«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

State Duma deputy A.V. Chuev: "Everyone needs to think about the terrible consequences that the adoption of these bills will bring... For a certain group of people, this brings good earnings and "kickbacks"... We are opening ourselves up to the special services of all countries of the world..."

Grand Mufti of the Asian part of Russia N.Kh. Nashirov: "All information can already be bought in the metro and in the markets... Personal data will be used against a person, and there are no guarantees of protection... »

Professor S.K. Komkov: "The concept of this law fundamentally contradicts the interests of the Russian Federation. This can lead to very serious social and political consequences. Such laws should not be adopted in our country... »

Human rights activist D.V. Gorelishvili: "The creation of a new system of public administration will actually abolish state power... The turnstile does not know what the Constitution is..."

Archpriest M. Dudko, representative of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate: "It is unacceptable that people who refuse to participate in the new identification system are pushed to the sidelines of life... An alternative should be provided for them... »

State Duma deputy V.S. Nikitin: "A war of annihilation is being waged against us. We are a colonized country. The anti-popular majority of the State Duma is carrying out purposeful work to transfer power in Russia to transnational corporations. People are constantly deceived. We need to understand what is happening. Under Yeltsin, the people received freedom from reason. Chips will turn a person into an animal... »

Professor V.M. Ilyin: "A rigidly controlled cyber society, a human being, is the future of the world information and cellular society being built today in Russia and at the expense of Russia. And this will already be a crime against God and Divine Providence for man, which has no statute of limitations in eternity... »

Chairman, State Duma deputy V.I. Kashin: "The authorities are attacking the rights of citizens in all directions... With the introduction of the new system, it will be easier to deal with the people. They want to manipulate us... We reserve the right to disobey these laws and protect our rights... »

Rear Admiral V.V. Vazhenin: "The adoption of the draft law "On Personal Data" is criminal! This is an act of national treason... »

Writer V.P. Filimonov: "Building a global information society is not just the destruction of the system of natural human relations that have existed for thousands of years. The world is on the verge of an explosion that can overturn the entire hierarchy of being. And it was not for the sake of rhetoric that Brzezinski said that the existing political procedures would be abolished.

Structures such as states and governments, political parties and parliaments, courts and law enforcement agencies will collapse like houses of cards. These political institutions will be completely destroyed as unnecessary after they themselves prepare the transition to the World e-government. Today it is not too late to stop the monstrous lawlessness!"

Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Kashin in his Address to the heads of the media of the Russian Federation said: "Globalization is a complex and multidimensional process. The cherished dream of globalizers is to take possession of all the natural resources of the planet. However, in parallel with globalization, there is fierce resistance in the world not only to economic, but even to direct military expansion, which we see, for example, in Iraq. Russia is not Iraq, it cannot be defeated as a result of direct aggression. Russia has always been and continues to be not only a mystery to the world backstage, but also an insurmountable obstacle on the way to complete world domination. One of the leaders of Nazi Germany, Goering, said at the Nuremberg Trials that the Soviet Union survived the Second World War only thanks to the steadfastness of the Russian spirit. Having long realized this, the globalizers diversified their arsenal, using various methods aimed at destroying the self-consciousness of the Russian people and organizing a systemic collapse of all systems of governing the country. To do this, the task is to collect and centralize information about all citizens of Russia, to turn Russia into a blind, but easily manageable electronic anthill from anywhere in the world. Then to bring it down, completing the plan of A. Dulles to destroy our Motherland, and completely seize its natural resources. Hiding behind the hypocritical slogans of the "fight against international terrorism", the powerful of this world are building a system of total control and global management of the human community on a global scale...

We will not intrigue the reader with riddles like the one that Russian President Vladimir Putin puzzled us after Beslan, rightly declaring that "a war has been unleashed against Russia", but without naming who is fighting against us. But in order to defeat the enemy, you need to at least name him. We are ready to help the president and do it openly. The World Government is fighting against Russia, a structure that has concentrated colossal financial power and seeks to win complete political domination as well. 90