His relatives, or whatever they were, looked at the crucified man in anguish, and he was suffocating, suffocating, it was clear that he was about to give up his spirit. And the end would come soon, thought Barabbas, he would suffer sooner. I wish it would be over soon! As soon as this is over, you can run away and never think about it again!

But suddenly darkness enveloped the mountain, as if the sun had gone out, black darkness, and in this darkness on the top of the mountain the crucified man cried out in a loud voice:

"My God! My god! Why did you leave me?

A terrible scream. What did he want to say? And why did it suddenly become dark? In broad daylight? Completely incomprehensible. Three crosses were barely visible in the darkness. Creepy. Something terrible is about to happen. The soldiers jumped up, grabbed their weapons, and they were barely grasping for their weapons. With spears in their hands, they surrounded the crosses, stood there and whispered — Barabbas heard. Now they are frightened! They weren't giggling now! Superstitious, apparently.

Barabbas himself was frightened. And I was glad when it began to get lighter and everything became almost as usual again. It was getting lighter slowly, like dawn in the morning. The day spread over the hill, over the olive trees around, and again the hushed birds chirped. Just like in the morning.

Relatives stood at the cross without moving. They no longer sighed, did not howl. They stood and looked at the crucified man. And the soldiers too. Everything was quiet, quiet.

You could safely take and leave. After all, it's all over. And the sun was shining again, and everything was again as usual. It just got dark for a while, because he died.

Yes, it was time to leave. It's about time. There was nothing for Barabbas to do here. Since the other was dead, there was no need for him to stay here. He was taken down from the cross — this is what he saw as he left. Two of them wrapped a clean shroud around the body – he also saw this. The body was very white, and they treated it with care, as if they were afraid to hurt it, to hurt it, strange because it had already been crucified. In general, some wonderful people. On the other hand, the mother looked with dry eyes at what was left of her son, and the stern, dark face could not express all her grief, and only showed that she could not grasp in her mind what had happened, and would never forgive. It was Barabbas who understood it.

As they all walked past in a mournful procession, the men carrying the body and the women following him, one of them, approaching his mother, whispered something and nodded at Barabbas. She stopped and looked at him, and her eyes were so pitiful, so reproachful, that he thought he could never forget him. They went further down the road from Golgotha, then turned left.

Он следовал за ними на расстоянии, чтоб они его не заметили. Совсем близко был вертоград и там гроб, высеченный в скале. Туда и положили умершего. И, помолясь подле гроба, привалили к двери большой камень и ушли.

И тогда Варавва подошел к гробу и постоял там немного. Только молиться он не стал, он был злодей, молитвы злодеев вообще не доходят, а Вараввин грех вдобавок не был искуплен. Да он и не знал этого человека. Он просто так постоял там немного.

Потом он тоже пошел по дороге к Иерусалиму.

Войдя в город через Давидовы ворота, он скоро увидел на улице Заячью Губу. Та кралась вдоль стен и прикинулась, будто его не видит, но Варавва-то заметил, что она его увидела и, кажется, не ожидала встретить. Наверное, думала, что его распяли.