How to Read the Bible

12 And David said to Uriah, 'Stay here this day also, and tomorrow I will let you go.' And Uriah remained in Jerusalem that day until the morrow.

13 And David invited him, and Uriah ate before him, and drank, and David gave him to drink. But in the evening Uriah went to sleep on his bed with his master's servants, but did not go to his house.

14 In the morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it with Uriah.

15 In the letter he wrote thus: "Place Uriah where the greatest battle will be, and retreat from him, so that he may be struck down and die."

16 Wherefore, when Joab was besieging the city, he set Uriah in a place which he knew that there were valiant men.

17 And the people went out of the city, and fought against Joab, and some of the people, of David's servants, fell; Uriah the Hittite was also killed.

18 And Joab sent to report to David the whole course of the battle.

19 And he commanded the messenger, saying, When thou shalt tell the king all the progress of the battle

20 And you will see that the king will be angry, and he will say to you, 'Why did you come so near to the city to fight? Didn't you know that they would throw at you from the wall?

21 кто убил Авимелеха, сына Иероваалова? не женщина ли бросила на него со стены обломок жернова, и он умер в Тевеце? Зачем же вы близко подходили к стене?» тогда ты скажи: и раб твой Урия Хеттеянин также умер.

22 И пошел посланный , и пришел, и рассказал Давиду обо всем, для чего послал его Иоав, обо всем ходе сражения.

23 Тогда посланный сказал Давиду: одолевали нас те люди и вышли к нам в поле, и мы преследовали их до входа в ворота;

24 тогда стреляли стрелки со стены на рабов твоих, и умерли некоторые из рабов царя; умер также и раб твой Урия Хеттеянин.

25 Тогда сказал Давид посланному: так скажи Иоаву: «пусть не смущает тебя это дело, ибо меч поядает иногда того, иногда сего; усиль войну твою против города и разрушь его». Так ободри его.