«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

With the blessing of the Metropolitan of Odessa

and Izmail AGAFANGEL

Scientific consultant – Professor, Doctor of Science and Engineering, Academician of the International Academy of Information, Communication, Management in Technology, Nature, Society V.M. Ilyin

«... Technological progress poses the question of human rights in a new way. And believers have something to say on bioethics, electronic identification, and other areas of technology development that are of concern to many people. A person must remain a human being—not a commodity, not a controllable element of electronic systems, not an object for experiments, not a semi-artificial organism. That is why science and technology cannot be separated from the moral evaluation of their aspirations and their fruits. It is time to recognize that religious motivation has a right to exist, including in the public sphere." (Emphasis added.)

From the speech of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy 11 of Moscow and All Russia at the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on October 2, 2007

"People's private life, worldview and will should not be subject to total control. Manipulation of people's choices and their consciousness by power structures, political forces, economic and information elites is dangerous for society. It is also unacceptable to collect, concentrate and use information about any aspect of people's lives without their consent... Methods of collecting and processing information about people should not belittle human dignity, restrict freedom and turn a person from a subject of social relations into an object of machine control. Even more dangerous for human freedom will be the introduction of technical means that constantly accompany a person or are inseparable from his body, if they can be used to control and control the personality." (Emphasis added.)

From the "Fundamentals of the Teaching of the Russian Orthodox Church on Human Dignity, Freedom and Rights" adopted at the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2008

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness... (Matt. 6:33)


In May 2007, I was invited to speak as an expert on the NTV+ channel in a teleconference: "Will microchips implanted in the human body become widespread in Russia?" In particular, this group included the heads of RussGPS Pavel Panov and RIMCO-XX! Sergey Masienko, representative of the Security Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Andrey Golovatyuk and Cnews expert, Doctor of Technical Sciences Vladimir Reshetov. Moreover, the host of the program, the well-known commentator Matvey Ganapolsky, categorically demanded that I not touch on the religious aspects of the issues under discussion, motivating this by the fact that it was necessary to reach the widest possible audience of TV viewers.

In fact, the spiritual aspects associated with the introduction of systems of electronic identification of a person are closely intertwined with technical and legal ones, and ultimately acquire decisive importance, because they are directly related to the salvation of the immortal human soul for incorruptible, eternal life.

The problems of turning a person into an electronically packed and radio-controlled biorobot or cyborg have long ceased to belong to the realm of science fiction.

The first report on this topic, "Electronic Slavery: Who Is For?" was presented at the Round Table in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation back in May 2001. At that time, many skeptics said: "When else will we have all this?!"