Creation. Diary

If you want to prove in the clearest way the truth of our resurrection from the dead and the image of the resurrection, read the 15th chapter of the 1st Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians, verse 50: ... Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, but corruption inherits incorruption. The Kingdom of God is completely different from the earthly kingdom of man. As God is Spirit, so His kingdom is completely spiritual and the subjects of this kingdom are also spiritual beings. Flesh and blood, in general, everything perishable cannot have a place in this kingdom.

Art. 53. It behooves this corruptible to put on incorruption, and to this dead man to put on immortality.

My god! What a wondrous transformation Thou hast prepared for our bodies. My body will turn from perishable and transitory into incorruptible and eternal, from mortal and indestructible into immortal and never, forever and ever, indestructible by anything. So, I, the earth and the ashes, have eternal existence ahead of me? Thus, it is eternal, but it can be twofold: blissful or painful. God! Save me, Thy unworthy servant, by their destinies!

2nd Epistle to the Corinthians of the Holy Apostle Paul

Hl. 1, verses 3 and 4. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our afflictions, that we may be able to comfort those who are in every affliction with consolation, by whom we ourselves are comforted by God.

God's consolation to the apostles in every sorrow was so great, so abundantly poured out into their hearts, that they were able to console others in any sorrow, no matter how great it might be, with the same joyful and all-joyous truths that were communicated to them from God. Who at the present time possesses such an ability to comfort others, I do not say, in all sorrows (for now in other sorrows the sorrowful will not even listen to the Comforter), but even in some sorrows that are not quite strong? Who possesses such a fullness of Divine consolation as to be overflowing in its abundance in the consolation of others? Very few, and few precisely because rarely does one of the comforters himself possess the gift of Divine consolation; and in order to possess it, one must earn it from God.

Hl. 4, Articles 17 and 18. ... Now the lightness of our sorrows, as it multiplies the burden of eternal glory, makes us, who do not look at what is visible to us, but what is not seen: for what is visible is temporary, but what is invisible is eternal.

Who will give me this bright eye of the apostolic mind, which could see through the veil of the visible world into the heavenly regions of the invisible world? Who will give me this living conviction of earthly sorrows and sufferings for the sake of truth, that they make me the burden of eternal glory? But what am I? I don't have these sorrows. I live in the comforts of the world. My god! If it pleases Thee to visit me with such sorrows, then grant me this living conviction of Thy Apostle that my slight sorrow prepares for me the burden of eternal glory; grant me then, and even now, to direct the gaze of my soul more often to the realm of the invisible world, to Thy Kingdom of Heaven, and not to dwell with my gaze on the visible, sensual, material: for the visible is temporary; sooner or later all earthly things will pass away, come to an end; but the invisible is eternal.

Hl. 5, verses 1-9. Bemy, if our earthly tabernacle of the body should be destroyed, the creation of the Imam from God, the tabernacle not made with hands, eternal in heaven.

For for this we sigh, desiring to clothe ourselves in our heavenly habitation... For those who are in this body we groan with burdens... For we walk by faith, and not by sight: but we are bold and pleased to depart from the body, and to enter into the Lord: the same and those who are tireful, whether they enter or depart, may be pleasing to Him.

Human bodies are temples, houses in which creatures of heavenly origin live. These temples are perishable, but the creatures that live in them are eternal. The white of the temple will be destroyed, they will still be alive and intact and will enter another, eternal, miraculous temple — only in heaven.

Therefore, it is pleasant for us to wish better to leave the body and enter the Lord: the soul, having renounced the body as a material shell that hides the spiritual world from us, will then contemplate, if it is vouchsafed, the Lord, and the holy angels, and holy men — in a word, the spiritual world will then appear to it in all its light. "Since, both living on earth and in the body, and departing from the earth, or departing from the body, we equally belong to God, Who is righteous and holy, we also try, whether living in the body or being separated from it, to be pleasing to our Lord and the future Judge: for it behooves us all to appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that He may receive what He has done with the body, either good or evil, v. 10.

Art. 17—19. ... If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature... And all things are from God, having reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ, and having given us the ministry of reconciliation: for God is in Christ reconciling the world. Not imputing their sins to them, and putting in us the word of reconciliation.

We bear the name of Christians; Have we become a new creature, have we changed our nature, or do we remain the same as the pagans once were? If Christianity has not regenerated us, is it of much use to us? God through Jesus Christ PI in Jesus Christ reconciled the world to Himself. What was this reconciliation worth! The Son of the Father's love had to exhaust Himself to the last possibility – to death, and death on the cross. Great is the Sacrifice, and great are its fruits: for all ages the Lord left sanctified persons on earth, to whom He transferred His right and authority to reconcile sinning people with God. He gave us the ministry of reconciliation and put in us the word of reconciliation – or the word of God.