How to Read the Bible

24 Pharaoh called Moses and said, "Go, do the service of the Lord, let only your flocks and herds remain, and let your children go with you."

25 But Moses said, "Give also into our hands sacrifices and burnt offerings, to offer to the Lord our God;

26 Let our flocks also go with us, and not a hoof shall remain; For of these we will offer as a sacrifice to the Lord our God; but until we get there, we do not know what to sacrifice to the Lord.

27 And the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he would not let them go.

28 And Pharaoh said to him, 'Depart from me; take heed, do not appear before me any more; In the day that thou shalt see my face, thou shalt die.

29 And Moses said, "As thou hast spoken, so shall it be; I will see your face no more.


1 And the LORD said to Moses, 'I will bring another plague upon Pharaoh and upon the Egyptians; after that he will let you go from here; but when he let you go, he will drive you away from here with haste;

2 And thou shalt instruct the people, that every man should ask of his neighbor, and every woman of her neighbor, for things of silver and things of gold.

3 И дал Господь милость народу Своему в глазах Египтян, да и Моисей был весьма велик в земле Египетской, в глазах рабов фараоновых и в глазах народа.

4 И сказал Моисей: так говорит Господь: в полночь Я пройду посреди Египта,

5 и умрет всякий первенец в земле Египетской от первенца фараона, который сидит на престоле своем, до первенца рабыни, которая при жерновах, и все первородное из скота;

6 и будет вопль великий по всей земле Египетской, какого не бывало и какого не будет более;

7 у всех же сынов Израилевых ни на человека, ни на скот не пошевелит пес языком своим, дабы вы знали, какое различие делает Господь между Египтянами и между Израильтянами.