Conversations on the Gospel of Mark

In Judaism, this expectation had existed for a long time and was nourished by the predictions of the prophets, but even outside Judaism, in the best people of pagan society, one senses a trembling sensation and a passionate desire for the coming of the Savior and Redeemer of the world. The whole world was in a tense state, and at this great and solemn moment the Lord Jesus Christ was born and preached His Gospel to people, this Revelation of new ways of rebirth and true life.

This revelation was the message of Heaven that led people out of the blind alley of sin and despair, and which mankind had so passionately and so vainly awaited. That is why it was called the good news, or the Gospel.

But even now, when so many centuries have passed since the appearance of the Gospel, it has not lost its significance and is still good news for us, telling us about a high, pure, holy life; still, like a beacon on a stormy dark night, it shows us the only true path to eternal happiness and to God.

Where is this path? Paganism and almost the entire ancient world sought it in the service of their self-love, in self-gratification, in self-gratification. The personal egoism of paganism, the national egoism of Jewry — these are the cornerstones on which the people of antiquity wanted to build the edifice of their happiness. They have built nothing, and their experience has only proved that the path they have chosen is false and leads not to the palaces of happiness, but to the mire of despair.

The Gospel outlined a new path: self-denial.

Already the first major figure to appear in the Gospel story according to Mark, the figure of John the Baptist, is enveloped in this new spirit.

John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and preaching the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. ... But John wore a robe of camel's hair, and a leather girdle on his loins, and ate locusts and wild honey (Mk. I.4,6).

With all his appearance, he seemed to be saying to his listeners: "It is not in wealth, not in luxury, not in human glory, not in earthly power that we must seek the way to God and to happiness. All this is a lie, a deception, a ghost! The desert is better than the royal palaces, for its eternal silence and monotony do not distract the mind and allow one to immerse oneself entirely in the contemplation of the works of God and God's majesty. Sackcloth is better than fine fabrics and expensive clothes, for it does not soften the body, but, exhausting it, makes it an obedient slave of the spirit. The scanty food of the desert is better than exquisite viands, for it does not awaken in man voluptuousness and lust. A harsh life in the midst of nature is better than the idle, lazy existence of the rich, for it tempers the will for podvig. Renunciation of the world is better than attachment to the world, for a man who is not bound by anything, free in spirit, can serve God with all his being."

And all the country of Judah and the people of Jerusalem went out to him (Mk. I, 5), expecting to find in John the long-desired prophet, the Savior of the world. But this was only His forerunner.

Сильнейший его шел за ним.

Глава I, ст 14-34.

Евангелист Марк почти всегда изображается со львом. Это его эмблема. Эмблема власти, силы, царственного величия. В ореоле этой силы и величия хотел евангелист изобразить Господа Иисуса Христа. Вот почему ему присвоена эта эмблема. Действительно, в повествовании святого Марка личность Господа Иисуса Христа особенно часто и ярко выступает с этими чертами — Божественного величия и духовной силы.

В первой же главе Евангелия несколько раз отмечаются эти черты. Властное правдивое слово Господа Иисуса Христа, чуждое заискивания и угодничества:И дивились Его учению, ибо Он учил их, как власть имеющий, а не как книжники. Книжники искали только успеха и славы и, чтобы заслужить рукоплескания толпы, часто льстили ее страстям и оправдывали ее предрассудки. Господь был чужд этой слабости.

Его спокойная, уверенная власть над злыми духами: Иисус запретил ему, говоря: замолчи и выйди из него. Тогда дух нечистый, сотрясши его и вскричав громким голосом, вышел из него.