A Guide to the Spiritual Life in Answering Disciples' Questions

Who were the publishers of this book? The most venerable among the monks Cyrus Ananias and the most venerable hieromonks Cyprian and Euthymius, the Athonites, the carvers of crosses. It was they, who had a warm reverence for the venerable and God-bearing Fathers Barsanuphius and John, and a great love for their holy book, as having learned from it various divine virtues, especially obedience, valiant cutting off of one's will, and highly creative humility, copied it, and not only moved me, their brother in spirit, to correct what had been copied and to add to it the lives of the monks and the table of contents of their instructions contained in the book. but having taken away something of the last grains of their daily bread, they published only a few copies of this book, because they had no means of publishing many.

Therefore, read this book diligently, and be vouchsafed the grace-filled gifts contained in it; And when you derive the benefit that flows from it, pray to God, brother Christians, for the spiritual salvation of those who have published it to the glory of God, in honor of the venerable fathers, and for your benefit.

Devoted to your love, the least among the monks of the Holy Mountain Nicodemus,

June 22, 1803.


We ask those who read this book to accept with reverence and faith what is written in it, and to strive more to attain by the grace of Christ an imitation of the life and deeds of the elders who spoke this, for they, having trained themselves in all the circumstances of life, over a long period of time, with patience and faith according to God, striving, according to the words of the holy Apostle (2 Tim. 2:5), lawfully and following the entire path of the Holy Fathers, were worthy to receive such gifts from God.

And when we begin to read what is written in this book, we must know that one (of these) was said to the hermits, and the other to those who dwell in the dormitories; one to those who live in spiritual harmony, [8] and the other to priests and Christ-loving laity; one to the young, that is, the novices, another to those who have already succeeded and have been taught by long study (Heb. 5:14), and another to those who are approaching the perfection of virtues; in a word, what it was proper for each of them to hear; for the same instructions are not proper for everyone, but just as in bodily age the food of a child, a young man, and an old man are different from one another, so it happens in spiritual age. And many times (the elders) answered and in accordance with the spiritual weakness of the one who asked questions, providentially condescending to him, so that he would not fall into despair, as we see in the lives of the elders. And by no means should we take as a general rule what was said so leniently to some because of their infirmity, but immediately pay attention to the fact that in every way the answer of the saints was made in accordance with the dispensation of the questioner, for it happens that such a person, having sobered up (from the darkness of sin), through the prayers of the saints, comes to a dispensation befitting monks, and then again hears from the fathers what is useful to him. I beseech you in the Lord, that you also remember my humility in your holy prayers, as one who gave these answers to the Scriptures with the help of God, in favor of those who will read them with the fear of God, that they may not serve me to condemn the words of the saints, but that I may now and on the day of Judgment be covered with their prayers and yours. Amen.


Answers 1–100

Answer 1, of the Great Elder to Abba John, a monk of the monastery of St. Sava, who asked (for a blessing) to come and settle in their dormitory.

The Apostle wrote: "He that hath begun a good work in you, He shall accomplish it, even unto the day of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Phil. 1:6). And our Lord said to those who came to Him: "Except a man renounce all his possessions and generations, and also hate his soul, he cannot be My disciple" (cf. Luke 14:26, 33). It is possible for God to fulfill this word on us as well; behold, what is good, or what is beautiful, but the brethren live together (Psalm 132:1). And I pray that thou mayest attain that measure (obedience to the Lord) which is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles: "Thou hast gained, and selleth unto him the price of that which is sold, and hath placed the Apostle at his feet" (Acts 4:34-35). Knowing that your intention is pleasing to God, I said to our beloved son Serid, who for God's sake hid us from men (we trust in God that He will cover you with us): "Receive Brother John with great love and without any doubt; two years before this, God revealed to me that he would come here and that many brethren would gather to us. I have kept this revelation secret until I know how the Lord will arrange it; but when the time came, he declared it to you." And as you thought to receive from me any of the things that I carried, behold, in the presence of my brother, I took the doll from my head and sent you an answer through him, saying: "Give him this doll, and bring me another one in its place." Preserve him until thy death; he will cover you from many evils and temptations; do not give it to anyone, this is God's blessing to you from my hand. Therefore, hasten to complete your work and free yourself from everything, as we also have been freed, and abide with us without care, silent in God.

And I, Serid, [9] will tell you a wondrous thing: when the Elder was saying this, I thought to myself: how can I keep all this in my memory in order to write (later)? If the Elder wished, I could bring ink and a charter here, and as I listened to him, I could write word by word. The elder penetrated my thought, and his face shone like fire, and he said to me: "Go, write, and do not be afraid; for if I tell you an innumerable number of words, so that you may write them, then know that the Spirit of God will not allow you to write a single word more or less than what is said, even if you yourself desire it, but will guide your hand how to write what is said in sequential order."

Answer 2, of the same Great Elder, moreover, foretelling him various sorrows that await him, and bodily illness, and through them spiritual repose.