About God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. If we relate these words to a greeting, then it will be: we greet the Church of Thessalonica on behalf of, in the name, by the good pleasure of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus Blessed Theodorite: "The expression about God the Father is similar to what we write in our letters, for we also usually prescribe: so-and-so wishes to rejoice in the Lord."

If we refer them to the words: the Church of Thessalonica, then they will indicate the spirit of this Church, that it is not gathered in someone else's name, but in the name of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. "For there are churches not about the Father and the Son, such as the Hellenic and heretical churches" (Ecumenios). The Jews may say that their synagogue is in the name of God, but it is not in the name of God the Father, much less in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, therefore it is nothing. All true blessings come down to us by the good pleasure of God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God. Therefore, those who are not gathered in their name are gathered in vain: there is no truth in them, they do not walk in the way of God, and they do not share in the promises of grace. To say: "To the Church in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ" is the same as to say: to the truly Christian Church. For this is the same as saying: the Church, which has been established and continues to be by the grace of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, that is, the Church which God, the Father of believers, has adopted as sons of Himself, and which the Lord Jesus Christ, the Author of our faith and the Savior of souls, has called to faith, has been living united with Himself in baptism, has been united to His body, or has made His body, and filled with the Holy Spirit. But only such a Church is the truly Christian Church, which is in God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. Likewise, a true Christian is known from this, if he is in God the Father, by the grace of sonship, and is united with Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as a member with his head, and is filled and led by the Holy Spirit. Let everyone remember that through baptism he has become a son of God, a member of Christ, a dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, and, remembering this, let him keep on his conscience that he must live as a son of God, and act always in the Holy Spirit, or be led by Him in everything.

Grace to you. "The greater part of men do and undertake everything for the purpose of earning themselves the favor of both rulers and those who are nobler than themselves, and they highly value this favor and consider themselves happy when they achieve what they desired. But if it is so important for a person to earn the favor of people like himself, then what value should this have for us when we are vouchsafed God's grace? That is why the Apostle always at the beginning of his epistles places this kind of benevolence on grace and prays to God for it" (Chrysostom).

Grace to you and peace. "When God graces someone, then nothing is unbearable for him, and everything is easily endured and passed. Why does Blessed Paul, knowing how great a blessing grace is in life, wish it prayerfully to the Thessalonians? For as soon as it is inherent in them, they will not only not feel the burden of temptations, but also, enjoying the peace of God, they will remain untroubled and at peace. He also remembers them of grace so that, even if temptations come to them, they, remembering the grace by which they were saved, will be comforted and, strengthened in spirit by the previously received highly valued blessings, will not despair when they encounter temptations and deprivations of little significance" (Theophylact); or (like St. Chrysostom) "so that they, remembering the grace of God, by which they were saved from great evils, would not become discouraged, being subjected to lesser ones, but would find consolation for themselves in it."

From God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. From this, no one would guess that the Apostle has the idea that God is our Father and Lord of Jesus Christ. This is not what the words of the Apostle should lead to, but that God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ are equal in honor and equal in power. It is as if he were saying, "From God, who is our Father, and from Jesus Christ, who is our Lord." The words God and Lord point to the one Divine nature in the Father and the Son. In the Epistles to Timothy it is so: from God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord, that is, from Christ Jesus, Who is our Lord and God. Blessed Theodoret writes: "Here the Apostle taught us the equality of the Father and the Son; For having said, "O God our Father," he added, "And to the Lord Jesus Christ," and again, after the words, "From God our Father," he added, "And the Lord Jesus Christ." because the same blessings are given to us by the Father and the Son.


After the first epistle was sent to the Thessalonians and received by them, Saint Paul received new news about the state of this Church, on the whole very comforting; but in some details the Christians there demanded correction, both in regard to the dogmas of the faith and in regard to conduct, which prompted him to write the second epistle.

He begins it with consolation, with praise for what is good in them, with enthusiasm for firmness in goodness, and prayer for this, in order to pave the way for corrective speeches and dispose them to lovingly accept them. The Thessalonians excelled in virtues, which the Apostle had previously noted in them, and which should distinguish any Christian society (1 Thessalonians 1:3). Rejoicing at this, the Apostle 1) thanks God that faith grows in them and love abounds, so that he could not help boasting before others both of these virtues of theirs, and, especially, patience in the midst of persecution and sorrows (verses 3, 4). As this bright side of the interior was darkened by the unfortunate external situation, and, consequently, from this side the Thessalonians demanded mainly support, then St. Paul then (2) sets forth such truths as could inspire the Thessalonians to patience and to disregard all attacks, namely: there will be a judgment in which the unbelievers, the persecutors, will be put to shame and condemned to eternal torment, and the believers,  — persecuted — glorified (verses 5-10). Then, since this happy resolution of their fate at the judgment depends on steadfastness in faith and constancy in a good and Christian life, the Apostle adds 3) a prayer that God would vouchsafe the Thessalonians to endure themselves to the end, as required by the Christian calling, in order to glorify the Lord in them and them in Him on that day (verses 11-12). Judging by this content of the first part of the epistle, it is very fair to title it: an inspiring sketch of the bright side of the Church of Thessalonica.


Стих 3. Благодарити должны есмы Бога всегда о вас, братие, якоже достойно есть, яко превозрастает вера ваша, и множится любовь единаго коегождо всех вас друг ко другу.

«Апостол изображает похвалу в виде благодарности и как удивляется вере их в Бога, так удивляется и любви их к ближнему, а тем и другим свидетельствует о совершеннейшей их добродетели» (Феодорит).

«Видишь, каково преспеяние солунян, что Апостол благодарение за них воссылает Богу, — не за то, что просто веруют, но что превозрастает вера их, и не за то, что просто любят, но что богатеют в любви» (Дамаскин).

Благодарити Бога… Хочет хвалить за преуспеяние в христианской жизни, но, сознавая, что сей успех от Бога, к Нему первее относится с благодарением, располагая к тому же и солунян. Таким образом, и хвалит, и отсекает позывы к самохвалению. Вместе с тем, указывая источник их совершенств в Боге, налагает на совесть обязательство — блюсти их, как дар свыше, и усовершать, как вверенный талант.

Должны есмы. «Исповедует себя должником Богу за успех» (Амвросиаст). Совесть апостольская обязывает к тому. Апостолы глубоко к сердцу принимали всякий успех христиан. Не внешно относились к делу христианства, а сердцем прилежали к нему. Не так, что проповедь — сказана, Евангелие — возвещено, а там, как себе всякий хочет. Они считали своим долгом не возвестить только о Христе, но укоренить христианство в сердцах и ввести его в жизнь. Почему всеусердно заботились о том и непрестанно молились, а затем радовались, когда исполнялось их желание, и благодарили за то Бога. И о солунянах молился Апостол, чтоб Бог преисполнил их христианскими добродетелями (1 Сол. 2, 12; 3, 12). Теперь, видя, что его благожелания и молитвы исполняются, благодарит за то Бога.