St. Ephraim the Syrian of Creation. Volume 1

Who will not sigh when he sees that, having not shown in himself a single virtue of the monastic life, we covet the authorities?

Why do we often suffer shipwreck on land? Is it not from unbelief and ignorance? Not knowing how to wield an oar, we undertake to rule the feeder.

Who is more deceitful than a man who has sweet water and does not give drink to a thirsty soul? Or who is more envious than a man who has a useful book with him, and does not give it to his brother for his edification? But who is lazier than the thirsty man who sits near the fountain, and does not stretch out his hands to take water and quench his thirst? And who is more negligent than a man who owns a book, and neglects to read?

Work with him who needs to learn to read and write, so that, reading about the wondrous deeds of God, he may bless the wondrous name; and God will be your rewarder.

A monk in despondency is attacked by negligence, and when he has patience, arrogance attacks; but whoever truly loves the Lord turns away from himself both of them.

A lazy monk will suffer a loss in many ways, and a sober one will not neglect a single hour.

A monk who is lazy and fond of arguments will not gain glory for himself, because he provokes himself against himself.

A disobedient monk will know many places, but a humble-minded one will submit to the Lord.

A prudent novice is obedient to his elders in the Lord, but a disobedient one will be in dishonor.

Кто хранит чистоту тела своего, тот заслужит удивление от многих; а кто пренебрегает чистотой, того большая часть людей будет осуждать.

Примечай, возлюбленный, меру каждого из подчиненных, по слову Сказавшего: иже убо плод приносит и творит ово сто, ово же шестьдесят, ово тридесять (Мф. 13:23). Монах-чревоугодник называет пост временем печали, а воздержный и в посте не смотрит угрюмо.

Не делай того, что печалит ближнего, но будь вежлив в обращении со всяким.

Человек невежливый подсматривает за своим соседом; а кто ходит во свете, тот не останавливается мыслью на худом.

Кто любит Господа, тот не раздражает ближнего, но хранит себя, по слову Сказавшего: елика аще хощете, да творят вам человецы, тако и вы творите им: се бо есть закон и пророцы (Мф. 7:12).