St. Ephraim the Syrian of Creation. Volume 1

A disobedient monk will know many places, but a humble-minded one will submit to the Lord.

A prudent novice is obedient to his elders in the Lord, but a disobedient one will be in dishonor.

Кто хранит чистоту тела своего, тот заслужит удивление от многих; а кто пренебрегает чистотой, того большая часть людей будет осуждать.

Примечай, возлюбленный, меру каждого из подчиненных, по слову Сказавшего: иже убо плод приносит и творит ово сто, ово же шестьдесят, ово тридесять (Мф. 13:23). Монах-чревоугодник называет пост временем печали, а воздержный и в посте не смотрит угрюмо.

Не делай того, что печалит ближнего, но будь вежлив в обращении со всяким.

Человек невежливый подсматривает за своим соседом; а кто ходит во свете, тот не останавливается мыслью на худом.

Кто любит Господа, тот не раздражает ближнего, но хранит себя, по слову Сказавшего: елика аще хощете, да творят вам человецы, тако и вы творите им: се бо есть закон и пророцы (Мф. 7:12).

Labor, monk, in the time of storm, that you may rejoice when you enter the harbor of life.

The enemy arms the negligent brethren against the zealous, and the zealous find work for themselves with the negligent, bearing their infirmities for the Lord's sake.

Whoever shows mercy to his neighbor will find mercy with the Lord, but judgment... without mercy to him who did not show mercy (James 2:13).

Do not agree with your brother to sin, but rather deliver him from sin, that your soul may live in the Lord.

Let the fear of God always be before your eyes, and sin will not prevail over you. Do not say: "Today I sin, and tomorrow I will repent." For you have nothing certain about tomorrow; let us repent today, and the Lord will take care of tomorrow.

Some walk, and as soon as they hear someone calling for prayer, they set to work; but you, beloved, do not be negligent in the service of God, so that the eye of your mind may be enlightened.

He who has bold lips is a mockery; but he who fears the Lord will be respected.

Believe in the Lord with all your heart, and you will find grace at all times. If you abide in Him, you will not lose your reward.

Aquarius pipes are used during a fire, and tears are used during temptation. Water extinguishes the flame in the house, and tears during prayer quench evil desires.

Like a palm tree growing on the shores, so is the unity of mind of the brethren in the Lord.

Whoever honors the elders will be pleased by the younger ones, and in the day of his prayer he will be heard.

If you lend something to your brother, and he delays in returning, and you want to remind him, then remind him once, because he often finds oblivion.

If you have taken a loan from your brother, and he does not remind you out of fear of God, you yourself, as one who fears God, do not deprive him of what you have borrowed, according to what is written: "And you owe nothing to anyone, that you love one another" (Romans 13:8). All perishable things, brethren, must be despised, but care for one life.

If you are entrusted with mediation in any matter, do not be negligent about your salvation, presenting your sins as a pretext, because Joseph was also a mediator in Egypt, and took upon himself the care not only of one house, but of the whole of Egypt, but did not deviate from the path of truth, and the Lord glorified him.