Jesus the Unknown

We, too, are small in stature, and climb the fig tree, history, to see Jesus; but we shall not see until we hear: "Zacchaeus! come down quickly, for today I must be in your house" (Luke 19:5). Only when we see Him in our home, today, will we see Him, and in two thousand years, in history.

"The life of Jesus" – this is what we seek and do not find in the Gospel, because its goal is different – not His life, but ours – our salvation, "for there is no other name under heaven given by man by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:11, 12).

"This is written, that ye may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing ye may have life" (John 20:31). Only when we find our life in the Gospel will we find "the life of Jesus" in it. In order to know how He lived, it is necessary that He live in someone who wants to know it. "It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me" (Gal. 2:20).

To see Him, you have to hear Him, as Pascal did: "In My agony of death, I thought of you, I shed drops of My blood for you." [8] And as Paul heard: "He loved me, and gave Himself up for me" (Gal. 2:20). This is the most unknown thing in Him, the Unknown: the personal relationship of Jesus the Man to man, to the person, before mine to Him, His to me; this is the miracle of miracles, that which distinguishes this heavenly lightning – the Gospel – from all human books – earthly fires.


To read the "life of Jesus" in the Gospel, history is not enough; it is necessary to see what is above it, and before it, and after it – the beginning of the world and the end; it is necessary to decide what is above what, whether history is over Jesus, or He is above it; and who is judged by whom: He by her, or she by Him. In the first case, it is impossible to see Him in history; It is possible – only in the second. Before in history, you need to see Him in yourself. "Ye are in Me, and I in you" (John 15:3) – this written word of His is answered by the "unwritten", the agraf:

So you will see Me in you,

As if someone sees himself

in water or in a mirror. [9]

Only when we raise our eyes from this inner mirror – eternity – will we see Him in time – in history.


"Was there a Jesus?" – this question will be answered not by the one for whom He was, but by the one for whom He was, is and will be.

Little children know whether He existed, but the wise do not know. "Who are You?" – "How long will You keep us in perplexity?" (John 8:25; 10:24).

Who is He – a myth or a story, a shadow or a body? One must be blind to mix the body with the shadow; But even a blind person has only to stretch out his hand and feel to know that the body is not a shadow. It would not have occurred to anyone to ask whether Christ existed, if the desire that Christ did not exist had not already darkened the mind. [10]