Jesus the Unknown
And someone's quiet call in everything, a heart-rending complaint:
The wedding feast is ready, and no one has come.
… Jesus appeared again to His disciples at the Lake of Tiberias (John 21:1).
there, according to a very ancient church tradition, near Capernaum, near the Seven Springs, where seven hot healing springs pour into the lake, attracting a multitude of fish with the taste and warmth of the waters, and where Peter three years ago, standing in the water, half-naked, with a net wound around his arm and gazing intently into the face of an unknown Traveler standing on the shore, heard a mysterious call: "Follow Me and you will be a fisher of men" (Mark 1:1). 17). With this word, all the future destinies of the Supreme Apostle will be illuminated like lightning: Peter was, is, and will be to the end of time a fisher of human souls.
Simon Peter said to them, "I am going to fish." They said to him, "We are also going with you." They went, and immediately entered the boat, and caught nothing that night.
At night on the lake they might have remembered how once, on a stormy night, the foamy crests of the waves, illuminated by the moon through the clouds, seemed to them like the white clothes of a "ghost" walking on the water. When morning came, Jesus was standing on the shore, but they did not know that it was Jesus, just as those two disciples of Emmaus, "their eyes were restrained" (Luke 24:16), and so in them "the heart burned" (Luke 24:32).
Jesus says to them, "Children! Do you have any food? [1061] They say to him, "No."
And he said to them, "Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will catch it." (John 21:5-6.)
All this had already happened once: just as He will say now, He said to Simon:
Sail into the depths, and cast your nets;
And Simon answered Him in the same way,
Rabbi! we toiled all night, and caught nothing: but according to thy word, I will cast the net.
When they had done this, they caught a great multitude of fish, and even their nets were broken.