Since the departure of you and your companions, we have been anxious, for we have no knowledge of the progress of your journey. Nevertheless, when God Almighty brings you to our most reverend brother, Bishop Augustine, inform him of my decision, which I have made after much deliberation concerning the people of the Angles. I decided that the temples of the idols of this people should not be destroyed. Having destroyed the idols that are in them, take holy water, and sprinkle these temples, and erect altars in them, and place holy relics. For if the churches are built firmly, it is very important to replace the service of idols in them with service to the True God. When these people see that their sanctuaries are not destroyed, they will banish error from their hearts and will be more willing to come to familiar places to recognize the True God and pray to Him. It is also possible to substitute a festival for their custom of sacrificing bulls to demons [274]. Thus, on the day of the consecration of the gifts or on the feasts of the holy martyrs, whose relics are placed in the church, they should be allowed to erect huts of branches around the church and celebrate there. Do not let them sacrifice animals to the devil, but let them eat them themselves, thanking the Creator of all creatures for His generous gifts. Thus, through external joys, it will be easier for them to come to internal joys; After all, it is impossible to deprive their stubborn minds of everything in an instant. A person intending to climb to the top climbs the ledges instead of jumping over them. In the same way, the Lord, having revealed Himself to the Israelites in Egypt, commanded them to serve Him with the same sacrifices that they had previously offered to the devil, and commanded them to sacrifice animals to Him. With different feelings they laid aside part of the sacrifice and left the rest, and although they pawned the same animals, they sacrificed them to the True God, and not to idols, and, therefore, it was already a different sacrifice. This is what you must convey to our brother, so that he may judge in his position how best to do it. God bless you, my beloved son.

Given on the fifteenth day before the Kalends of August, in the nineteenth year of the reign of our sovereign, the most pious Augustus Maurice Tiberius, and in the eighteenth year after the consulship of the same sovereign, in the fourth indiction [275]."

XXXI. How Augustine was encouraged in his letter not to be proud of the miracles he had performed

At the same time he learned that Augustine was working miracles, and he sent him a letter about it, warning him not to be proud of the many miracles he had performed.

"I have learned, most beloved brother, that Almighty God, out of love for you, has wrought great miracles through you for the people, who are now numbered among the elect by His will. Therefore, it is necessary that you accept this heavenly gift not only with joy, but also with trepidation. Rejoice, since the souls of the Angles are moved by external miracles to inner grace, but also tremble, since these signs can cause presumptuousness in the weak-minded, whereby honor bestowed from without through pride can lead to an internal fall. It should be remembered that the disciples, returning full of joy from their preaching, said to their heavenly Teacher: "Lord! and the demons obey us at Thy name" [276]. And they received the answer: "Do not rejoice at this, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven" [277]. Thus, rejoicing in the miracles they had wrought, they turned their souls to personal and transient joys, but they were brought back from personal joys to universal joys, and from transient to eternal joys by His words: "Rejoice that your names are written in heaven." Therefore, not all the elect work miracles, but their names are still written in heaven; wherefore faithful disciples ought not to rejoice in anything but good works done together with all the elect, and this joy is eternal. Therefore, my brother, in the midst of all the outward miracles that you do by the power of the Lord, watch yourself attentively and do not tire of repeating to yourself how great is God's mercy to the people, for whose conversion you have been endowed with the power to work miracles. And remember that whenever you sin against your Creator in word or deed, you must keep it in mind, so that the memory of your sin does not allow pride to grow in your heart. And whatever other power you may be vouchsafed to perform miracles, keep in mind that this gift is not to you, but to those for whose salvation you have been rewarded with it" [278].

XXXII. How letters and gifts were sent to King Edilbert

At the same time, Blessed Pope Gregory sent a letter to King Edilbert, together with numerous gifts. Giving the king transient honors, he at the same time rejoiced that Edilbert had been enlightened by his labors and diligence with heavenly grace. Here is a list from this letter:

"Bishop Gregory to our most glorious and worthy son Edilbert, king of the Angles.

Almighty God raises up good men to rule the nations, so that through them he may sow the gifts of righteousness among their subjects. We know that this has happened to the people of the Angles, ruled by Your Majesty, and that by the grace bestowed upon you your subjects have been vouchsafed heavenly favors. Therefore, most glorious son, keep the grace of God that has been given to you and hasten to spread the Christian faith among the people subject to you. Direct all your righteous zeal to their conversion, forbid the worship of idols, overthrow their temples and temples, improve the morals of your subjects with the purity of your own life, instruct them, frighten them, carry them away and correct them. Set an example of good works to them, that you may be rewarded in heaven by him whose name and deeds you have glorified on earth. For He whose glory you serve among your people will make your glorious name even more glorious for posterity.

Случилось так, что Константин, благочестивейший император, отвратил римское государство от ложного идолослужения и подчинил его и себя Всемогущему Господу Богу нашему Иисусу Христу, обратясь к нему всем сердцем вместе с подвластными ему народами. Потому он сделался знаменитее всех прежних правителей и превзошел своих предшественников как славой, так и добрыми делами. Пусть же Ваше Величество не медлит в научении подвластных вам королей и народов знанию о едином Боге, Отце, Сыне и Святом Духе, дабы могли вы превзойти древних королей вашего рода по славе и заслугам. Побуждая ваших подданных очиститься от грехов, вы и сами сможете менее беспокоиться о собственных ваших грехах перед Страшным Судом Господним.

Наш преподобнейший брат епископ Августин, воспитанный в монашеских правилах, полон знанием Святого Писания и милостью Божьей прославлен добрыми делами; посему с готовностью внимайте всем советам, что он вам дает, исполняйте их и храните в памяти. Если вы прислушаетесь к тому, что он говорит от имени Всемогущего Бога, то и сам Всемогущий Бог прислушается к его молитвам, возносимым за вас. Если же, упаси Бог, вы пренебрежете его советами, то что заставит Всемогущего Бога слушать его молитвы за вас, если он увидит ваше непослушание тому, что говорится от Его имени? Посему помогайте ему всем сердцем в делах праведных и присоедините к его трудам власть, возложенную на вас Господом, дабы Он мог даровать вам долю от Царствия Своего, если вы распространите веру Его в вашем королевстве.

Кроме того, мы хотим, чтобы Ваше Величество знали, что близится конец света, как о том говорят слова Всемогущего Бога в Святом Его Писании, и грядет уже Святое Царство, которому не будет конца. С приближением конца света нам грозит многое из того, чего не было ранее; будут волнение в воздухе, и ужас с небес, и внезапные бури, и войны, и голод, и чума, и землетрясения в различных местах [279]. Не все из этих событий случатся в наши дни, но все они придут вслед за нашими днями. Поэтому, если вы увидите какие–либо из них в вашей земле, не падайте духом; ведь все эти знамения конца света посылаются нам в предостережение, дабы, когда придет Судия, мы были бы приуготовлены к его встрече нашими добрыми делами. Мы пишем об этом вкратце, славнейший сын, но когда вера в вашем королевстве укрепится, наши с вами сношения станут более постоянными, и мы сможем обсудить это все подробнее по мере того, как радость в нашем сердце умножится полным обращением вашего народа.

Посылаю вам скромные дары, которые не должны казаться вам скромными, ибо с ними вы получаете благословение блаженного апостола Петра. Пусть Всемогущий Бог довершит начатое Им через вас доброе дело [280] и продлит жизнь вашу на много лет, а в положенное время примет вас в Своем Небесном Царстве. Да хранит вас милость Господня, господин наш и сын.

Дано в десятый день до июльских календ, в девятнадцатом году царствования государя нашего, благочестивейшего августа Маврикия Тиберия и в восемнадцатом году после консульства того же государя, в четвертый индиктион» [281].