«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

In turn, the idea is an image perceived by the mind; a thought, a concept of an object; the basic, essential principle of the worldview.110

From the above definitions it is clear why a symbol is a spiritual concept. An idea is expressed through a symbol, and an idea as the basic principle of the worldview conveys the spirit. A symbol carries the meaning of the idea it expresses, and the idea nourishes the spirit. Thus, through a symbol, a spiritual connection with the spiritual essence that this symbol expresses is realized. And, finally, a group of people who accept and use a symbol unites in the spirit corresponding to this symbol.

The symbol of our Lord Jesus Christ is the Cross, which has become for the Orthodox an instrument of salvation and a sign of victory over death and the devil.

The symbol of Satan and the Antichrist is the number "666". It symbolizes the eternal enemies of Christ and the apostasy from the will and truth of God. According to the words of the venerable elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain, the use of this symbol is tantamount to a renunciation of Christ. And our contemporary, the clairvoyant Elder Joachim from the cave of St. Nilus the Myrrh-streaming on Mount Athos, says: "He who does not believe in the diabolical meaning of the symbol '666' is a heretic."111

How can you not see the difference between a serial number and a satanic symbol?! This is unforgivable even for an unbeliever...

Back in 2004, at the VIII All-World Russian People's Council, a truly prophetic voice was heard by a permanent member of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, Doctor of Theology, His Eminence Agafangel, Metropolitan of Odessa and Izmail: "The main task of Orthodoxy is to bear witness to the truth, and the historical mission of Russia is to be an Orthodox power. Thus, the main task of Russia before the entire Orthodox world, and before all mankind in general, is to bear witness to the truth and to stand in it.

This is what God requires of us. This is what all people expect from us. And woe to us if we are afraid to denounce falsehood and do not preach the truth.

It is necessary to call a spade a spade. The true goals of the Christ-haters are: the destruction of the Christian world with its spiritual values and traditions; universal computerization and the creation of a global network society; the construction of the godless "new world order" – the kingdom of the Antichrist, predicted by the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian in Revelation.

The time has come to speak about the true situation in the country and in the world. Silence is the promotion of lies and the connivance of those who do evil. By silence, evil rapidly intensifies and multiplies. Orthodox Christians are called upon to be tolerant—tolerant, but it is impossible to be tolerant of sin and godlessness! This is a betrayal of God. Orthodoxy must not be used as an instrument of apostasy. The Orthodox world must refuse to participate in the construction of the "new world order." We will build the glorious world of Law and will try to make it strong and independent. We should not be afraid of anyone. "God is with us! Understand, ye tongues, and submit, for God is with us.."

The greatest mistake is the assertion that the acceptance of external signs, symbols, rules of behavior imposed by the new time cannot harm us. They were created precisely by the inspiration of the devil, in order to harm and deceive, if possible, even the elect (Matt. 24:24). Everything offered by globalization can be unharmed only when it is not accepted at all, or, after a rash acceptance, immediately rejected.

Now there is a worldwide computerization, a rapid development of the global Internet - the world web." Powerful biotechnologies are being created that are capable of controlling the human psyche and manipulating the consciousness of huge masses of people. Digital registration of the population is being introduced throughout the world through the assignment of identification codes. In this system, it is possible to control and manage each person.

In exposing the lies of globalism, we must declare that globalism is an anti-Christian ideology. This is a system of world evil, from which not only can no mutually beneficial relations be expected, but also with which peaceful coexistence is impossible. Any compromises with this evil will be used by him only to expand his influence in the world..."112

Metropolitan Agafangel reaffirmed his confessor's position at the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church in October 2004: "I have repeatedly had to repeat, and I will repeat it again: the assertion that the acceptance of external signs, symbols, and rules of behavior imposed by the organizers of the 'new world order,' for whom the Russian Orthodox Church is enemy number one, cannot harm an Orthodox person, is the greatest mistake and delusion. Through the introduction of INN, identification codes, they are trying to draw Orthodox Christians into globalization processes, which is unacceptable. After all, all these processes lead to the erasure of the free individual, to the destruction of the independence of states, especially those traditionally Orthodox, and, ultimately, to the power of a single world government, the goal of which is the enthronement of a single leader, that is, the Antichrist predicted in the Revelation of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian... We need to condemn globalization as an anti-Christian phenomenon leading to the creation of a single kingdom of the Antichrist throughout the world, condemn the digital coding of people as the basis of globalization, condemn the introduction of biometric documents and the implantation of microchips into the human body as an encroachment on the God-given freedom of the human person." 113

Thus, the problems associated with the assignment of digital personal identifiers to people can be correctly considered only in the light of the teaching of the Word of God and in the context of the construction of a universal system of total control and violent control of the population of the planet – a global network information and cellular society, which in time will undoubtedly be headed by the man of sin, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above everything called God or holiness, so that he will sit in the temple of God. as God, pretending to be God (2 Thess. 2:3-4). This will be the Antichrist, to whom Satan will give all power and all authority over all nations.