Don't be afraid to accept.

This shows that Joseph was afraid to have Mary, so as not to offend God by protecting an adulteress. Or in other words: "Do not be afraid," that is, be afraid to touch her, as having conceived of the Holy Spirit, but "do not be afraid to receive," that is, to have her in your home. For in mind and thought Joseph had already dismissed Mary.

Mary, your wife.

It is the angel who says: "Perhaps you think that she is an adulteress. But I tell you that she is your wife," that is, she is not corrupted by anyone, but your bride.

For that which is born in Her is of the Holy Spirit.

For not only is she far from being unlawfully mixed, but she has conceived in some divine way, so that you ought to rejoice the more.

She will give birth to a son.

Lest anyone should say, "But why should I believe thee that that which is born is of the Spirit?" the angel speaks of what is to come, namely, that the Virgin will give birth to a son. "If in this case I turn out to be right, then it is clear that this is also true – "from the Holy Spirit". He did not say, "He will give birth to you," but simply "He will give birth." For Mary did not give birth to him, but to the whole universe, and grace did not appear to him alone, but it was poured out on all.

And thou shalt call his name Jesus.

You will call it, of course, as the father and protector of the Virgin. For Joseph, having learned that conception was from the Spirit, no longer thought of letting the Virgin go helpless. And you will help Maria in everything.

For He will save His people from their sins.

Здесь истолковывается, что значит слово «Иисус», именно-Спаситель, «ибо Он», сказано, «спасет людей Своих» — не только иудейский народ, но и языческий, который стремится уверовать и сделаться Его народом. От чего спасет? Не от войны ли? Нет, но от «грехов их». Отсюда ясно, что Тот, кто родится, есть Бог, ибо прощать грехи свойственно одному только Богу.

А все сие произошло, да сбудется реченное Господом чрез пророка, который говорит.

Не думай, что это недавно сделалось угодным Богу, — давно, изначала. Ты, Иосиф, как воспитанный в законе и знающий пророков, вдумайся в сказанное Господом. Не сказал «реченное Исайей», но «Господом», ибо не человек говорил, но Бог устами человека, так что пророчество вполне достоверно.