [and needy]! In the day of trouble the Lord will deliver him. 3 The Lord shall preserve him, and preserve his life; blessed shall he be on earth. And you will not give him up to the will of his enemies. 4 The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of sickness. Thou shalt change all his bed in his sickness. 5 I said, "Lord! have mercy on me, heal my soul, for I have sinned against Thee. 6 My enemies say evil things about me, 'When shall he die, and his name perish?' 7 And if any man come to see me, he speaketh a lie; His heart contains unrighteousness in itself, and he goes out and interprets. 8 All those who hate me whisper among themselves against me, plotting evil against me: 9 "The word of Belial has come upon him; he lay down; he shall rise no more." 10 Even the man who was at peace with me, in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, lifted up his heel against me. 11 But thou, O Lord, have mercy on me, and raise me up, and I will repay them. 12 By this I will know that you will be pleased with me, if my enemy does not triumph over me, 13 but you will keep me whole, and set me before you for ever. 14 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting. Amen, amen!