Chapter XVI. Paul, after the circumcision of Timothy, moved by the Spirit, visited various countries: in Philippi he converted Lydia; he banishes the spirit of divination from the handmaiden, for which he and Silas, his companion, are beaten and imprisoned; during their prayer, the prison doors are opened; the jailer turns; The apostles are freed.

Chapter XVII: Paul and Silas preach in Thessalonica, where some are converted, and others persecute them; they preach in Berea; Paul comes to Athens, preaches the gospel there, and converts many.

Chapter XVIII: Paul preaches in Corinth; The Lord encourages him in a vision; accused before Gallio the proconsul, Paul is released, and reaches Ephesus; visits various cities and approves disciples. Apollos, instructed by Aquila and Priscilla, preaches successfully.

Chapter XIX. By the hands of Paul, the Holy Spirit descends upon the believers in Ephesus. Spirit. The Jews condemn the teaching of the Lord; Paul works miracles. Jewish exorcists beaten by an evil spirit. Burning magic books. Demetrius the silversmith stirred up an indignation against Paul, which was finally subdued by a certain city scribe.

Chapter XX. Paul comes to Macedonia; he celebrates the Lord's Supper, preaches until midnight, and resurrects Eutychus. He summons the elders of Ephesus in Miletus, tells them that in Jerusalem his bonds and calamities await him, entrusts them with the flock of Christ, warns them against false teachers, entrusts them to God, prays with them, and then sets out on his journey.

Hl. XXI. Paul is persuaded not to go to Jerusalem, but to no avail. Daughters of Philip, prophesying. Paul comes to Jerusalem; here they seize him and want to kill him, but the commander of the regiment releases Paul, and he speaks to the people.

Hl. XXII. He speaks of his conversion and calling to the apostleship. As soon as they begin to talk about the pagans, the people raise a cry; They want to torture Paul, but as a Roman citizen, they leave him.

Hl. XXIII. Ananias the high priest commands that Paul be struck on the mouth; a strife arises between his accusers; The Lord encourages Paul. The Jews are determined to kill Paul; the commander learns of this and sends him to the governor Felix.

Hl. XXIV. Paul, accused by Tertullus, is questioned about his life and teaching; Paul preaches Christ to the governor and his wife; the governor hopes to get money from him, but in vain; dismissed from his office, he leaves Paul in chains.

Гл.XXV. Иудеи обвиняют Павла пред Фестом; тот защищается и просит суда Кесарева. Фест объявляет о его деле царю Агриппе. Павел пред Агриппою; Фест объявляет его невинным.

Гл.XXVI. Павел в присутствии Агриппы рассказывает свою жизнь с самого детства, свое обращение и призвание к апостольству; Фест называет его сумасшедшим; Павел отвечает ему с христианским смирением. Агриппа почти обращается; все собрание объявляет Павла невинным.

Гл.XXVII. Павел, отправляясь в Рим на корабле, предсказывает об опасности на пути; но ему не верят. Корабль носится бурею, потом садится на мель; но все достигают земли и спасаются.

Гл.XXVIII. Павел дружелюбно принят иноплеменниками. Ехидна не причиняет ему вреда. Он исцелят многих больных на острове; пребывает в Рим; объявляет иудеям о причине своего прибытия и проповедует; одни убеждаются, но другие не веруют; Павел проповедует здесь в продолжение двух лет. (Христ. Чт. 1842 г. ч. 1, стр. 83).

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