St. Ephraim the Syrian. Creation. Volume 2

Do you want to hear about the "festivities", "rest", "amusements" and "what" of Blessed Paul? Let us listen, brethren, to what Blessed Paul advises. Listen to how he persuades and implores, saying: "Be ye imitators of me, brethren" (1 Cor. 11:1). What did Paul do, in which we must imitate him, in order to be worthy of one part with him? For I hear many say: "I obey the Apostle, and as he taught, so I do." See what you say—don't lie, don't change your word! If you stand firm in the truth, you will be blessed both in the present and in the next age. But I suspect and fear lest thou be found a liar: for thou hast diminished the truth from the sons of men (Psalm 11:2). "All have strayed" (Psalm 13:3). However, Blessed Paul convinces, saying: Be ye imitators of me. Imitate Paul, Christian. Whoever says: "I accept and do all that the Apostle says," whoever wants to become an imitator of Paul, does not rejoice, does not rejoice, does not amuse himself on earth. Be imitators of me, brethren. Did Paul rejoice? Did he play the psaltery? Did he sing demonic songs? Let it not be so!

Whence then did the rejoicing of those who assert that they observe the teaching of the Apostle come from? Who taught Christians this? Neither Paul, nor Peter, nor John, nor any other of the God-bearing ones taught this. But the ancient serpent, the enemy of true Christians, the teacher of all uncleanness, taught us. He who taught him to commit fornication taught him to dance, and he who taught him to serve idols taught him to play. That is why the Apostle called those who play idolaters, saying: "Neither be idolaters, as they are of them, as it is written: Gray men eat and drink, and rise up to play" (1 Cor. 10:7). Listen, those who play, or rather, serve as playmakers! The Apostle has put you on a par with idolaters! Be ashamed, at last, and cease to give yourselves over to this pagan and godless possession. Paul did not teach this, nor did our mother, the Church. And you who want to be imitators of the holy apostles, leave this idolatry. Do not be deceived, brethren, this is not the work of Christ's disciples, not the work of Christians, not the work of God-godly people, not the work of those who wish to be saved and inherit eternal life. On the contrary, all this is done by the pagans, who have no hope of salvation, by those who do not have before their eyes the life to come and the fear of God. Paul cries out: "Neither be idolaters, as some of them are." Who is it? Obviously, the Jews. How did they become idolaters, tell us, Paul? Gray-haired people eat and drink, and get up to play. Is this enough, or is there something else to be added? But even this is enough for those who want to hear. Paul's imitators will believe Paul; the imitators of Christ will undoubtedly listen to Him, as the Theologian says: we are of God; he who knows God will listen to us, but he who is not of God will not listen to us (1 John 4:6).

Come at last, imitators of Paul and imitators of Christ, let us listen to what Paul cries. He implores, saying: "Be ye imitators of me, brethren, as I am of Christ." Tell me, then, blessed Paul, how can anyone become your imitator? Offer for Wednesday (for us) your holy teaching, tell us your deeds, describe your "amusement", your rest, your sayings (sermon), so that we may hear and imitate you, for we all know that you are blessed and will reign with Christ forever. Tell us, how hast thou struggled and been vouchsafed this glory? Tell us, Paul, that we also may imitate you, and be vouchsafed eternal blessings with you. If thou hast rejoiced, we shall rejoice; if you wept, we will weep; If you have fasted, we will also fast. Tell us what you have done in faith, and we will do all this. Tell us, Paul, how a Christian should live, so that those who do not listen to you will be ashamed, and those who believe in what you have said will be strengthened. Paul answers and says: "I am obedient to the Lord, wherefore ye shall not walk, as the rest of the tongues walk in the vanity of their minds, darkened in meaning, being alienated from the life of God" (Ephesians 4:17-18). Putting aside lies, speak the truth... let not the sun go down in your anger. Give place to the devil below. Stealing, let him not steal... Let not every rotten word proceed out of your mouth (Ephesians 4:25-29). Where are those who sing demonic songs and claim to imitate Paul? Listen to Paul crying out: Let not any rotten word proceed out of your mouth: but there is good for creation... Let all sorrow, and wrath, and wrath, and crying, and blasphemy, be taken away from you, with all malice (Ephesians 4:29, 31). Having said the most important thing: Be imitators of me, — say something else: Be ye for... as a beloved child of God (Ephesians 5:1). Hear and tremble those who wish to be Christians, and forsake pagan deeds — for be imitators of God. Paul also cries: "But fornication, and all uncleanness and covetousness, let it be called among you... And foul language, and swearing, or blasphemy (Ephesians 5:3-4). And do not be drunk with wine, for there is fornication in it (Ephesians 5:18). Be imitators of me. Admonish the disorderly, comfort the faint-hearted, intercede for the weak, be patient with all (1 Thess. 5:14). Be imitators of me. Take heed, lest any man repay evil for evil: but always persecute what is good (1 Thess. 5:15). Be imitators of me. Always rejoice. Pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:16). Let us reject wickedness and worldly lusts (Titus 2:12). Be imitators of me, brethren. Holding fast to the love of strangers (Romans 12:13). Brotherly love for one another... Rejoicing in hope, enduring sorrows, abiding in prayer (Romans 12:10, 12). Imitators, be my model. Be imitators of Blessed Paul, that you also may reign with Christ for endless ages.

Where are those who say about themselves, "We do whatever Paul says"? And who (then) will be more blessed than you, if you stand in the truth, brother? But take heed that you do not turn out to be a liar by speaking and not doing, for Paul also exhorts you: Be ye imitators of me. In all things he imagined to be God's servants, in much patience, in sorrows, in troubles, in straits, in wounds, in prisons, in labors... in vigils... in the fasting... in longsuffering, in goodness, in the Holy Spirit, in love without hypocrisy, in the word of truth, in the power of God (2 Corinthians 6:4-7). Be imitators of me, brethren. Who is courageous enough to imitate Paul and become a vessel of election? And so, Christian, if you want to imitate Peter, Paul, and John, keep their words, guard their teaching, imitate their feats, do not love the world and the things in the world, do not rejoice in this age, do not sleep much, do not spend time in laughter. Imitate Paul, I repeat again and again. Study, Christian, how Paul "rejoiced," how he "rejoiced," how he "rejoiced" and "celebrated" and "rejoiced" in this world.

Imitate not only in word, but also in deed. Tell us, St. Paul (for I will not cease to beseech you, blessed one), tell us how you have "rejoiced" and "amused" in this world? — Paul answers: "For three years, night and day, I have not ceased to teach with tears the one whom you have" (Acts 20:31), "This is my triumph: In labors you multiply, in wounds you are sick, in prisons you are abundant, in deaths you are many. From the Jews there are five times fourty unless they receive one. With three clubs of beatings, with one stone was struck, three times the ship was overturned with me: night and day in the depths of the world. In the traveling processions in multiplicity: troubles in the rivers, troubles from robbers, troubles from relatives, troubles from tongues, troubles in the desert... in the sea... In labor and asceticism, in vigils multiplied... in winter and nakedness (2 Cor. 11:23-27). Such are Paul's "jumps" and "processions." Be imitators of me, brethren, as I am of Christ. Silver or gold or garments are not a single desire. All things have been told to you (Acts 20:33, 35). Be imitators of me, and I am ready not only to be bound, but to die for the name of the Lord Jesus. To the deliberate flow, to the honor of the highest calling of God (Phil. 3:14). Thus I flow, not as unknown: so I struggle, not as the air beats. But I mortify my body and enslave it (Cor. 9:26-27). And everyone who strives will abstain from all (1 Cor. 9:25). Thus come, brethren, that ye may comprehend (1 Cor. 9:24). Imitate the saints, and thus take the crown with them, and reign with them.

Therefore, Christian, refrain from pagan and Greek deeds, lest by transgression of the law you dishonor God, and bring dishonor upon yourself, and gather up for yourselves wrath in the day of wrath and the revelation of the righteous judgment of God, in which God judges in secret by man, according to my gospel (Rom. 2:5, 16), when the angels also will stand before with trembling, when we will be punished not only for our deeds, but also for an idle word.

Let us think to ourselves, brethren, that man shall blossom like grass his days, like the flower of the country" (Psalm 102:15). One moment of time, and everything stopped. Why do you fuss in vain, man? One fit of fever shall cease thy playing, and leaping, and one hour shall separate thee from the rejoicing, and one night shall wither thy flesh, and thy feet shall faint, and thy eyes shall be darkened, thy tongue shall be silent, thy disorderly voice shall be lacking, thy lamentations shall be multiplied, thy tears shall flow, and no one shall be able to help thee, but all shall leave thee, and shall go on their own, and no one shall stand beside thee; except for the invisible demons whom you served. The terrible Angel, standing afar off, will wait for the Lord's beckoning, so that, having stolen thy wretched soul, he may carry it to the place prepared for it, so that it may reap what has been sown for it where weeping, and lamentation, and weeping, and sighing, and sorrow, and distress, and gnashing of teeth, and grief, are cultivated in abundance and abound. There the eyes of those who are drunk will be darkened, there the hands of those who dance will be withered, there those who drink wine with harps and pipes will be tormented and groaning. There will weep and gnash their teeth fornicators and adulterers, thieves, soothsayers, poisoners, wise men, sorcerers, compilers of magical inscriptions, and all who have walked the broad and broad path. Woe to them! for it is impossible to leap and rejoice both here and there, as the Lord says: "Woe to you who laugh now, for ye shall weep" (Luke 6:25), but evidently they will weep there. It is impossible, brethren, to be either a Christian or a pagan. For no one can serve two masters (Matt. 6:24).

Thus, according to what has been said above, nowhere is it permitted for a Christian to do anything like this, because our Lord has abolished all this, and, having trampled down the devil who taught this, delivered us out of his hands, saying: "I am the good Shepherd" (John 10:11). Come unto Me (Matt. 11:28). I am the way (John 14:6). Come unto me, all of you" (Matt. 11:28). I am the truth. Come unto me. I am life: Come unto me, all of you. I am the light of the world (John 8:12). Come unto me, all of you; Deny Satan, reject his teachings. Come unto me, all of you. Having put off the old man with his deeds. And having put on the new (Col. 3:9-10). Come to me, all of you. The ancient mimoidosha, behold, is all new (2 Corinthians 5:17). The law was given by Moses: but grace and truth were Jesus Christ (John 1:17). All who are justified by the law: you fall away from grace (Gal. 5:4). Come unto me, all of you. For he that cometh unto Me I will not cast out (John 6:37).

Oh, the immeasurable goodness of God! She calls everyone! Everyone wants to be saved! Glory to God's love for mankind! Therefore, brethren, no longer be justified by the law, for the shadow (line) of the law has passed away. Those who are under the law are under an oath, but Christ our Saviour has redeemed us from the lawful oath. Do not make excuses by law. Let us not crown the vestibules, let us not compose faces, singing demonic songs, let us not be deceived by pipes and harps. Let us no longer justify ourselves by the law, lest we fall away from grace, lest we be under an oath. Christ redeemed us from the oath of the law. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.

Question: Why is it written about heretics: "Do not they that hate Thee, O Lord, hate Thee" (Psalm 138:21). In another place it is said: hate them as enemies of God. And again in another place it says: "Thou shalt not hate thy brother" (Lev. 19:17)?

Answer: The Scriptures call heretics, as blasphemers and enemies of God, not men, but dogs, wolves, swine, and antichrists, as the Lord says: "Thou shalt not give the saint a dog" (Matt. 7:6). And John says: "Now the Antichrists are many" (1 John 2:18). And they are not to be loved or nourished, nor to pray, nor to eat with them, nor to receive them into one's home, nor to welcome them, lest they take part in their evil deeds.

Question: What sin is unforgivable?

Answer: Sin against the Holy Spirit. This is the sin of every heretic, because heretics have blasphemed and blaspheme the Holy Spirit. There will be no remission for them, either in this age or in the next, according to the word of the Lord (Matt. 12:32), for they have resisted God Himself, from Whom is deliverance. And who will help them?

Question: Which sin, apart from heresy, is the most grievous?