«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

The lair of Satanists. Operational shooting of the FSB

On September 17, 2008, almost all Russian periodicals reported the terrible news from the Yaroslavl region: "... A gang of Satanists killed four teenagers - the victims were stabbed 666 times. The number of wounds is equal to the number that devil worshippers revere.

Three girls and one boy, aged between 16 and 17, who belonged to the Goths, are believed to have been given alcohol before the attack. Then the killers, according to the investigation, lit a fire under a tree next to one of the cottages, where they fried and ate parts of the bodies of their victims. The crime was committed in Russia, 300 kilometers northeast of Moscow.

The remains of Anya Gorokhova, Olga Pukhova, Varya Kuzmina and Andrei Sorokin, who disappeared in June, were found last month."

There are already hundreds of sites on Satanism and the occult on the Internet in Russian, where the rituals of human sacrifice are described in detail. Many more facts can be cited, but it seems that the reader understands the difference between an ordinal number and a symbol that has a deep mystical meaning.

It is well known that Satanists use the symbol "666" to mock Christians and insult the religious feelings of believers.

By definition, a "symbol" is 1) a conventional identification sign for members of a certain social group, secret society, etc.; 2) a material, graphic conventional sign that serves to designate an image, concept, or idea.109

In turn, the idea is an image perceived by the mind; a thought, a concept of an object; the basic, essential principle of the worldview.110

From the above definitions it is clear why a symbol is a spiritual concept. An idea is expressed through a symbol, and an idea as the basic principle of the worldview conveys the spirit. A symbol carries the meaning of the idea it expresses, and the idea nourishes the spirit. Thus, through a symbol, a spiritual connection with the spiritual essence that this symbol expresses is realized. And, finally, a group of people who accept and use a symbol unites in the spirit corresponding to this symbol.

The symbol of our Lord Jesus Christ is the Cross, which has become for the Orthodox an instrument of salvation and a sign of victory over death and the devil.

The symbol of Satan and the Antichrist is the number "666". It symbolizes the eternal enemies of Christ and the apostasy from the will and truth of God. According to the words of the venerable elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain, the use of this symbol is tantamount to a renunciation of Christ. And our contemporary, the clairvoyant Elder Joachim from the cave of St. Nilus the Myrrh-streaming on Mount Athos, says: "He who does not believe in the diabolical meaning of the symbol '666' is a heretic."111

How can you not see the difference between a serial number and a satanic symbol?! This is unforgivable even for an unbeliever...

Back in 2004, at the VIII All-World Russian People's Council, a truly prophetic voice was heard by a permanent member of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, Doctor of Theology, His Eminence Agafangel, Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail: "The main task of Orthodoxy is to bear witness to the truth, and the historical mission of Russia is to be an Orthodox power. Thus, the main task of Russia before the entire Orthodox world, and before all mankind in general, is to bear witness to the truth and to stand in it.

This is what God requires of us. This is what all people expect from us. And woe to us if we are afraid to denounce falsehood and do not preach the truth.