Chapter IX. Saul on the way to Damascus is thrown to the ground and blinded; Ananias restored his sight and baptized him; Saul preaches Christ. The Jews want to kill Saul, but he avoids this danger, Peter heals Aeneas in Lydda, and resurrects Tabitha in Joppa.

Chapter X. Cornelius, a God-fearing man, at the command of an angel, sends to Joppa for Peter; this one sees a vision and, under the inspiration of the Spirit, goes to Cornelius. Even during Peter's sermon in the house of Cornelius St. The Spirit descends on those who hear, and they are baptized.

Chapter XI. Peter, accused of communicating with the pagans, defends himself. The Gospel is spread throughout Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch. Barnabas is sent to Antioch to strengthen the faithful; these send an allowance to the brethren in Judea in time of famine.

Chapter XII: King Herod persecutes the Christians, kills James and imprisons Peter, but an angel, through the prayer of the church, sets him free; and Herod, in his pride, receiving divine honor from the people, is struck by an angel and, eaten by worms, dies. The word of God grows.

Chapter XIII: Paul and Barnabas are chosen to preach to the Gentiles. Sergius, Paul, and Elymas the Magus. The Apostle Paul preaches in Antioch. The Gentiles believe, but the Jews persist; wherefore Paul and Barnabas turn to the Gentiles: of these many believe.

Chapter XIV: Paul and Barnabas are persecuted in Iconium. In Lystra, Paul heals a lame man, for which he and Barnabas are revered as gods. Paul is stoned and carried out of the city. On the way back, Paul and Barnabas visit various churches; returning to Antioch, they brought allowance to their brethren.

Chapter XV. Doubts arise about circumcision; The Apostles form a council and send their decision to the churches. A disagreement arises between Paul and Barnabas, and they go to preach separately.

Chapter XVI. Paul, after the circumcision of Timothy, moved by the Spirit, visited various countries: in Philippi he converted Lydia; he banishes the spirit of divination from the handmaiden, for which he and Silas, his companion, are beaten and imprisoned; during their prayer, the prison doors are opened; the jailer turns; The apostles are freed.

Chapter XVII: Paul and Silas preach in Thessalonica, where some are converted, and others persecute them; they preach in Berea; Paul comes to Athens, preaches the gospel there, and converts many.

Chapter XVIII: Paul preaches in Corinth; The Lord encourages him in a vision; accused before Gallio the proconsul, Paul is released, and reaches Ephesus; visits various cities and approves disciples. Apollos, instructed by Aquila and Priscilla, preaches successfully.

Chapter XIX. By the hands of Paul, the Holy Spirit descends upon the believers in Ephesus. Spirit. The Jews condemn the teaching of the Lord; Paul works miracles. Jewish exorcists beaten by an evil spirit. Burning magic books. Demetrius the silversmith stirred up an indignation against Paul, which was finally subdued by a certain city scribe.

Chapter XX. Paul comes to Macedonia; he celebrates the Lord's Supper, preaches until midnight, and resurrects Eutychus. He summons the elders of Ephesus in Miletus, tells them that in Jerusalem his bonds and calamities await him, entrusts them with the flock of Christ, warns them against false teachers, entrusts them to God, prays with them, and then sets out on his journey.

Hl. XXI. Paul is persuaded not to go to Jerusalem, but to no avail. Daughters of Philip, prophesying. Paul comes to Jerusalem; here they seize him and want to kill him, but the commander of the regiment releases Paul, and he speaks to the people.

Hl. XXII. He speaks of his conversion and calling to the apostleship. As soon as they begin to talk about the pagans, the people raise a cry; They want to torture Paul, but as a Roman citizen, they leave him.