«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

1. "Enter into my litigation with the unkind people." The writer is aware of his innocence before his persecutors and asks God to investigate his case. "Unkind people" – all those who rebelled against David and his adherents, i.e. supporters of Absalom. "By evil man" can be understood Absalom, who stirred up the people with false accusations against David.

for Thou art the God of my might. Why hast Thou rejected me? Why do I walk lamenting from the insults of the enemy? 3. Send forth Thy light and Thy truth; let them lead me and bring me to Thy holy mountain and to Thy mansions.

3. "Send forth Thy light and Thy truth" — send Thy mercy ("light"), protect Thy from enemies. "Truth" is faithfulness to promises and revelation, according to which the righteous deserve a reward and the sinner deserves punishment. After the fulfillment of this promise, the writer hopes to be on Mount Zion again in the "mansions" of the Lord, i.e. at the tabernacle, in the places of the Lord's dwelling.

4. And I will come to the altar of God, to the God of my joy and gladness, and with the harp I will praise Thee, O God, my God! 5. Why are you discouraged, O my soul, and why are you troubled? Trust in God; for I will still glorify Him, my Saviour and my God.

Psalm 43

The psalm was written by the sons of Korah and presents meditation (Heb. "maskil", Russian "teaching") in relation to the events he experienced. These events are sad. The Jewish people were forsaken by God (10), which is why they were defeated by their enemies and given over to be plundered by them and scattered among the nations (11-12). These sufferings and defeat are all the more severe for the Jews, because they "did not forget Him, nor did they deviate from His way" (18-19), i.e., they remained faithful to the true God. Such was the situation of the Jews during the war of David with the Syrians in the north, when the Edomites attacked the southern borders of his state, plundered the southern borders of the kingdom of Judah, killed many of the Jews and captured a large number of them to sell into slavery to neighboring peoples, which the Edomites did... This reason for writing is indicated by the similarity of the content of this psalm with Psalm 9:22, v. 59, where the reason for writing and the reason for Joab's attack on the Edomites is precisely indicated.

Gosh! The past history of our people is full of glorious victories over the pagans, the inhabitants of Palestine. We owe these victories not to our art of war, but to Your protection and protection (6-9). Now God has forsaken us: we are struck down by our enemies, we are taken captive, we are laughed at, while we remain faithful to You and do not depart from Your commandments (10-23). Arise, O Lord, in our defense and deliver us according to Your mercy (24-27). 1. To the head of the choir. Teaching. The sons of Korah. 2. O God, we have heard with our ears, our fathers have told us of the work which thou hast done in their days, in the days of old: 3. Thou hast destroyed the nations by Thy hand, and planted them; He smote the tribes and drove them out; 4. for they did not gain the earth with their sword, nor did their arm save them, but your right hand, and your arm, and the light of your countenance, for you were well pleased with them.

4. The Jews owe the acquisition and conquest of Palestine to "the light of the face of God"—the favor and protection which He gave them.

The historical books of the Jewish people are full of numerous facts of this kind.

5. O God, my King! You are the same; grant salvation to Jacob. 6. With Thee we beat our enemies with the horns; in Thy name let us trample under foot those who rise up against us;

6. "With Thee we beat our enemies with our horns." The strength of the animal is in its horns, with which it fights the enemy and defends itself from attack. Such horns for the Jews, such an instrument of his invincibility is God, in whose name the Jew was indestructible.

for I do not trust in my bow, neither will my sword save me; 8. but you will save us from our enemies, and you will put to shame those who hate us. 9. In God we will glory all the day, and we will glorify your name forever. 10. But now you have rejected and put us to shame, and you do not go out with our armies;

10. "Now Thou hast rejected... you do not go out with our troops." God is the supreme military commander of the forces of the Jewish people. The outward sign of such command was the custom of wearing the Kivot of the Covenant with the troops. The writer explains the plundering of the southern borders of the state by the enemies by the fact that the Lord ceased to lead the Jews.

11. He has put us to flight from the enemy, and those who hate us are plundering us; 12. You have given us up like sheep to be devoured, and you have scattered us among the nations;