Ambrosius of Milan (Ambrosius Mediolanensis) (c. 340 – 4.4.397), bishop of Milan (Mediolanum) from 374; Preacher, theologian (recognized by the Catholic Church as the Father of the Church), church politician. From 370 to 374 he was governor of Liguria and Aemilia (with residence in Milan). Having accepted the episcopal rank, in a number of conflicts with the imperial power he defended the interests of the Christian Church. In his most significant work (On the Duties of the Clergy, Russian translation, 1908), A. outlines a system of Christian ethics. He fought against paganism and Arianism. He composed church hymns; established the foundations of ritual singing in the Western Christian Church (the so-called Ambrosian singing).

History of Christianity, Apocrypha, Apologetics ru Tatyana Trushova If you found an error - write to e-mail ExportToFB21 29.03.2011 OOoFBTools-2011-3-29-14-3-19-257 1.0 Two books on repentance. Published by the Educational and Information Ecumenical Center of Apostle Paul Moscow State University. Moscow 1997



Ambrose of Milan Two Books on Repentance. in Teachers of the Undivided Church. Moscow, 1997 1. Apologia David altera, Sept. 390 - CORPUS SCRIP–TORUM ECCLESIASTICORUM LATINORUM (hereafter abbr. CSEL). 1897–1982 — CSEL 32, 2; Citta Nuova Editrice (hereinafter: Citta Nuova Editrice). CNE ). 1977-1985 {Italian translations with parallel Latin text}. — CNE № 5 (1981).

2. De Abraham, c. 378 - CSEL 32, 1; CNE № 2, 2 (1984).

3. De apologia proph. David, 390 - CSEL 32, 1; CNE № 5 (1981).

4. De bono mortis, c. 387–389 — CSEL 32, 1; CNE № 3 (1982).

5. De Cain et Abel, c. 377/378 — CSEL 32, 1; CNE № 2, 1 (1984).

6. De excessu fratris Satyri, 378 — CSEL 73; CNE № 18 (1985).

7. De fide, 378 r. (libri 1–11); 380 (libri III–IV). — CSEL 78; CNE № 15 (1984).

8. De fuga saeculi, c.394 – CSEL 78; CNE № 4 (1980).

9. De Helia et ieiunio, c. 389 — CSEL 32, 2.